• 日本共同社近期一项调查显示大多数支持天皇退位意向

    Most support the emperor's desire to step down - a recent survey by the Kyodo news agency found more than 85% saying abdication should be legalised.


  • 诗人一个退位君王,坐在宫殿灰烬里用残次捏形象

    A poet is a dethroned king sitting among the ashes of his palace trying to fashion an image out of the ashes.


  • 而且公爵退位时候伊丽莎白王后曾告诉一直祈祷尽管很快厌恶要求

    Nevertheless, Queen Elizabeth told the Duke when he abdicated that she would always remember him in her prayers, though she soon became irritated by his demands.


  • 明仁天皇提出退位的请求提醒我们一种许多拒绝面对可能性不管我们作何感想天皇制度也许终将消亡。

    Emperor Akihito's plea for retirement came as a reminder of a possibility some people refuse to face: the imperial system may not survive, no matter how we feel about it.


  • 电影探讨爱德华八世美国沃利之间关系英国王室以及首相的立即反对,直接导致爱德华在位不满便退位的事实。

    The film will examine the relationship between Edward and Wallis, which was opposed by the British establishment and Prime Minister and led to Edward's abdication after less than a year as monarch.


  • 令人尴尬丑闻共和党左派最近欧洲选举中的受欢迎程度迫使他收回前言退位

    Embarrassing scandals and the popularity of the republican left in the recent Euro-elections have forced him to eat his words and stand down.


  • 正如大部分强人苏哈托拒绝解决交班问题直到最后退位

    Like most strongmen, Suharto refused to deal with the problem of succession until it was forced upon him.


  • 对于被污蔑拐走国王女人”的华丽斯·辛普森来说,退位事件场噩梦

    For Wallis Simpson, maligned as' the woman who stole the King ', the Abdication was a tragedy.


  • 目前紧迫问题如何让卡扎菲上校迅速退位

    For now, the most pressing question is how to speed up the departure of Colonel Qaddafi.


  • 公爵退位国王乔治六世皇室对于态度,则感到难以忍受,并且可以说是永不饶恕的。

    The attitude of King George VI and the Royal Family towards the Duke following the Abdication was something he found hard to come to terms with and arguably never forgave.


  • 随后,各种名誉地位接踵而至,赐予了一退位天皇的女儿作为自己妻子

    Honours are heaped upon him and he is offered the retired emperor’s daughter as a wife.


  • 超市购物车让投票箱退位了?

    HAS the supermarket trolley dethroned the ballot box?


  • 决定一经宣布立刻成了媒体的头条消息,纽约州参议员帕特·莫尼汉退位家庭带来了大的影响

    Newt's announcement got more headlines, but the retirement of New York senator Pat Moynihan would have a bigger impact on my family.


  • 但是想让“煤炭国王石油皇后退位需要时间但是他们绝对统治地位日渐势微。

    It will be a long time before King Coal and Queen Oil are dethroned completely, but their reigns as absolute monarchs of all they survey are coming slowly to an end.


  • 皮罗委员会逻辑最好现在退位不要等到2014年。

    The logic of the Shapiro committee suggests that it would be better for him to stand down now, rather than in 2014.


  • 这件由玛瑙钻石镶嵌而成的手镯江山更爱美英王爱德华世送给温莎公爵夫人的礼物。 爱德华八世也因为这段风流韵事1936年主动退位

    The onyx and diamond panther bracelet was once owned by Wallis Simpson, whose love affair with King Edward VIII led to his abdication in 1936.


  • 电路劲敌思买(Best Buy)即将退位老板布雷德·安德森说:“我们认为这个行业6080亿美元利润可供挖掘。”

    "We think there's six to eight billion dollars of business up for grabs," says Brad Anderson, the outgoing boss of Best Buy, Circuit City's closest competitor.


  • 电路劲敌百思(Best Buy)即将退位老板雷德-安德森说:“我们认为这个行业有6080亿美元的利润可供挖掘。”

    We think there’s six to eight billion dollars of businessup for grabs, ” says Brad Anderson, the outgoing boss of Best Buy, Circuit City’s closest competitor.


  • 盛丰退位,彭日成交还了第六辆车这是一辆租来的宾利(Bentley)。

    Mr. Pang turned in a sixth vehicle, a leased Bentley, after stepping down from PEMGroup.


  • Calacanis先生拿破仑启程前往厄尔巴岛(译者注:拿破仑第一次被逼退位后被放逐岛屿)、迈克尔·乔丹告别篮坛时的语气大家鞠躬谢幕,返回email传统阵地,继续传播思想

    With the bathos of Napoleon departing for Elba or Michael Jordan bidding adieu to basketball, Mr Calacanis bowed out, reverting to the ancient medium of e-mail to disseminate his opinions.


  • 包括批评家主体精神退位作家主体精神退位这两方面。

    This includes the disappearance of critic subject spirit and the disappearance of writer's subject spirit.


  • 现行法律允许天皇生前退位因此没有关于退位天皇所扮演角色指导

    Current law does not allow abdication, so it offers no guidance about the role of a retired emperor.


  • 头衔问题引起了极大关注,因为同时拥有统治教皇与退位教皇可能引发利益冲突,而这是天主教堂几百年来从未经历过的事情

    The issue fuels concern over a conflict of interest that could arise from having both the ruling and the retired Pope, something the church hasn't experienced in hundreds of years.


  • 根据NHK的报道,2003年2012年分别接受前列腺治疗心脏手术明仁天皇,计划不久正式宣布退位

    According to NHK, Akihito, who was treated for prostate cancer in 2003 and underwent heart surgery in 2012, plans to make a formal announcement shortly.


  • 那天的段思英宣读退位诏书之后,就早早的退朝了。

    At that day, he read out the imperial abdication edict and ended the morning court early.


  • 那天的段思英宣读退位诏书之后,就早早的退朝了。

    At that day, he read out the imperial abdication edict and ended the morning court early.


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