• 由NEU诱发的染色体初级断裂不能连接修复

    Thus, the NEU-induced primary chromosome breakage may not be repaired by the ligase.


  • 最近一些研究显示TRIM家族可能是一类新的RING指泛素连接酶

    The recent data indicating that some TRIM proteins are implicated in ubiquitination, as a novel class of RING finger ubiquitin E3 ligases.


  • SCF复合体一种非常重要的E3泛素连接酶植物中研究的最为深入。

    SCF complex is a very important ubiquitin E3 ligase which has been exploited very well in plants.


  • 连接一种包括羧基催化两个分子结合,一般腺苷三磷酸能量

    Any of a class of enzymes, including the carboxylases, that catalyze the linkage of two molecules, generally utilizing ATP as the energy donor.


  • CHIP属于连接酶类,具有E3连接活性,参与能量代谢途径新陈代谢。

    CHIP, an E3 ubiquitin ligase and cochaperones, involves in energy metabolism and protein quality control.


  • 通过最近努力我们已经明确了心脏存在的连接酶调节心肌功能中的多种作用

    Our recent efforts have defined multiple roles for ubiquitin ligases in the heart to regulate cardiomyocyte function.


  • 目的探讨脂肪酸a连接4 (FACL4)原发性肝癌(PHC)发生中的作用

    Objective To investigate the effect of long chain fatty acid-CoA ligase 4 (FACL4) in the pathogenesis of primary hepatic carcinoma (PHC).


  • 磷酸化影响调控步骤可能E3泛素连接酶底物识别有关,可能与实际交联反应有关。

    The regulatory step affected by phosphorylation could involve either recognition of the substrate by an E3 ubiquitin ligase or the actual conjugation reaction.


  • 发明RING样遍蛋白E3连接酶参与介导植物中的限制适应性应答表达状态影 响。

    The RING-like ubiquitin E3 ligase of the present invention is involved in mediating nitrogen limitation adaptive responses in plants and its expression is influenced by nitrogen status.


  • 本文建立了基于连接检测反应基因多态性并行检测系统系统应用连接酶检测反应与基因芯片技术

    Typing technology is the main method to evaluate gene polymorphism. The parallel typing system based on ligase detection reaction is (established) for gene polymorphism.


  • 心肌细胞功能方面泛素连接生物学性能总结概括,并且,作用将会被看作为潜在治疗目标

    The biology of ubiquitin ligases in the context of cardiomyocyte function will be summarized, and the roles for these ubiquitin ligases will be discussed as potential therapeutic targets.


  • 泛素连接E3一个种类繁多的大家族,涉及植物生长、发育、逆境胁迫防御等多个方面关键步骤的控制。

    E3 ubiquitin ligases are a large family with wide variety, and are involved in many important biological processes in plants.


  • 这种技术DNA靶标分子任意位点进行基因敲除、敲入、点突变等操作,无需使用限制性内切连接

    The Red mediated recombination can be used to insert, delete or substitute DNA sequences at any desired position on a target molecule without the need for restriction enzymes or DNA ligases.


  • 这一技术需要内切消化连接处理,技术操作简单易行基因拼接、基因内部突变方面具有良好应用价值

    The technique didnt need restrict enzymes and ligases, which could be developed as a simple and useful technique in the studies of gene splicing and gene mutation.


  • 目的应用连接酶反应LCR技术检测男性尿标本中的淋病奈瑟菌沙眼衣原体,初步评价其敏感性特异性

    Objective: To determine the sensitivity and specificity of ligase chain reaction(LCR) for the detection of Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia trachomatis in the first-void urine of men.


  • 乳腺癌易感基因BRCA1编码E3泛素连接,BRCA1通过调控DNA损伤反应DNA修复维持基因组稳定性

    The breast cancer susceptibility gene, BRCA1, codes for an E3 ubiquitin ligase that functions in the maintenance of genome stability through regulation of the DNA damage response and DNA repair.


  • 乳腺癌易感基因BRCA1编码E3泛素连接,BRCA1通过调控DNA损伤反应DNA修复维持基因组稳定性

    The breast cancer susceptibility gene, BRCA1, codes for an E3 ubiquitin ligase that functions in the maintenance of genome stability through regulation of DNA damage response and DNA repair.


  • 方法进行T_4 - RNA连接制备过程的活力测定表明方法适合制剂的活力测定适合于制剂的活力测定。

    Observations made during the purification of T_4-RNA ligase show that this method is suitable for both the pure enzyme and the crude enzyme.


  • 本文概述植物干旱胁迫调控机制植物连接e3着重阐述了泛素连接酶e3介导的植物干旱胁迫反应及其作用机制

    In this paper, we summarized the drought stress regulation mechanism, plant ubiquitin ligase E3, and emphatically described the ubiquitin ligase E3 response to plant drought stress and its mechanisms.


  • 利用DNA分子连接生物特性提出DNA计算机链式存储结构设计方法给出二叉树链式存储结构的形式描述。

    This paper proposed the method of designing linked storage structure of the binary tree in DNA computer, which utilized the biological characteristics of DNA molecules and ligases.


  • 怀特他的同事麻省理工学院化学系副教授爱丽丝带领下,首先研制出一种荧光素连接,它来源于天然大肠杆菌硫辛酸连接酶LplA)。

    White and colleagues, headed by MIT associate professor of chemistry Alice Ting, first engineered a fluorophore ligase derived from the natural Escherichia coli enzyme lipoic acid ligase (LplA).


  • 方法样本测序检测TLR2基因可能存在的基因多态性,再连接特异检测技术样本进行SNP分型,并通过统计学方法分析基因多态性与结核病易感性之间相关性。

    Methods TLR2 gene polymorphisms were analyzed by DNA sequencing in a small amount of samples. SNPs in TLR2 gene were detected by ligase detection technique in a large amount of samples.


  • 方法样本测序检测TLR2基因可能存在的基因多态性,再连接特异检测技术样本进行SNP分型,并通过统计学方法分析基因多态性与结核病易感性之间相关性。

    Methods TLR2 gene polymorphisms were analyzed by DNA sequencing in a small amount of samples. SNPs in TLR2 gene were detected by ligase detection technique in a large amount of samples.


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