• 血脉剂量明显提高莨菪碱模型指数。

    XT in large dosage could also increase the brain weight in scopolamine models.


  • 这个电子开关电流,并且时有非零的降。

    The electrical switches conduct heavy current and have nonzero voltage across the switch in the on-state.


  • 基础施工处于极差的地质复杂水文条件施工难度

    Sutong Bridge lies in the bad geological and complicated hydrographic conditions, which is hard to be constructed.


  • 服务器制造商戴尔受到影响,他们该季度的服务器营收下滑了31.2%,惠普下滑26.2%,Sun也出现25.5%的下跌,IBM的下滑比例是19.9%,富士/富士-西门子则下跌18.8%。

    Among the top five server vendors profiled, Dell was hit hardest, with quarterly server revenue tumbling 31.2 percent. Hewlett-Packard showed a 26.2 percent decline.


  • 遇到问题,因为丈夫或孩子或其他事而精疲力尽的时候,她就跑出去

    When she has a problem, or is stressed out with her husband or kids.. she runs out and buys stuff.


  • 那边太太,第六那个写着瓶装’的蓝色标牌下面。

    Over there, ma 'am, aisle six, under that big blue sign that says, Bottled Water.


  • JD K 1.4.1增加新的针对多处理器系统非常多线程收集选项进一步改进垃圾收集效率

    The 1.4.1 JDK further improves the effectiveness of garbage collection by adding new multithreaded collection options for multiprocessor systems and very large heaps.


  • 了说,他们接受培训为了成为川菜被视为中国最佳烹饪艺术使者

    Expressed more grandly, they're being groomed to serve as ambassadors for what's often considered China's best cuisine.


  • 整天追逐利息做法可能并不怎么好,但是那种所有的存款那么放在一个银行账户里,拿着0.20%的利息的做法似乎也太说得

    While it's probably not a good idea to become a rate-chaser, it doesn't make much sense to keep the bulk of your savings in a big bank savings account earning 0.20%.


  • 今年6研究找出了2009年亚特兰洪灾、2010年纳什维尔克拉荷马洪水泛滥其他元凶——不透水屋顶马路人行道等

    His June 2010 study also blames what he calls' impervious cover '-that is, roofs, streets, and sidewalks -for the disastrous floods in Atlanta in 2009 and Nashville and Oklahoma City in 2010.


  • 他们剪刀空中一阵子,同时又没有穿线的了一最后,他们齐声:“请看!”

    They pretended to take the cloth from the loom, and worked about in the air with big scissors, and sewed with needles without thread, and said at last: "the emperor's new suit is ready now."


  • 凯西在斯德哥尔摩了一电话当地美国使馆一位使馆官员电话

    Kathy USES a local telephone to call the U. S. embassy in Stockholm. An embassy official answers the phone.


  • 电路板拆除脚的元件热容量的元件比较麻烦比如变压器接插件

    Removed from the circuit board through-hole components via multi pin component and the large heat capacity is quite troublesome, such as transformer, connector.


  • 快要下课的时候,老师突然叫我站起来,几咕噜了一

    When going to school, the teacher asked me to stand up, a few miles to say a.


  • 我们走进客厅看到一面接近木质天花板高石墙,天花板跃过窗户精心选择家具

    Stepping into the grand living room, we see a full height stone wall reaching toward the exposed beam timber ceiling, vaulting over the full height Windows and immaculately selected furniture.


  • 绘画工作室位于一楼的设计允许进行版式绘画

    The painting studio, sited in the ground floor, has double height to allow paint large format pictures.


  • 一两天之后伦敦得知和百万月里奇遇记始末以后,他们是不是兴致勃勃呢?

    And when London got the whole history, a day or two later, of my month's adventures with that bank-note, and how they ended, did London talk, and have a good time?


  • 动态定量称重系统非线性滞后时变性的系统。

    The dynamic quantitative weighing system is a kind of nonlinear, large delay, time-varying system.


  • 启动电流随而减小控制系统角启动,可防止缸现象

    So the control system should be started under large Angle of flow in order to avoiding striking the cylinder.


  • 运用多元相关逐步回归分析法一些小麦产量构成因素等农艺性状进行研究。

    The yield and components of some big spike wheat varieties are studied by means of multiple correlation, progressive regression and path analysis.


  • 分布于古尔班古特沙漠南缘典型沙质荒漠巢域选择特征研究表明鼠种主要选择间地及固定沙丘为筑巢地形。

    The research about home range choose of the desert great gerbil in south of Zhungur desert shows the gerbil choose mainly the site between sand dune to built it nest.


  • 美国课程往往年一小改”,今天为止日趋成熟许多好的方面值得我们借鉴

    American University's general education curriculum, is often "a major change five years, three years a small change", to date has matured, there are many good and worth learning.


  • 降低磁门剩磁误差有效方法激励电流峰值激励电流峰值功耗

    An effective method for low perming error of fluxgates is to enlarge the peak value of the excitation current, but large amplitude excitation will increase the power consumption.


  • 方法中华小型猪30只,随机分成模型对照组心络治疗剂量假手术组6只。

    Methods 30 Chinese mini-swine were randomly into live groups: model control group, small -, middle -, large-dose group and sham operation group (6 each).


  • 方法中华小型猪30只,随机分成模型对照组心络治疗、中和剂量假手术组6只。

    Methods 30 Chinese mini-swine were randomly into five groups: model control group, small - , middle - , large-dose group and sham operation group (6 each) .


  • 结果硝菔结口服液、小剂量组对模型组织中SPVIP含量改变均有显著性差异P<0.05)。

    Result:The difference of SP and VIP content in big mouse intestine between different dosage of OXTF was significant(P<0.05).


  • 仿真结果证明了基于补偿容量故障电流限制器方案的提出研究,对高压和超高压输电性能的革新改造具有重要的技术作用和现实意义。

    The result of Simulink is very satisfied, and the research of the FCL based on flux compensation will play a very important role in the development of power system in the future.


  • 目的筛选对颗粒有效成分吸附解吸最佳吸附树脂

    OBJECTIVE: to optimize the macroporous absorbing resin which were of best action in adsorption and desorption on the active components in Naomaitong granules.


  • 目的筛选对颗粒有效成分吸附解吸最佳吸附树脂

    OBJECTIVE: to optimize the macroporous absorbing resin which were of best action in adsorption and desorption on the active components in Naomaitong granules.


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