• Dobrenz也许只须再多丁点儿时间担当游戏逆转者了。直到它的克星发明。”

    "Probably, for at least a short amount of time, it could have been a game changer, until a counter was developed for it," Dobrenz said.


  • 人们反响显示出,和平进程尽管还不完全,但却是极其坚固的,谋杀们不能逆转的。

    The reaction has shown that the peace process, though imperfect, is too robust for the murderers to reverse it.


  • 老年痴呆症,又名阿尔茨海,是以这种病症的发现爱罗斯·阿兹·海默医生的名字命名。这一种缓慢破坏记忆力思维能力大脑疾病,不可逆转且是递增的。

    Alzheimer's disease, named after Dr. Alois Alzheimer, is a brain disease that slowly destroys memory and thinking capability.


  • 大多数手中持有现金存款(因此逆转资产价格收缩一个关键要素)的中小投资放弃存款转向股票资产

    Retail investors, large holders of cash, dissave (thus reversing one of the key drivers of asset deflation) and divest deposits into equity assets.


  • 作为篇文章示例所显示那样,我们我们系统所建立用户接口成为我们相应参与透视图得出的描述逆转

    As the examples in this article show, the user interfaces we build for our systems will be the reverse of the use case descriptions we write from the relevant actor's perspective.


  • 因此领域状况发生逆转投机就会撤出资金降低风险保护自己资本,这会使这种撤出效应迅速传播

    So, when one of these positions reverses, the effects spread rapidly as speculators bail out of their positions to reduce risk and preserve their capital.


  • 然而批评认为大坝引发问题要多于解决的问题,当地物种栖息地难以逆转损毁更大生态灾难

    Still, critics say that the dam has caused more problems than it has solved, including irreversible damage to local species' habitats and the larger ecosystem.


  • 增长可能会放缓市场形势可能逆转新的竞争可能会涌现太早上市显然风险——等待错失良机同样不是好主意。

    Growth can slow, markets can turn, new competitors can show up. Going public too early clearly has risks - but so does waiting too long and missing your opportunity.


  • 潮流逆转时候希望能够大多数投资竞相卖出的时候,以低得不能再低的价格某些公司的便宜。

    And when that tide turns, I'd like to be able to say that I picked up some of those great companies at doom-and-gloom prices while most investors were selling them.


  • 意味着到2006年6月底时,全球有所需求中的大约24%正在接受逆转录病毒治疗

    This means that about 24 percent of people in need worldwide were receiving antiretroviral therapy by end-June 2006.


  • 这个过程可以逆转但是需要掌权努力才能做到

    The process could be reversed; but for that to happen, somebody in power would have to try.


  • 永远不会听到黑斯廷斯指出这一点,但是科技世界众人不同,一个安静破坏默默地不可逆转破坏着商业模式

    You'll never hear Hastings point that out, however. Unlike many in the tech world, he's a quiet disrupter, sabotaging business models silently and irretrievably.


  • 投机逆转还是久经压迫的新闻工作终于摆脱报道审核的枷锁欢庆

    Was it an opportunistic volte-face or were long-repressed journalists delighted to throw off the shackles of censorship?


  • 如果不能获得逆转录病毒疗法以及适当的结核治疗多数染上结核艾滋病毒感染很快死去有的几周内就会死去。

    Without access to antiretroviral therapy and proper TB treatment, most people living with HIV who develop tuberculosis will die quickly, sometimes in a matter of weeks.


  • 提供获取逆转录病毒治疗至关重要的,可以延长HIV病毒携带生命,提高他们生活质量可以鼓励他们进行HIV病毒测试

    The availability and accessibility of antiretroviral treatment is crucial; it enables people living with HIV to enjoy longer, healthier lives, and as such ACTS as an incentive for HIV testing.


  • 发达国家大多数HIV病毒感染随时获得逆转录病毒治疗针对机会感染常规治疗

    Most people living with HIV in developed countries have ready access to antiretroviral therapy and conventional treatments for opportunistic infections.


  • 除了录病毒治疗外,艾滋病毒感染经常需要获得咨询心理支持

    In addition to antiretroviral treatment, people with HIV often need counselling and psychosocial support.


  • 通过病毒治疗,艾滋病毒感染可以过上健康丰富生活

    With ART, HIV-infected individuals can live healthy and productive lives.


  • 与会这个计策果见成效——整个讨论上演了一个“山穷水复疑无路“柳暗花明又一村”的大逆转,整个市场为之振奋。”

    The ruse worked; the discussions, said one participant, had gone "from worse to bad to better". Markets rejoiced.


  • 逆转能量身体过程。修练男女极性的神圣结合,搭配丹功炼丹术来减少能量身体的熵

    Reversal of the entropy processes in the energy bodies. This can be achieved by sacred union between female and male polarity with inner and outer alchemy.


  • 衡量美国消费信心大企业联合会(ConferenceBoard)指数6月的49.3下降本月的46.6,标志着连续2逆转趋势,此前该指数2月跌至创纪录低点后连续3个月大幅上扬。

    The Conference Board's index of US consumer confidence fell to 46.6 this month from 49.3 in June, marking a two-month reversal of a prior three-month surge from February's record low.


  • 艾滋病疫苗的成功研制至少时间,期间每个人都注意预防艾滋病毒感染得到治疗

    The vaccine is at least 10 years away, and in the meantime everyone needs prevention and people living with HIV need access to anti-retroviral treatment.


  • 这份报告指出大约660万中低水平收入国家的感染去年年底接受了抗逆转录病毒治疗这个数字比2001年增加了22

    The report notes that some 6.6 million people in low - and middle-income countries were receiving antiretroviral treatment at the end of last year - nearly 22 times the number in 2001.


  • 逆转的ETFs投资提供一种方法但是在长期它们并不总是带回这种回报。

    Inverse ETFs offer a way for investors to bet on a fall in an asset class but they may not always deliver such a return over an extended period.


  • 尽管这项计划预防方面并未像拥泵期望的那样取得巨大成功,不过,生命拯救逆转录病毒方面,仍然让大多数非洲(210万),得到了医治

    While PEPFAR has been less successful at prevention than its proponents had hoped, it has kept 2.1m people, most of them African, on life-saving antiretroviral treatment.


  • 尽管这项计划预防方面并未像拥泵期望的那样取得巨大成功,不过,生命拯救逆转录病毒方面,仍然让大多数非洲(210万),得到了医治

    While PEPFAR has been less successful at prevention than its proponents had hoped, it has kept 2.1m people, most of them African, on life-saving antiretroviral treatment.


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