• 遥感影像详细分析预处理,在此基础得到高精度分类结果

    Based on the detailed analysis and pretreatment to the remote sensing imagery, we obtained relatively high precision classification result.


  • 利用遥感影像进行土地利用分类多种方法指标

    The method and index of using remote sense image to classify the land use are various.


  • BP神经网络近年来广泛地应用遥感影像分类

    BP neural network is widely used for classification of remote sensing image data nowadays.


  • 传统统计模式识别方法进行遥感影像分类时要求数据服从正态分布且难以加入地理辅助数据。

    The traditional statistical classifier is suitable in making RS image classification in normal distribution and unsuitable in doing with the data in discrete distribution, such as the geographic data.


  • 遥感广泛应用于森林动态监测遥感影像实物分类统计法森林覆盖动态监测提供了可能。

    Remote sensing has being applied broadly to forest dynamic monitoring, real object classification statistical method offers the feasibility for forest cover dynamic monitoring.


  • 提高计算机遥感影像分类精度遥感应用研究主要问题之一

    To improve remotely sensed imagery classification accuracy is one of the main topics in the field of remote sensing application research.


  • 最后通过利用ERSSAR数据TM影像进行融合分析证明该方法遥感图像自动分类很好的应用前景

    At the end, it is demonstrated that evidential reasoning has extensive applications in the classification of remote sensing images through the fusion analysis of ERS SAR and TM image.


  • 遥感影像分类遥感定量化分析重要手段遥感影像融合提高分类正确率有效途径之一。

    Remote sensing image classification is an important means for quantified remote sensing image analysis, and remote sensing image fusion can effectively improve the accuracy of image classification.


  • 最佳特征影像组合选择决定遥感影像信息提取影像分类效果关键环节之一

    Selection of optimal feature combinations is one of the key procedures for remotely sensed image classification and information abstraction.


  • 实验结果表明本文给出光谱遥感影像优化分类波段组合选择方法非常有效的。

    The experiment results indicate that the optimal classification bands combination selecting approach supplied in this paper is quite effective.


  • 然后遥感影像分类实验,借助样本数量波段数目关系验证理论分析的结果。

    Then, an experiment of remote sensing image classification is carried out to verify the authenticity based on the relations between samples and bands.


  • 目前遥感影像分类常用模型算法有统计学方法神经网络贝叶斯

    Current remote sensing image classification models and algorithms commonly used statistical methods, neural networks, Bayesian and so on.


  • 此外算法隐藏机密信息遥感影像各种应用边缘检测影像分类没有影响

    Furthermore this algorithm has no influence on such applications as edge detection and image classification of the disguised remote sensing image which has hidden the secrete information.


  • 着重介绍进行遥感影像处理过程所用到遥感影像辐射增强计算机分类的处理技术

    The point is about introduction of Highlighted in remote sensing image process used radiation to enhance remote sensing image, computer classification process technology.


  • 光谱遥感影像具有丰富光谱信息,在地物分类识别方面具有明显优势。

    The hyperspectral remote sensing image is rich in spectrum information, so it can be better to carry on the ground targets classification.


  • 影像空间信息融入分类决策,提出了一种基于证据理论神经网络遥感影像分类方法。

    The spatial information of the image and evidence theory is applied to classification of remote sensing image based on neural networks.


  • 纹理分析提高遥感影像分类精度重要手段之一。

    Texture analysis has become an important means for improving the accuracy of remote sensing image classification.


  • 基于纹理分类算法的基础上,提出了逐特征加权活动窗口算法,使小波纹理分析能够用于高分辨率遥感影像分类

    This paper discusses the shortage of conventional algorithms of texture classification based on wavelet transform, presents two improved approaches of point feature weighting and smart windows.


  • 景观分类利用遥感影像特征解译石漠化强度分布面积所必不可少

    The first category is necessary to use remote images to interpret the degree and distribution of karst rocky desertification area.


  • 由于传统遥感影像分类方法存在不足,因而采用神经网络算法进行遥感影像分类研究。

    This paper describes the problem in the BP neural network approach and the approach of BP neural network based on vector information to the classification of remote sensing images.


  • 实验证明中巴资源卫星影像较好地实现喀斯特地区比例尺土地利用分类,完全可以替代国外遥感影像TM运用于喀斯特山区土地利用调查中。

    It is proved that CBERS can preferably realize land use classification in karst area with big scale and, can substitute national image TM and can be applied for land use investigation in karst area.


  • 利用监督分类非监督分类相结合分层提取分类方法对南川市2000年遥感影像进行解译。

    The image of Nanchuan in 2000 was interpreted using a multi-extracting method combining supervised classification with non-supervised classification.


  • 为了提高遥感影像分类精度抽象测量两个层次出发,提出混合分类结合算法

    To enhance the accuracy of image classification, proposed hybrid multiple classifier combination method from abstract level and measurement level.


  • 因此,进行分类组合研究探讨遥感影像自动分类中的应用具有重要理论实践意义。

    Therefore, it is theoretically and practically significant to study the method of combining multiple classifiers and explore its application in automatic classification of remote sensing images.


  • 本项目的顺利开展对于解决遥感影像不确定信息分类问题具有较高理论价值良好应用前景

    Smooth implementation of this project, for solving uncertain information in remote sensing image classification has a high theoretical value and a good prospect.


  • 于是有些学者面向对象信息提取技术运用遥感影像分类大大提高分辨率遥感影像分类精度

    Thus, some scholars use object-oriented information extraction technology to classify the remote sensing image, greatly increased the accuracy of high-resolution remote sensing image classification.


  • 方法及其思想不仅用于去除云层阴影遥感图像质量影响而且可用于其他图像处理中影像割补分类后处理等

    These methods and ideas can be used not only to remove the influence of cloud and its shadow on the quality of remote image hut also to process other images, such as patching and recoding images.


  • 传统基于像素光谱信息分类方法对这些分辨率遥感影像分类时显得力不从心,所得到精确度远远达不到生产要求

    Traditional pixel-based classification method can not give a satisfied performance for High Resolution Imagery. Its accuracy of classification is far from productive demand.


  • 并在不同滤波器长度下,22遥感地貌纹理影像进行分类试验获得了较高分类正确率

    The classification experiment had been carried out for 22 relief images for different length of filtering. And high accuracy was obtained.


  • 面对数量激增、包含信息日趋复杂遥感影像,如何快速有效地自动分类已成为遥感领域亟待解决问题。

    The amount of remotely data images increases rapidly, and the information that the images contain becomes more and more complicated.


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