• 通货膨胀下降长期经济衰退中的线希望。

    The fall in inflation is the silver lining of the prolonged recession.


  • 对抗通货膨胀斗争比对抗日益加深经济衰退措施更具优先性

    The fight against inflation took priority over measures to combat the deepening recession.


  • 通货膨胀看来已经消失尽管可能由于处理衰退措施实行而潜伏在地平线之外

    Inflation has vanished from view, though it could be lurking beyond the horizon due to measures taken to tackle the recession.


  • 现如今,这个经济衰退世界中,欧洲央行上几万亿欧国债并不会引发通货膨胀

    In today's recessionary world, the ECB could buy several trillion euros-worth of bonds without unleashing inflation.


  • 这一政策引出小规模的经济衰退, 却因此引起了恐慌导致了经济倒退.通货膨胀又回来了.

    The policy set off a mini-recession, causing panic that led to a reversal. High inflation returned.


  • 美联储急速提高利率遏制通货膨胀并且保持高利率导致经济衰退开始

    Were caused by the Fed raising interest rates sharply to squelch emerging inflation and holding them high even once the recession began.


  • 看起来,慢慢注入资金像是很难缓解08——09经济衰退或许年内会引发另一通货膨胀

    So it looks as though the money will come too late to temper the recession of 2008-09, and may instead fuel another inflationary boom in a couple of years' time.


  • 那次衰退实际上联邦储备局蓄意制造产物为了控制恶性通货膨胀,美联储将利率提高高达17%,导致了这次衰退

    That recession was, in effect, a deliberate creation of the Federal Reserve, which raised interest rates to as much as 17 percent in an effort to control runaway inflation.


  • 结果却是:不可否认的,自从美联储1914年拜访我们,从此我们通货膨胀越来越严重,我们的衰退也就越深。

    The result: it is undeniable that, ever since the Fed was visited upon us in 1914, our inflations have been more intense, and our depressions far deeper, than ever before.


  • 但是没有通用处方每个央行必须权衡自己当地风险债务脆弱银行引发的衰退相比通货膨胀是持续的。

    But there is no universal prescription: each central bank must weigh the local risks that inflation will persist against the threat of deflation from overhanging debt and fragile Banks.


  • 但是,金恩对抗新一轮经济衰退取决于维持通货膨胀物价也出现混乱,令人忧心忡忡

    But Mr King's ability to counter another bout of recession depends upon inflation obediently behaving-and prices have recently been worryingly obstreperous.


  • 由于衰退之前核心通货膨胀率并不人们容易就会想到经济萧条之后,通货膨胀可能降到负数

    Given that core inflation was so low when the recession began, it is not a stretch to believe that, with so much slack in the economy, it could yet turn negative.


  • 尽管美联储害怕经济衰退金融崩溃别的地方大部分央行通货膨胀更加担心。

    Whereas the Fed fears recession and financial collapse, most central Banks elsewhere are more worried about inflation.


  • 然而之后盛行观点认为,衰退美联储起,当时美联储限制货币发行结束失控通货膨胀

    But the widespread perception then was that the decline was caused by the Federal Reserve, which had clamped down on the money supply to end out-of-control inflation.


  • 现在人们指控美联储避免通货紧缩经济衰退而采取了过多措施,以至通货膨胀几乎无法避免,对此,美联储官员开始为自己进行辩解

    Now Fed officials find themselves on the defensive, accused of doing so much to avert deflation and depression that inflation is nearly inevitable.


  • 从此通货膨胀稳定2%左右,意味着通货膨胀对于需求反应不敏感(1990-91年以及2001年的衰退显示了这一点)。

    Since then, inflationary expectations have stabilised at around 2%, which means that inflation responds more sluggishly to demand (as the recessions of 1990-91 and 2001 demonstrated).


  • 通货膨胀只是暂时的,因为经济衰退已经打开这么多的空余能力

    The surge in inflation will be temporary because the recession has opened up so much spare capacity;


  • 因为3月21号他们会议陈述表明,美国中央银行经济衰退担心通货膨胀

    As the statement at their meeting on March 21st made clear, America's central bankers are still more worried about inflation than about recession.


  • 通货膨胀经济衰退征兆吗?

    Is inflation symptomatic of economic decline?


  • 他们担心现在不得不采取更严厉的衰退措施以抑制已经站稳脚跟的通货膨胀

    They fear that inflation now has such a firm foothold that it could take a serious downturn to stop it.


  • 明显我们国家真正问题严重的的——汽油管道资源短缺更严重,甚至通货膨胀经济衰退更严重。

    It 's clear that the true problems of our nation are much deeper — deeper than gasoline lines or energy shortages, deeper even than inflation or recession.


  • 随后由于单位劳动力成本衰退减少那些其它容量压力减弱,又出现了明显通货膨胀减缓。

    Subsequently, the slowing in unit Labour costs during the downturn and the easing of these other capacity pressures saw inflation moderate significantly.


  • 是否可以既削减通货膨胀,又带来经济衰退相应高失业呢?

    Is it possible to decrease inflation without causing a recession and its concomitant increase in unemployment?


  • 但是目前而言,底线在于,现在首要的任务遏制经济衰退通货膨胀

    But his bottom line was that, for now, the top priority would be fighting a recession rather than fighting inflation.


  • 我们同样可能使通货膨胀顺利缓和地停止下来从而避免一场随之而来衰退

    Nor is it possible to bring inflation to a smooth and gentle stop, and so avert a subsequent depression.


  • 我们同样可能使通货膨胀顺利缓和地停止下来从而避免一场随之而来衰退

    Nor is it possible to bring inflation to a smooth and gentle stop, and so avert a subsequent depression.


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