• 如果意识现在的抓狂不去做决定那么以后少后悔。

    When you are aware of this moment you are calm and you do not make any decisions that you might regret later.


  • 最后同意我会努力那么以后闲谈迅速

    I finally agreed that I would make effort to do so later on and left the chat quickly.


  • 一旦一个程序通过测试那么以后不太可能不通过该测试了。

    Once the program passes a test, it is unlikely to fail that test again in the future.


  • 价格是有记忆的。历史,价格曾触及水平那么以后还有机会再次触及。

    Price has memory. What did price do the last time it hit a certain level? Chances are it will do it again.


  • 如果他们四五岁时已经准备失败那么以后他们回归这个教学系统非常了。

    If they are already failing by the age of four and a half or five, it's going to be quite difficult to get them back into the system again.


  • 那么以后这些对你是否这种那种,对你这种或那种意见,于你又有什么关系呢?

    And what is it in any way to thee if these men of after time utter this or that sound, or have this or that opinion about thee?


  • 所以如果没有上述的所有9条症状出现,那么以后就不要动不动就说“今天是我辈子开心的一天了”……

    So unless your feeling all this please don’t say that your having the happiest day in your life because it wont feel special any more.


  • 研究所称,如果男性每天饮酒量超过4个标准容积、女性不超过3个,那么以后产生严重问题的“风险很低”。

    The NIAAA say you are at 'low-risk' for serious problems if you consume no more than four standard-size alcoholic drinks a day for a man or no more than three for a woman.


  • 如果RUP项目完成时,工件已建立档案中来连接Zachman结构那么以后企业项目团队可以容易得到它们

    If, at the conclusion of a RUP project, artifacts are moved into archives built to match the Zachman structure, they could be easily accessible by future enterprise and project teams.


  • 1950年,海明威告诉友人:“如果有幸年轻时待巴黎那么以后不管哪里都会跟着一生一世;因为巴黎场流动盛宴。”

    In 1950, Hemingway told a friend, "if you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young man, then wherever you go for the rest of your life, it stays with you, for Paris is a moveable feast."


  • 如果一个双方要求同意充当交战双方调解人,那么他就会同意以后站队权利

    A person who agrees to serve as mediator between two warring factions at the request of both abandons by so agreeing the right to take sides later.


  • 果你晚上难以入睡,那么白天小睡要少于45分钟,下午3点以后不要小睡。

    If you have trouble falling asleep at night, take a daytime nap for less than 45 minutes and don't nap after 3 p.m. in the afternoon.


  • 如果以后再次出现同样感觉,那么几天之内都要避免相同的动作

    If the discomfort recurs in a future practice, avoid any action that causes it for at least several days.


  • 如果可以通过饮食改善身体的自我保护能力,那么几年以后这会一个很可客观的的效果

    If you can improve your protection through your diet then over several years this may have a significant effect.


  • 那么到了以后你们什么呢?

    So, whatcha doing when you get there?


  • 那么以后我们面对交响乐以及类似音乐时,可以一些动机片段,一些节奏片段,以便将来进行整理。

    So when later on we're dealing with symphonies and things like that you may be sketching little motivic snippets, little rhythmic snippets, that you'll file away.


  • 请记住如果过期日期设置为很长时间以后那么即使已经修改内容浏览器仍然使用缓存的内容。

    Remember that if you use far future expiration dates, browsers will still cache your content even when you have changed it.


  • 劳伦斯博士认为这个联系以后可能以前那么

    Dr Laurance suggested this link may not be as strong in the future as it once was.


  • 科学家们认为,如果宝宝很哭,并且存在饮食睡眠问题那么他们以后人生中将更可能出现严重行为问题。

    Babies who cry excessively and have problems feeding and sleeping have a greater risk of serious behavioural problems later in life, say scientists.


  • 如果收集了以后占用率依然很高那么最大的堆可能太小

    If the occupancy is consistently high even after the heap has been collected, the maximum heap may be too small.


  • 那么要是以后听说我给发现已经死泥沼坑里良心不会低声说您也部分的过错吗?

    Then, if you hear of me being discovered dead in a bog or a pit full of snow, your conscience won't whisper that it is partly your fault?'


  • 如果现在在您的环境中安装LMS最终迁移WorkplaceCollaborative Learning,那么应该考虑以后迁移过程所涉及到潜在费用问题。

    Environments that may want to install LMS now and eventually migrate to Workplace Collaborative Learning should consider the potential costs involved in this future migration.


  • 如果接到复试的通知,那么通过以后你就可以提出任何敏感问题了。

    If you're invited for a second interview, you can broach any sensitive topics from your past then.


  • 的最后期限以后时,那么比起最后期限是四个星期以后时候,您感觉交付决定都那么紧急

    When your deadline is two years out, you feel less of an urgency to deliver and take decisions than when your deadline is four weeks out.


  • 如果没有竞标那么他们就会提价以后才增加津贴供应

    If no one were to bid, the supply of allowances would tighten until the price rose.


  • 如果没有竞标那么他们就会提价以后才增加津贴供应

    If no one were to bid, the supply of allowances would tighten until the price rose.


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