• 这些数字可以看出Xubuntu在整个过程中使用内存通常因此如果系统只有128MB(更少内存),可能较好的选择

    As you can see from these Numbers, Xubuntu generally used less memory across the board; so if you only have 128mb (or less) to work with, it is probably a good choice for your system.


  • 深海通常稀疏动物群微小蠕虫甲壳类动物为主动物分布

    The deep sea typically has a sparse fauna dominated by tiny worms and crustaceans, with an even sparser distribution of larger animals.


  • 对于立即兑现且数额资金以及尚需等待且数额更少资金,通常人们选择前者,道理的。因为今天美元明天值钱

    Normally it makes sense to choose a greater amount of money immediately than less in the future, as the value of a dollar is worth more today than it is tomorrow.


  • 年龄体重男性较之女性通常拥有更少脂肪肌肉消耗多的卡路里

    Men usually have less body fat and more muscle than do women of the same age and weight, burning more calories.


  • 管理的角度上说,通常上面这些解决问题办法,但是它们带来问题比如有让事情做得更少趋势

    Each of these things is usually management’s answer to a problem, but they add more problems, including a tendency to slow things down and get less done.


  • 但是女性通常血液留往大脑速度要这使她们年老的时候更少损失脑组织

    But women generally have faster blood flow to their brains, causing them to lose less brain tissue as they age.


  • 讨论这些并不十分确定实现日常饮食中只关3更少天然食物,通常我们的健康显著地改善

    I am not sure when I discussed this, but implementing a diet that is focused on each item having 3 natural ingredients or less usually improves your health dramatically.


  • 他们通常上课时间更少,并只关注提供一些必需的知识自己回到办公室用当天的语言开始从事生产性的工作。

    They usually have less time for the course and are focused on giving you the bare essentials to enable you to go back to your office and start being productive in the language du jour.


  • 通常直接定购通过网络零售商订购花费更少快递费用。

    Often ordering direct can land you higher shipping costs than you'd accrue with an online retailer.


  • 通常规矩是配件限定11或者更少宁可小心或者简朴点

    As a general rule, limit yourself to 11 or fewer accessories, and always err on the side of caution and simplicity.


  • 两个方面有助于导航通常网站拥有更少页面栏目;或者网站设计通常干净整洁的,容易找到导航元素网站的简洁设计是一个很好的解决导航可用性问题的方案。

    This helps navigation in two wyas: generally, sites have fewer pages and sections; and the design of the site is usually less cluttered, making it easier to find navigation elements.


  • 饥荒早些时候就开始那时人均每日消耗125克更少面包”(通常掺杂木屑和纸浆使其变大)。

    Famine set in early, as the daily individual ration fell to 125 grams or less of "bread" (often bulked out with sawdust or wallpaper paste).


  • 通常认为OperaMozilla软件安全些,(一定程度上是因为用户所以黑客来说,有吸引力目标更少)。

    The software of both Opera and Mozilla is considered safer (partly because they have fewer users and so are a less attractive target for hackers).


  • 一方面,与其它类型文件系统相比版本控制系统通常需要存储空间更少

    On the other hand, version control systems typically require less storage space than other types of file systems.


  • RAID - Z不是唯一用于ZFS磁盘阵列类型镜像速度通常快且消耗的内存更少需要等量的硬盘驱动器才能使用

    RAID-Z is not the only type of disk array available to ZFS. Mirrors are usually faster and less memory-consuming, but require equal Numbers of hard drives to use it.


  • 色彩协调使用调色板有限数量颜色通常七种更少有助于维持设计统一性

    Color harmony is also using a limited number of colors in a color pallete usualy seven or less initialy to help preserve design unity.


  • 很多发现减免税收意味着拥有一套住房租房让他们花费通常很多

    But many people will find that these tax breaks mean owning costs them less, often a lot less, than renting.


  • 对于通常事务性工作负载成员出故障页面恢复可供另一个事务使用,通常只需20甚至更少时间

    For typical transactional workloads, the time from the member failure until the time the pages are recovered and available to another transaction is typically 20 seconds or less.


  • 通常情况下,同相比单位体重增加每单位体重,昆虫产生更少甲烷一氧化氮氨气

    The insects generally produced less methane, nitrous oxide and ammonia both per unit of body mass and per unit of mass gained than pigs or cattle.


  • 一种选项通常好一些因为垃圾收集器带来的工作并且允许特别需要内存工作回收整个缓存

    The latter option is usually preferable, as it makes less work for the collector and allows the entire cache to be reclaimed with less effort when memory is in high demand.


  • 早上鸡蛋(大部分是蛋白质)和百吉饼(都是碳水化合物)的通常感到精神午餐更少

    When people have eggs (mostly protein) for breakfast, versus bagels (all carbs), they feel more energy and eat less at the next meal.


  • 试着大量不同饼干同样非常有趣的,也可以尝试一下经典食物的推出品种因为它们通常含有更少脂肪

    It was also fun to try lots of different crackers, even trying some of the newer version of old favorites that have less fat.


  • 例如查询服务通常简单且服务需要服务功能(例如,安全事务可靠性)。

    For example, a query service is often simpler and requires less quality of service (for example, security or transaction reliability) than an update service.


  • 同步调用通常异步调用需要更少内部处理

    Synchronous invocations typically imply less internal processing than asynchronous invocations.


  • 联合办公通常来说比起员工装备诸如高速网线电话等通讯终端都会便宜更少破坏性

    Co-working is often cheaper and less disruptive than equipping a telecommuting employee’s home with high-speed Internet and phone service.


  • 对于生活工作都处于恒温温暖环境中的人来说通常拥有脂肪进而消耗更少热量研究人员表示。

    But people living and working in consistently warmer indoor temperatures, the researchers argue, have less brown fat and therefore burn less energy.


  • 小巧通常动作敏捷,灵活,谦逊占用更少资源同时非常非常的漂亮(妻子就是一个例子)。

    Smaller people are often faster, more nimble, humbler, take up fewer resources, and are very very beautiful (my wife is an example).


  • 存在垄断时,产品价格通常竞争市场卖出更少产生垄断利润

    Where a monopoly exists, the price of a product is likely to be higher than in a competitive market and the quantity sold less, generating monopoly profits for the seller.


  • Model - View - Controller (MVC)的话说需要控制器(通常为一个servlet);我利用Groovlet替代,因为我希望编写更少代码

    In Model-View-Controller (MVC) parlance, I need a controller, which is often a servlet; I'll leverage a Groovlet instead because I'd rather write less code.


  • 而且它存储器,7英寸而不是通常10英寸并且依靠一个的,要求较低版本(Eclair)的android操作系统

    It also has less internal memory, a seven-inch touch screen instead of the more usual ten-inch one, and relies on an older, less demanding version (Eclair) of the Android operating system.


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