• 现在为了根本上理解康德道德我们回答三个问题

    Now, fully to make sense of Kant moral theory in the groundwork requires that we be able to answer three questions.


  • 文章本体道德论认识三个维度冯友兰的大全概念做了解读。

    The Da Quan conception proposed by scholar Feng Youlan is explained from three dimensions of ontology, ethics and epistemology.


  • 道德论认为永远不应该一个理性只是作为达到你的目的中间手段

    Morality says that you should never treat rational human beings merely as means to your end.


  • 道德认为,永远不应该一个理性只是作为达到你的目的中间手段

    Moralitysays that you should never treat rational human beings merely as means to your end.


  • 中国传统叙事抛开言意对立主体境界回避知识客体形成基于认知主体道德启蒙模式

    China's traditional narrative puts aside the antithesis of words and their meanings, with subject evading object of knowledge, and forms an enlightening mode of moral theory.


  • 法律道德关系上,拉兹认为有效法律鉴别标准完全排除道德论证,就是拉兹的渊源

    This is Raz s "the sources thesis", which indicates that all the laws have the sources and whose argument comes from the theory of authority.


  • 最后道德论视角由理性主义教育哲学观合理性共识实用主义教育哲学观的合理性的异议比较分析展开述。

    Finally, in view of morality educational philosophy, the rationality of rationalism with the consensus of education pragmatism philosophy of comparative analysis on the rationality of dissent.


  • 我们不使用任何高级的生物有机体。 因为很多测试玩家提出了很多问题质疑这样的事是否合理,这些游戏也会成为刺激学校关于生物道德论的重要工具

    these games could be a good tool to stimulate discussions in schools on bioethical issues.


  • 然而,尼采最终抛弃了 “李主义”,因为这种方法不足以完成重估一切价值任务代替这种历史认知”的,是尼采独创道德谱系

    Yet, he eventually came to criticise and reject 'Réealism' as inadequate to the task of a radical 'revaluation of values', and replaced the 'historical approach' with his own genealogy of morality.


  • 无辜者命运任由恶魔来支配中类似的情境让人过目难忘,从而使拉赫松的三部曲呈现出绝对道德不过这同时也是这套小说强大的卖点之一。

    You don't forget such episodes-the truly innocent at the mercy of the truly evil-and they lead directly into the absolutist morals of Larsson's books, which may also be a powerful selling point.


  • 因此伊甸园故事里传达Kaufman所说的,基本世界观:,邪恶不是形而上学的存在,而是道德现实

    So, the Garden of Eden story communicates what Kaufman would identify as a basic idea of the monotheistic worldview: That evil isn't a metaphysical reality, it's a moral reality.


  • 首先推荐的是亚当·斯密道德情操》?附带的说一下,这本书也是今年年初我们采访卡尔罗孚推荐的五大著作之一

    You've started off with Adam Smith's Theory of Moral Sentiments (which, incidentally, was also one of Karl Rove's top five, when he did an interview with us earlier this year).


  • 如果进化讲适者生存弱肉强食自然界动物怎么进化出道德情感

    If evolution is survival of the fittest, nature red in tooth and claw, how could animals evolve moral feelings?


  • 产生情绪,包括视为道德情绪的情绪,例如内疚愤怒一次,这种对利他行为的解释,也是从进化角度出发的。

    This gives rise to some emotion including emotions that could be viewed as moral emotions, like guilt and anger, and again, grounds altruistic behavior in an evolutionary perspective.


  • 因此即便生活意义上,仍旧超越手段道德目的

    Therefore, even in the life of sense, is still beyond the means of, for the purpose of morality.


  • 优势之一相对帐目道德他们面对截然相反的意见

    One of the strengths of relativistic accounts of ethics is that they do well in the face of diametrically opposed views.


  • 道德教化基本观点趋向忽视法律及其作用

    The basic ideas and tendency of "moralization" are the negligence of law and its role.


  • 其中许多规范性道德重要特征结果能够产生实际道德判断

    One important characteristic of many normative moral theories such as consequentialism is the ability to produce practical moral judgements.


  • 道德学说孟子哲学思想重要组成部分,道德意识先验角度证了道德可能和为何可能。

    The theory of morals play an important role in Mencius's philosophy. His conception of good nature of man discussed the possibility of moral consciousness.


  • 但是超越目标超越生活意义仍然需要回归道德

    But beyond the goals and go beyond the meaning of life still need to moralize.


  • 道德万能道德无用代表两种传统道德权威不同的审视结果;

    The theories that morality is the key to everything and morality is useless are two different views on traditional moral authority.


  • 文章批评流行甚广网络道德作用弱化”,认为网络道德和谐网络社区建设具有极其重要作用。

    This paper criticizes the prevalent "malfunction of moral in cyberspace" doctrine, and argues that the internet moral plays a very important role in the evolution of the harmonious internet community.


  • 基本道德出发构建犯罪概念、犯罪原因犯罪对策,对西方犯罪产生重要影响

    He based his criminal conception, theory of criminal reasons and theory of criminal countermeasure on the basic morality, which have a deep influence on the western criminology.


  • 龚自珍道德教育思想包括道德起源道德教化道德教育原则道德教育方法方面。

    GONG Zizhen's moral educational thought includes the comment of moral origination, moral teaching, the principles of moral education, the method of moral education and so on.


  • 龚自珍道德教育思想包括道德起源道德教化道德教育原则道德教育方法方面。

    GONG Zizhen's moral educational thought includes the comment of moral origination, moral teaching, the principles of moral education, the method of moral education and so on.


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