• 新加坡中央公积金制度包括退休保障医疗保障住房保障家庭保障四大保障项目

    Singapore's central provident fund system includes four areas, namely, the retirement security, medical insurance, housing security, and household security.


  • 但是的是,如果我们什么也不,那么我们正在我们经济就业人们退休保障造成威胁。

    But I would argue that if we do nothing we are jeopardizing our economy, jobs and people's retirement security.


  • 成功之一退休政策,这一个的是个人退休保障基金,澳洲人惯用简略词“超级”。

    One of the most inspired was superannuation, a long word meaning private pension provision that the all-abbreviating Aussies call their "super".


  • 关注一点是因为美国劳工部国家退休计划监管部门退休保障这个问题是责无旁贷

    I am concerned about this because the U. s. Department of Labor is the regulatory watchdog for many of the nation's retirement plans. Retirement security is not just another issue to me.


  • 他们不会失去他们退休保障”他说,“他们已经失去了他们的保险金,他们绝大部分财富都就是他们的房子”,房子已经不再以前那么值钱

    "They've lost their pensions. They had most of their wealth in their houses," which aren't worth nearly as much as they used to be.


  • 随着孩子们家庭变得经济独立,家庭经济保障重点保护转移退休储蓄

    As the children become financially independent of the family, the emphasis on family financial security will shift from protection to saving for the retirement years.


  • 一些研究表明退休人员社会保障体系使生育率降低了。

    By some studies, the safety nets for retirees have reduced fertility rates.


  • 他们应该有自己房子保障退休生活不用担心有未付账单

    They also deserve a home of their own, a secure retirement and freedom from worrying about unpaid bills.


  • 毕竟养老金是用来保障公民退休后的利益没有义务用来减少的用量。

    Pension funds have a duty to guarantee their members' retirement benefits, after all, not cut carbon.


  • 开始认真考虑起自己的退休计划,你必须清楚你要去哪里挣得所需要的因为你想要保障自己日后生活

    When you start thinking seriously about retirement, you have to figure out where the money you'll be living on will come from.


  • 希腊已经退休年龄58岁上调至63岁,并且保障了解雇公告员工的权利。

    Greece is increasing the retirement age from 58 to 63 and making it possible to fire public servants.


  • 其次,随着退休人群增长,随之增加的社会保障支出越来越少的工作人群肩上,这将给公共财政造成很大压力

    Secondly, a dwindling band of workers will have to support rising social-security payments, as the number of retired people grows.This will strain public finances.


  • 2010年,对退休残疾者保障金额首次超过工资税收收入

    In 2010, for the first time, payouts to retirees and the disabled have exceeded the program's revenues from payroll taxes.


  • 版主”以为:如果年轻一代过早背负贷款,他们无力保障婴儿潮年代的退休

    The Facebookers have a point. If the younger generation is crushed by debt too early they will not be able to pay for the baby-boomers in retirement.


  • 能够负担得起住房医疗保健退休生活保障公民越来越少。

    Fewer and fewer of your citizens have access to affordable housing, healthcare or security in retirement.


  • 其次,随着退休人群增长,随之增加的社会保障支出落在越来越少的工作人群肩上,将给公共财政造成很大压力

    Secondly, a dwindling band of workers will have to support rising social-security payments, as the number of retired people grows. This will strain public finances.


  • 一些早期想法包括强制征收工人退休人员死人不动产税建立保障基金等引起了争议。

    Some early ideas for funding care - including mandatory levies on workers, retired folk or dead people's estates-proved controversial.


  • 冬天逼近时候,当局无力保障领取退休、养老金或抚恤金生活水平只好向企业机构求助

    Authorities failed to provide pensioners with worthy level of life and asked enterprises and organizations to help in providing of urgent help to this category of people as the winter approached.


  • 因此很多途径可以去尝试——确保退休人员更多保障

    So there are a bunch of ways that we can do -- make sure that retirement is more secure.


  • 维持工作退休时间比率决定退休医疗保障合适年龄一步

    Maintaining the ratio of working to retirement years is a reasonable first approximation to a guideline for determining the eligible age for retirement and health benefits.


  • 自从实行社会保障制度以来,退休老年工人比例大大增加至少部分制度存在的工作抑制作用造成

    The percentage of retired older workers has increased dramatically since the introduction of Social Security. This is at least partially the result of work disincentives in the system.


  • 然而想使他们一代人能够安享退休生活,他们之后一代代陆续进入退休年龄的人提供所需的生活保障日本经济就不能这样随波逐流,日本就必须有所作为。

    Yet to support them in their retirement, and provide the generations that follow them with the economic opportunities they need, Japan cannot afford to drift.


  • 令人担忧事情如果公司倒闭最终不得不养老金保障基金(Pension Protection Fund)取出退休的话能得到只是存全部金额的90%。

    More worrying, she says, is that if your company fails and you end up having to claim your pension through the Pension Protection Fund, you will only get 90% of what you had saved.


  • 然后,根据退休年龄家庭状况其他收入调整基本保障计算实际养老金

    To compute actual benefits, the PIA is adjusted by an amount depending on retirement age, family status, and other earnings.


  • 公共退休养老金保障在在20世纪60年代推行时,由11位在职人员供养一位领取退休养老金的人。

    When public pensions were introduced in the 1960s there were 11 workers for every pensioner.


  • 对于通用公司而言,最大问题找到一个方法削减退休工人医疗保障

    For g. m. the main issue was to find a way to cut its costs for health care for retired workers.


  • 这种保障中包含许多被提拔可能性退休有权领取养老金

    This security includes the increased chances of being promoted and being entitled to pension after retirement.


  • 不仅关系退休职工的生活保障而且关系到整个社会稳定社会老龄化的安全度过。

    It concerns not only the guarantee for giving the retired their money, but also concerns our social stability and a safety transition from a young society into an old one.


  • 不仅关系退休职工的生活保障而且关系到整个社会稳定社会老龄化的安全度过。

    It concerns not only the guarantee for giving the retired their money, but also concerns our social stability and a safety transition from a young society into an old one.


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