• 不明海关规定不知如何选择通道旅客应选申报通道海关办理申报手续

    Passengers that do not understand the Customs regulations or do not know how to choose the right channel shall choose the "GOODS to DECLARE" channel to go through the formalities for declaration.


  • 完成护照检查后,携带所有行李(包括托运行李),自行选择通道通关

    After you have gone through the passport checking points, please take all of your baggage including your checked baggage, and choose the right channel to pass through the Customs.


  • AD7927具有8个通道序列器的单模拟输入可以通过预先编程选择通道转换顺序

    The AD7927 features eight single-ended analog inputs with a channel sequencer to allow a preprogrammed selection of channels to be converted sequentially.


  • 这些规范可以使程序之间通过一个熟悉通道进行通信选择电话传真道理是一样的。

    These conventions are used to allow programs to communicate with each other over a known channel in the same way as you would choose a phone or fax number.


  • 如果选择绑定然后客户端传输模式,则在绑定模式连接失败时,才驱动通道出口

    If "bindings then client" transport mode is chosen, channel exits will only be driven if the bindings mode connection fails.


  • 因此,理想选择通知客户机服务器收到消息稍后使用一个不同传输通道发送应答

    So the ideal option is to notify the client that the server received the message and send the reply later using a different transport channel.


  • 与之进化相关基因包括编码神经离子通道的基因,可能受到积极的选择压力,从而加速基因变化转变。

    It is likely that the genes involved, which include genes that encode neuronal ion channels, have been subject to a positive selection pressure leading to an accelerated evolution of genetic changes.


  • 伙伴选择通道类型不同不同业务模式适用

    Depending on the type of channel selected by a partner, different business patterns will become applicable.


  • 如果通道健康集群对象更改消息则不能流动导致工作负载平衡方法选择基于过时数据(比如队列放置属性)。

    If channels are not healthy, cluster object change messages cannot flow, causing the workload balancing choice to be based on out-of-date data (for example, the put attribute of a queue).


  • 通过选择选项队列管理器中的所有通道都将作为受信任应用程序运行

    By choosing this option all channels within the queue manager will run as trusted.


  • 但是aix角度看系统管理员也可以帮忙做这些比如选择多个双端口光纤通道不同光纤进行通信改进吞吐量

    But from an AIX perspective, systems administrators can help by doing things like choosing multiple dual-port Fibre Channel CARDS to communicate with different fabrics and improve throughput.


  • 许多街头艺人选择地铁通道是因为那里有趣声音效果

    Many buskers choose subway tunnels because of the interesting sound effects.


  • 通过减少选择余地苹果引领用户进入了一个经过精心设计的,提供了良好用户体验通道

    By reducing choice, Apple directs the users through a more carefully designed funnel, which generally delivers a better experience.


  • 实际上SCA运行负责选择正确通信通道负责执行实际的工作

    Actually the SCA runtime is responsible for choosing the right communication channel and for doing the actual work.


  • 因为除了装有传感器的没有其他通道移去磁条也会损坏书籍毫无选择

    Since there was no other way out except through the doorway lined with sensors, and removing the tags could well damage the books, little choice existed.


  • 报告里指出,在每一种情况下有效的“通道容量处于59选择

    In each case he reported that the effective "channel capacity" lay between five and nine choices.


  • 这些通道提供可以使Web服务可用传输选择

    These channels provide you with a choice of transports over which to make your web service available.


  • 右键单击创建MQToBus通道然后选择Start

    Select the newly created MQToBus channel, right - click, then select Start.


  • 不管选择何种通道交互作用关联的ChannelInterface组件将会使用SOAP消息传递MAM服务通信

    Regardless of the selected channel interaction, the associated channel interface component would use SOAP messaging to communicate with MAM Services.


  • 单击启用通道压缩连接工厂激活规范选择右侧Advancedproperties链接

    Click on the connection factory or activation specification on which to enable channel compression, and select the Advanced properties link on the right side.


  • 如果选择bindings - then - client传输模式,那么只有绑定模式连接失败时才使用通道出口

    If the bindings-then-client transport mode is chosen, channel exits will only be driven if the bindings mode connection fails.


  • 选择作为解决方案之前,知道WebSphereMQ集群通道使用出口可能需要安全出口一个通道自动定义(CHAD)出口。

    Before choosing this as your solution, be aware that when using exits on WebSphere MQ cluster channels, you will probably need both a security exit and a channel auto-definition (CHAD) exit.


  • 选择WebUI应用程序部署哪个通信通道时,开发人员应该注意一点。

    Developers should pay attention to this when choosing the communication channel they employ in their Web UI applications.


  • 为了确保一点,需要选择一种通道框架传输类型选择DCS -Secure作为每个核心组通道(13)。

    To ensure this, select a transport type of channel framework and DCS-Secure as channel chain for each core group (Figure 13).


  • 为了使每个核心组都具有最大安全性,需要选择一种通道框架传输类型将DCS -Secure作为通道

    To ensure this for each core group, select a transport type of channel framework and DCS-Secure as channel chain.


  • SenderMQchannelnamebusToMQ可以任意选择名称必须与 MQ队列管理器中的接收方通道名称相匹配。)

    Sender MQ channel name: busToMQ (This can be any name of your choosing, but it must match the receiver channel name in the MQ queue manager.


  • 如果通道使用SSL那么可以选择设置通道用户ID

    If SSL is used on the channel, then optionally the channel user ID can be set. If it is set, it is set in one of two ways.


  • 如果通道使用SSL那么可以选择设置通道用户ID

    If SSL is used on the channel, then optionally the channel user ID can be set. If it is set, it is set in one of two ways.


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