• 道路维护差,并且广泛地无视交通法规

    Roads are badly maintained, and there is widespread disregard for traffic rules.


  • 他们决定可以开车并且确保道路维护安全

    They decide who can drive and when, they ensure roads are taken care of and safe.


  • 较大道路维护成本较高,因此确认使用真正需要什么

    The bigger roads cost more to maintain so be sure you use only what you really need.


  • 例如,发现交通拥堵情况坏,有助于高层决策部门关注道路维护公共交通

    Knowing simply that traffic congestion is getting worse, for example, helps you make high level decisions to focus on road maintenance or public transportation.


  • 虽然美国建设道路热情不减,但根据经济合作发展组织国际交通论坛的统计,美国用于道路维护的费用远远少于欧洲

    Although America still builds roads with enthusiasm, according to the OECD's International Transport Forum, it spends considerably less than Europe on maintaining them.


  • 一些汽油税收入用来修建维护道路

    In some states, revenues from the gasoline tax are used to build and maintain roads.


  • 去年世界卫生报告》卫生系统筹资问题提出了实用建议宗旨是促进更多国家走上实现全民覆盖道路协助其它国家维护取得的成果。

    Last year's World health Report offers practical advice on the financing of health systems. It aims to put more countries on the path towards universal coverage and help others maintain their gains.


  • 本次会议一样,今年世界卫生报告宗旨是,促进更多国家走上实现全民覆盖道路协助其它国家维护取得的成果。

    Like this conference, the World Health Report aims to put more countries on the path to universal coverage and help others maintain their gains.


  • 同时表示,林业局维护现有386,000英里支离破碎的道路已经非常吃力了,新路不如老路呢

    He also notes that the forest service is already struggling to maintain a crumbling network of 386,000 miles of road. Better it fix those roads, he says, than build more.


  • 好的锻炼,”,“在开始维护道路之前完全没有意识到所有事情。”

    "It was a good workout," she says. "I didn't realize everything that went into maintaining trails before this."


  • 管理全市城乡道路交通安全维护交通秩序。

    To administer road and traffic safety, as well as traffic order of city and countryside of the whole city.


  • 管理全区城乡道路交通安全维护交通秩序。

    To administer road and traffic safety, as well as traffic order of district and countryside of the whole district.


  • 管理全省城乡道路交通安全维护交通秩序

    To administer road and traffic safety, as well as traffic order of city and countryside of the whole province.


  • 清洗汽车日常维护一部分可以保持车子的外形美观,也是一个很重要的安全防护措施(布满灰尘的挡风玻璃不利于看清道路)。

    Washing a car is part of maintenance in order to keep it in good shape and also as a safety measure (hard to see through a windshield full of gunk).


  • 但是至少他们对于道路火车维护非常好,因此很欢迎这样刺激计划,相信很多事情得到改善

    But at least they fixed all the streets, trains and everything else. So I welcome the stimulus and it will improve a lot of things.


  • 那些任务解决掉通常意味着其他改变清理道路——可能性能维护方面提供最大回报

    Having those tasks out of the way usually clears the path for other changes - and might provide the biggest payback, in terms of performance, maintainability, and so on.


  • 巴西今后愿意维护世界和平道路上前进远,我们不得而知

    It is not clear how much further Brazil is willing to go in keeping the world's peace.


  • 但是高速公路的提案预计收到来自道路安全维护环保人士强烈反对他们指出汽车高速公路上以更高速度行驶时,并不会明显提高燃油效率

    But the motorway proposal is expected to receive stiff opposition from road safety campaigners and environmentalists who point out that cars are far less fuel efficient at the higher speed.


  • 削除这些成本以及小型医疗机构无法负担IT维护任务,无疑能扫除推行EHR道路壁垒

    Eliminating this cost, and the IT maintenance burdens that are often beyond the reach of small medical practices, clearly removes these significant roadblocks to EHR adoption.


  • 然而现在明白这里数百英里道路需要同样维护让人回到这里来。

    Then, you realize there are hundreds of miles of trails here that need the same attention, and that makes you want to come back.


  • 埃盟泰国际公司一家专业代理道路建设维修技术维护设备公司相关公司位于美国纽约市

    AMERTECH INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION is a professional agent of road construction and maintenance technology and equipment, with the relational company located in New York, USA.


  • 世界和平组织一个非盈利机构,始建于2006年。 它的宗旨是帮助促进维护人类社会朝着和平繁荣富裕道路前进

    World Peace One is a non-profit charitable organization founded in 2006 to assist, progress, and preserve the emerging world community towards a state of peace, abundance, and prosperity.


  • 片地区有绵延数百英里维护良好小径道路十分适合追求冒险徒步旅行者山地车爱好者前来探索

    The region offers hundreds of miles of well-maintained trails and roads, which are ideal for the more adventurous walker or mountain biker to explore.


  • 首要目标维护美国历史道路完整性重要性同时现代安全标准敏感实施提出目标。

    The primary goal is to preserve the significance and integrity of Americas historic roadways while allowing for sensitive implementation of contemporary safety standards.


  • 他们公用事业公司工作维护穿越道路系统管道系统的林地。

    They may work for utility companies, maintaining rights-of-way and pipeline systems.


  • 区域按照比率进行扣减资助运输维护修筑道路

    The region USES this deduction to subsidize transportation and maintain and build roads.


  • 人们并不重视山坡生产型道路农村生产运输经济交流密切相关,建设维护具有重要意义

    But it is every important for the productive transportation and economy intercourse of the area. So its construction and maintenance have important significance.


  • 人们并不重视山坡生产型道路农村生产运输经济交流密切相关,建设维护具有重要意义

    But it is every important for the productive transportation and economy intercourse of the area. So its construction and maintenance have important significance.


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