• 另一个品牌服饰品牌相似,我依然选择品牌甲。

    If there is another brand that carries styles similar to brand a, I will still stick to brand a.


  • 为了更好选择品牌延伸策略效果论文应用模糊决策分析方法建立品牌延伸绩效评估模型

    In order to better brand choice strategy extension of the effect of the application papers fuzzy decision-making analysis, the establishment of performance evaluation model of brand extension.


  • 因此企业应当根据全局战略理性选择品牌竞争策略加强品牌管理,以品牌参与竞争,以品牌赢得竞争。

    Therefore, the enterprise should select the tactics of the brand competition sensibly, enhance the brand administration, participate in and win the competition according to the overall strategy.


  • 市场营销人员必须留意事情选择品牌型号名称时一定所有主要目标市场定位策略保持一致

    This is the type of thing marketers need to pay attention to when choosing brand and model names to be consistent with their positioning strategy, including all key national target markets.


  • 选择购买产品品牌时,越来越多的消费者开始关注可持续性

    When choosing what products to buy and which brands to buy from, more and more consumers are looking into sustainability.


  • 本地公司选择场地兴建主题公园我们则负责品牌维护

    Local companies find the sites and build the theme parks, while we will look after the branding.


  • 消费者选择那些市场上的强势品牌扭曲

    Consumer choice will be distorted by and subjugated to the marketing of brands.


  • 苹果公司设计使用者带来的方便性吸引力使得全世界许多消费者选择苹果产品超过其他品牌

    It's Apple's ability to design user friendly and attractive products makes many consumers around the world choose Apple over other brands.


  • 仅是坚持吃类似薯条食品,可以选择蔬菜成分顶部品牌

    When you simply must have chips, look for brands with vegetables at the top of the ingredients list.


  • 分析单一品牌香烟时,每次随机选择只烟,取其平均数据

    For a single brand, five cigarettes were randomly selected for each assay and the data averaged together.


  • 认为如果人们不是在海外购买除非大家支付不起,否则大多数一直选择外国品牌

    I think unless people can't afford, most will always choose foreign brands, if not buying overseas.


  • 但是那些确保他们服装风格他们的子女继承的人来讲,有足够多品牌可供选择

    But for those who want to ensure that their sartorial style is inherited by their children there are plenty of labels from which to choose.


  • 两种选择:你可以使用公司标志作为品牌形象或者你也可以利用所在公司品牌选择创建一个个人资料

    You have two options: you can either use a branded profile with your company's logo, or you can opt to create a more personal profile that unites your own personal brand with that of the company.


  • 如果人们真正懂得这些测试是这样做的,他们可能就选择一些人道化妆品品牌了,”补充

    If people actually knew about the tests involved, they might insist on buying their cosmetics from a cruelty-free brand,” he added.


  • 但是美国汽车制造商经济危及袭来之前就已经遇到困惑他们流失了本可以提供更多选择燃料高效型汽车海外品牌市场份额

    But U. s. automakers were ailing even before the financial crisis struck, losing market share to foreign brands that provide more choices for fuel-efficient vehicles.


  • 有的品牌选择严格的专业路线有的则是展示企业个性

    Some brands choose a strictly professional approach, while others give their posts and tweets a company persona.


  • 为了对抗假货,越来越多品牌选择防伪设备嵌入商品中。

    To fight back, more brands are turning to authentication devices into their merchandise.


  • 花上一些时间选择一些品牌它们可以为你提供不过时且物美价廉衣服

    Take your time to select a few choice merchants that offer timeless, quality clothing at reasonable prices.


  • 林娱乐,这个通过收购兼并坐上主题乐园产业第二交椅庞然大物旗下有不计其数品牌项目可供选择来组合搭配

    Merlin, which has grown through acquisitions to become the industry's second-biggest operator, has a portfolio of brands that it can mix and match.


  • 尼尔森在线公司赛后调查发现,43%参与调查者认为现代汽车在超级碗比赛广告使他们品牌选择变得更好了。

    Nielsen's online post-game survey found 43% of participants said Hyundai's Super Bowl ads improved their opinion of the brand.


  • 大多数消费者根据品牌知名度质量产品价格选择香水

    Most consumers who buy fragrance are responding to the reputation of the brand, the quality of the product or the price.


  • 如果那样,他们手机只能成为消费者两个选择,没办法提升品牌价值。”Jeronimo先生

    "Without that, the Nokia-Microsoft handsets will just be a single option or two for consumers, not enough to elevate the brand into the mainstream of consciousness," Mr. Jeronimo said.


  • 指示LotusSametime客户端选择Your Co品牌而不是默认品牌,您可以修改文件plugin_customization . ini。

    To instruct the Lotus Sametime client to select the Your Co branding instead of the default branding, you can modify the file plugin_customization.ini.


  • 当然如果知道产品品牌,则可以选择品牌缩小产品列表范围。

    Of course, you still select the brand if you know it to narrow down the product list.


  • 如果你选择准确,这个标志他人传递一种品牌信息甚至会改变自己的看法。

    Chosen well, it will convey a brand message to others and even change the way you see yourself.


  • 娃哈哈名字选择起来类似婴儿笑声发音,但是,该品牌目前处于一场日益激化国际商务争端核心

    The name Wahaha was chosen to sound like a baby laughing but is now at the centre of an increasingly contentious international business dispute.


  • 娃哈哈名字选择起来类似婴儿笑声发音,但是,该品牌目前处于一场日益激化国际商务争端核心

    The name Wahaha was chosen to sound like a baby laughing but is now at the centre of an increasingly contentious international business dispute.


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