• 通过拥有在家工作能力我们使的能力提升倍——现在每周在家工作,在办公室工作一天。

    By offering her the ability to work from home, we have doubled her capacity—now she works a day a week from home, and a day in the office.


  • 中毕业后,珍妮弗上了当地的一所技术学院,通过工作来支付的学费,因为没有为大学的教育预留额外的钱。

    After high school, Jennifer attended a local technical college, working to pay her tuition, because there was no extra money set aside for a college education.


  • 作为社区主任耶斯女士布鲁克林区支持大都会犹太人卫生系统正是通过这个工作了解一种MedMinder的药品管理装置

    Through her work as director of community initiatives at the Metropolitan Jewish Health system in Brooklyn, Ms. Meyers learned about a medication management system called MedMinder.


  • 我们通过Skype远程会议的时候,工作非常好,看不见的手时候还方便他们控制这个摄像头多好啊。

    This works great at work where we have remote co-workers attend meetings via skype. They get to control the camera during the meeting.


  • 昂斯顿(Arnsten)补充到队伍通过之前的研究显示,胍法辛(guanfacine)改善了猴子工作记忆

    Arnsten added that she and her team led previous studies showing that the drug improved working memory in monkeys, and those results have been repeated by other groups in both monkeys and humans.


  • 通过你的精心安排,渊博的知识丰富工作经验,有助于即将发言树立权威

    Adds power. It contributes to the speakerâ s authority by establishing that he or she speaks from preparation, knowledge or experience.


  • 关注一个是因为喜欢工作,可能我看到一些专长有关的东西,且通过她简短介绍而变得有趣的东西,我倾向于点击看看

    When someone I followbecause I like her work suggests I look at something related to her expertiseand makes it sound interesting in her brief description, I tend to clickthrough and check it out.


  • 通过他们责任告诉他(信任他()们。并且鼓励他们一起工作达成他()们的目标。

    Show trust in them by assigning responsibilities, and encourage them to work together to achieve their goals.


  • 回答妈妈律师爸爸工作通过电话聊天,咖啡发表演讲。

    She reported that her mother was a lawyer and her father talks on the telephone, drinks coffee, and makes speeches.


  • 通过观察父亲别人工作母亲同时建立“人情债”档案学会家族生意经

    She learned the family business by watching her father dole out jobs and her mother keep a file of favours owed.


  • 尽管没有得到升职但是通过重新协商,工作任务得到了调整,感到非常开心,对发生的事情有把握力了。

    She didn't get the promotion, but she did renegotiate her job duties, which made her feel happier and more in control of the situation.


  • 发现了如何手工艺活融入到生活中去一个传统办法--通过努力工作--并且建议其他人也这样去做

    She discovered how to turn crafting into a living the traditional way--through hard work--and she suggests others do the same.


  • 通过自己调查发现许多在家照料孩子的父亲其实一直在做兼职工作继续学习深造,因而将自己视作家庭夫。

    Her own survey found that many fathers who had primary child-care responsibility at home while working part time or pursuing a degree viewed themselves as stay-at-home fathers.


  • 不过更重要是,通过别人配合工作脾气改了不少,觉得自己更圆熟了。

    Working with others has knocked the edges off her temper, made her smoother, she thinks.


  • 长远来看通过梦想的生活”说出自己的理想从而工作集中大的精力。

    In the long term, she could gain a stronger focus on her work by stating her personal goals using "Live Your Dream."


  • 现在已经基本上获得通过TwitterOAuth验证用户工作web应用程序,异步获得数据然后异步更新网页。

    Now I've essentially got a working web application that authenticates a user with Twitter's OAuth, grabs his or her data asynchronously, and then asynchronously updates a web page.


  • 朋友咖啡店工作我们喜欢自发扎堆一起工作周六傍晚通过iPhone发Tweet,“其他来说没用。”

    "I have friends who work in coffee shops and we like to spontaneously clump to co-work, " she said by iPhone early Saturday evening. "The rest doesn't matter to me."


  • 例如我们不能防止高级开发人员commandgateway设计方面分歧但是逆向工程能够通过最少工作帮助我们评估集成变化

    We couldn't, for example, have prevented the senior developer's divergence from the command gateway design, but reverse engineering helped us assess and integrate her changes with minimal effort.


  • 小心翼翼地确保拒绝更改通过蓝色x修饰器图标),因为这样做导致工作空间更改删除。

    She is careful not to reject the change (by pressing the icon with the blue x decorator) because she knows that doing so will cause her workspace changes to be deleted.


  • 1980年,父亲通过朋友将介绍Nedcor银行工作起初出纳

    In 1980, her father introduced her to an acquaintance at Nedcor Bank and she started work as a teller.


  • 这个事情并不总是那么简单通过CafePress了足够用来每月偿还抵押贷款金·古德说,通过长达的每天长时间(有时16小时)的工作,获得了成功

    But it's not always easy: Jen Goode, who earns enough through CafePress to pay her mortgage each month, found success after a year and a half of long, sometimes 16-hour days.


  • 可以追溯19自己想想怎么45岁的你。 蔡斯在一家咨询公司工作通过一家社交网站寻找前男友。

    You can go back and rediscover your 19-year-old self and wonder what she would think of the 45-year-old you.


  • 周末家中继续通过膝上型电脑进行着项目工作却没有意识到已经丧失了与command gateway设计的同步

    She proceeded to work over the weekend on the project from her laptop at home, not realizing she was out of sync.


  • 目前邻居照料花园教堂工作人员解决电脑方面的难题,参加网上调查工作,每份调查可以得到美元的收入的收入都是通过这些零碎的工作拼凑得来的。

    For now, she stitches together an income by gardening for neighbors, helping fellow church members with their computers, and participating in Internet surveys for as little as $5 apiece.


  • 相信通过提高工作效率可能减少办公时间

    De Baer believes that it is possible to reduce time in the office by working more efficiently.


  • 通过个月孜孜不倦辛勤工作老人重新恢复了美好生活向往

    Through her tireless hard work for about three months, the old man regained hope for the good life.


  • 一个广为报道的案例上海银行工作人员由于上司监视通过公司电脑发送给男朋友调情信息,在因此而失去工作控诉的上司。

    In another well-publicised case, a Shanghai bank worker complained when she lost her job because her employer monitored the steamy messages she had sent her boyfriend from a company computer.


  • 一个广为报道的案例上海银行工作人员由于上司监视通过公司电脑发送给男朋友调情信息,在因此而失去工作控诉的上司。

    In another well-publicised case, a Shanghai bank worker complained when she lost her job because her employer monitored the steamy messages she had sent her boyfriend from a company computer.


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