• 在现场进行选矿设备橡胶衬里冷粘指导。

    U Rubber lining for mineral processing facility.


  • 离心振动重选摇床矿山中常用选矿设备

    Centrifugal vibratory ore dressing machine is widely used in mines for ore dressing.


  • 主要生产矿山选矿设备水泥加工设备以及曲木模具设备

    The main production equipment, mines and mineral processing, cement processing equipment and tooling equipment qu wood.


  • 锰矿磁选|锰矿选矿设备整个流程中起着举足轻重的作用

    Manganese ore magnetic separation machine | manganese ore dressing equipment plays an important role in the whole process.


  • 必将使科恒重工选矿设备砂石设备制造技术水平产生新的飞跃

    This will make Keheng Heavy mineral processing equipment and sandstone equipment manufacturing technology to produce new leap.


  • 本文叙述了绿碳化硅砂、石砂选矿设备中的应用效果以及热压生产工艺

    This paper describes the application results of Carborundum and cast stone in mineral processing equipment as well as the hot pressing technology for producing them.


  • 实验室盲目试制磁力选矿设备耗尽发明电灯所得的资金,最后不得不放弃

    He blindly testing laboratory magnetic milling equipment, the invention Electric depletion of the funds had to be abandoned.


  • 本文选矿工艺选矿设备出发,分析了某选矿各种节能方法取得显著效果

    Based on concentrating process and equipment, this text introduces the various energy saving approaches, and the obvious effects obtained by a concentrating plant.


  • 细碎机厂家市场分析人员介绍说选矿设备特定型号生命周期呈现并不均等的态势。

    According to finely vendors would market analysts said that the specific types of mineral equipment present not equal the life cycle of the situation.


  • 选矿设备汰机摇床的封闭作详尽的阐述同时也对采生产管理进行了讨论

    SeTeral sealing methods for jigs and tables are presented in detail and the gold dredger operation management also discussed in this paper.


  • 系统地介绍钢渣特性、设计选用流程目前生产实际情况选矿设备进行了介绍

    The paper describes the characteristics of steel slags, the flowsheet and the practical situation in production, and introduces the beneficiation equipment as well.


  • 通过热力物理应力作用快速地型钢结构,为选矿设备机械钢板加工提供了必要的设备支持

    Through the thermal and physical stress to function as quickly and into profiled steel structure, more heavy milling equipments mechanical steel plate provides the necessary equipment support.


  • 一步因为河道存有积水,选矿设备必须要水面工作需要钢板做成,钢板厚度3.5 -4毫米

    The first step, because the river entities seeper, milling equipments must float on water work, need USES the steel plate made floating bodies, plate thickness of 3.5-4 mm.


  • 之后作者理论剖析了聚机重力选矿本质,还阐明了其外加磁场只是强化其分选效果的观点磁聚机归类于重力选矿设备的观点。

    Then the essence of gravity separation of magnetic collector is analysed with gravity seperation theory and the opinion is offered that the additional magnetic field just str


  • 系列振动选设备(适合露天矿使用)适用范围特点:该产品适合处理砂金原生大量尾砂国内外比较先进,适用性强的砂金选矿设备

    The product is suitable for handling original ore of sand gold and huge amount of tailing sand. It is more advanced gold rush washing equipment having strong applicability at home and aboard.


  • 简述预选技术铁矿石生产应用作用,应用的条件介绍选矿预选工艺、新设备在矿山的应用

    This paper describes the effects of preconcentration technology in iron ore beneficiation, application conditions; also introduces the applications of new preconcentration technology and equipments.


  • 概述了我国质量精矿选矿工艺设备浮选药剂等方面所取得的进展

    Chinas new advances in the beneficiation technology, equipment and flotation reagents for producing high quality iron concentrate are outlined.


  • 研磨及其无齿轮驱动器行业大型的设备之一(环行马达20),也是选矿关键设备之一

    The mill and its gearless drive is one of industry's largest installations (the ring motor is almost 20 meters high) and one of the pivotal applications in a concentrator plant.


  • 广泛应用于选矿建材硅酸盐化学工业中的碎石联合设备中。

    Widely used in mineral processing, building materials, silicate and chemical industry in the rubble, the joint screening devices.


  • 通过平铜矿选矿系统存在问题分析研究结合碎矿设备具体条件提出三个技术改造方案

    Through the analysis and study on crushing system of Yongping Copper Mine, and combined with the production condition of crushing equipments, three transform plans are pointed out.


  • 一系列选矿专用设备比如河沙磁选全国范围内得到大面积推广

    A series of dressing special equipment, such as: river sand choose iron ships, magnetic separators, etc in nationwide get accumulates promotion.


  • 通过式漏斗磨损制约选矿设备作业率生产能力提高的重要因素

    The abrasiOn wear of ore-accumulation drive-over hopper is an important factor restricting increasement of equipment operation rate and production capacity.


  • 综述了近年我国铁矿石选矿矿石准备作业、选矿工艺设备药剂产品后处理作业技术进展

    The technical advances in Chinas iron ore beneficiation such as ore preparation, concentration technology, equipment and reagents and after treatment of products are reviewed.


  • 铅锌矿尾矿输送设备能力限制,需对选矿尾矿进行浆输送。

    The tailing of mineral processing in a lead-zinc mine has to be thickened before transportation due to the limited tailings transportation capacity.


  • 设备不宜进行带有腐蚀性液体选矿试验

    The device is not suitable for beneficiation test with a corrosive liquid.


  • 通过技术改造使选矿工艺流程设备日趋完善,提高设备运转率选矿回收率

    After the technological transformation, the ore processing flowsheet and equipment was improved, and the equipment operation rate and ore dressing recovery rate was enhanced.


  • 方法具有成本设备简单操作简单优点适用锑矿选矿厂家

    The method has the advantages of low cost and simple equipment and operation and is applicable to antimony ore dressing plants.


  • 选矿建设项目往往因为设备前期管理研究不足造成不可弥补的经济损失

    In the building project of selecting mine, if there were not enough studying about the pre-management of equipments, it would make a great loss that cannot be reparative.


  • 选矿工艺设备配置有效描述算法实现选矿计算机辅助配置设计的关键问题

    The key problems of the concentrator computer aided layout are how to carry out the effective demonstration and algorithm of the equipment layout of mineral processing.


  • 包钢选矿选矿工艺立环强磁应用设备冷却水水质要求较高

    The vertical magnetic separator is used in the Ore-dressing Plant of Baotou Steel, the equipment needs higher quality of cooling water.


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