• 当今学界表现道德规范说道德主体说之争。

    In nowadays educational circle, it is shown as the combat between the theory of ethical standard and the subject theory of morals.


  • 德性道德主体孟子一方面显发的特别著名。

    Dharma is the principal part of human morality. Mencius did very well in this aspect.


  • 实践性道德主体有着自己基本特征能动性自主性性。

    The practical moral subject has its basic characteristics that are activity, independence and self-center.


  • 一般道德规范一样道德产生也离不开道德主体内在情感

    The moral sense of shame, like general moral regulations, can not be separated from the inner feeling of the subject.


  • 企业组织道德主体合法性,则企业承担社会责任提供主体可能性

    But the enterprise organizes the moral main body the validity, undertook the community responsibility for the enterprise to provide the main body possibility.


  • 会计道德决不仅仅会计道德主体职业道德建设,它是一个社会系统工程

    Accountancy morality is not merely the professional ethics construction for the accountancy morality subject but also social system engineering.


  • 前者道德主体拥有美德数量相关后者道德主体美德的稳固程度相关。

    The former concerns the quantity of virtues which a moral agent possesses, and the later is related to the robustness of the virtues of moral agents.


  • 老子德育入程夸大情意四位一体的教育注重道德主体综合和谐发铺

    Laozi emphasized the moral process of knowing four-in-one line of education, the main emphasis on the moral development of the integrated and coordinated.


  • 这样,这种道德主体意义现实等级制度意义上的礼之间鲜明差别

    Thus there is a distinctive difference between the ceremony of significance of moral subject and realistic significance of hierarchy.


  • 道德权利道德主体依据道德所应享有使利益得到维护地位自由要求

    Moral rights ate status, freedom and claims that moral subjects are deserved to enjoy by morality, which can protect their interests.


  • 加强道德主体教育发挥道德主体主动性能动性创造性解决网络道德最佳途径

    The best way to handle the moral problems on Internet is to strengthen the education of the moral main body, and give full play to its initiatives, dynamic roles and creativeness.


  • 实践性道德主体能否学校道德教育成功建构,关键在于德育课程是否真正体现了实践性原则

    Whether the moral curriculum actually embody the principle of activity is crucial for successfully constructing the moral subject in the moral education of school.


  • 心理学研究表明道德心理道德主体内在依据,既是道德教育内化基础,也是德育目标

    Psyshological research shows: moral psychology is the internal basis for the quality of moral subject and for educate in ethnics. It's also the objective of moral education.


  • 实践性道德主体全部本质特性、功能特征本质力量也是实践——主要道德实践活动所创造的。

    All the essential and functional characteristics and essential power of the practical moral subject are created by the practical moral activities.


  • 道德权利表现道德行为选择自由权道德主体尊重权道德行为公正评价请求报答权等

    Moral rights have been represented by freedom to choose moral behavior, moral subjects' right to be respected, moral behavior's right to get righteous evaluation and the right to claim to be repaid.


  • 作为道德生活主体个体特有一系列规定性即人性道德主体进行道德选择依据内在准绳

    Being the individual who is the subject of moral life, a series of his specific characteristics, namely human nature, are the inner criteria on which bases the moral subject when making moral choice.


  • 只有道德主体意识不断强化道德成为行为主体的“自觉”、“自愿”,道德教育作用才能真正彰显

    Only if we continuously strengthen the subjective sense of morality, only if morality becomes self-conscious behavior, can the impact of moral education be apparent.


  • 因此网络角度出发研究网络道德主体失落有助于我们制定和采取有效措施弘扬网络道德主体性。

    So, to study the losing of main body of cyber morality from the Angle of network can help us take effective measures to enhance it.


  • 关于道德弱化成因分析本文难点文章旨在通过道德主体角度分析相互关系方面剖析道德现状的成因。

    This paper is on the causes of the difficulties, the article aimed at the main moral point of view of mutual relations from the analysis of the causes of moral status.


  • 非人类中心主义则反其道而行之,努力要证明自然存在物是道德主体拥有道德地位人类自然存在物负有直接道德义务。

    Anthropocentrism believes that natural objects own no moral position and no moral subject, consequently mankind carries no direct moral obligations to nature.


  • 红色旅游区道德主体主要包括旅游区居民、旅游者导游人员旅游景区工作人员,道德现状共性是均不同程度存在弱化现象

    Red moral main tourist areas including tourists, tourist guides, tourist destinations staff, the moral status quo is common there are different degrees of weakening phenomenon.


  • 根据道德自我社会认知理论道德判断通过道德主体情绪自我调节机制道德行为联系,但道德脱离的认知过程可以使控制行为的自我调节不起作用。

    According to the social cognitive theory of the moral self, moral reasoning is linked to moral action through affective self-regulatory mechanisms by which moral agency is exercised.


  • 实现普遍道德自律我占主导社会主体需要大众教育水平认知思维水平提高一个长期工程,并不是冲动的道德绑架。

    It is a long-term project to achieve prevalent moral self-discipline and to make superego become dominant social subjects which needs to improve levels of public education and cognitive.


  • 知道不是外部道德规范,也不是思维技巧训练而是人与人的主体间的交往体验

    We should know that the kindness is not the outer moral rules and thought training, but a kind of intersubjective communicating experience among people.


  • 公务员行政道德作为社会道德建设主体产生以来一直受到人们的重视

    As the subject of social moral construction, the civil servant's administrative morality has been noticed since it came into existence.


  • 网络道德随着网络技术广泛应用出现调节网络主体间相互关系行为规范总和

    Network morality, which is the behavior criterions' summation, can adjust the network 's main body interrelation and it appears with the extensive application of the network technology.


  • 由于道德理性对主体意识规约引领中国作家20世纪婚恋文学叙事中基本采取道德叙事的策略

    Because of the subjective consciousness being stipulated and led by morality, the writers of the 20 ~ (th) century's literature of marriage and love in China took the tactics of moral narration.


  • 必须新的道德教育——主体道德人格教育对现行道德教育进行整合才能使现行道德教育进入应然状态

    Only by integrating new education in ethics-subjective ethical personality education into present education in ethics, can we put the present education in ethics into intrinsic state.


  • 必须新的道德教育——主体道德人格教育对现行道德教育进行整合才能使现行道德教育进入应然状态

    Only by integrating new education in ethics-subjective ethical personality education into present education in ethics, can we put the present education in ethics into intrinsic state.


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