• 而是在所有进行买卖的每一个角落

    But everywhere where buying and selling takes place.


  • 徽章工作单位进行分发,并作为奖品甚至进行买卖

    Badges were distributed by work units, given as prizes or traded.


  • 二级市场初级市场发行的证券进行买卖的市场。

    The secondary market is where securities are bought and sold once they have been issued in the primary market.


  • 我们交易中进行买卖标准化合同通常成为期货合同。

    We also have standardized contracts that are traded on exchanges and they're called futures contracts.


  • 阁下明白同意承担所有电子方式进行买卖交易风险

    You understand and agree to bear all risks involved in trade and transaction entered through electronic means.


  • 可以专门掌握技能然后对这项技能生产商品进行买卖

    One could specialize in a certain skill and then trade the products of that skill for other goods.


  • 如果人们不再能够一个公平价格进行买卖为什么我们还要继续eBay上呢?

    If people could no longer buy or sell things at a fair price, why would they continue coming to eBay?


  • 货币币种交换(掉期)两个不同起息日一定数量外汇同时进行买卖

    A currency swap is the simultaneous purchase and sale of a given amount of foreign exchange for two different value dates.


  • 一大堆异质的保证物在一个混乱不清大包里进行买卖的做法也应该法律禁止

    The agglomerating of mortgages of differing quality into opaque and shuffled bundles should be outlawed.


  • 人们不再面对面的、看着实实在在货物介质单据包括现金进行买卖交易

    People are no longer face-to-face , look at the true goods , depend on the paper medium document (including the cash ) to carry on the business transaction.


  • 理解持有的东西。巴菲特写道根据媒体分析师评论进行买卖投资者不适合于我们

    Understand what you own. 'Investors who buy and sell based upon media or analyst commentary are not for us, ' Mr. Buffett wrote.


  • 农村赶集习惯5天一每逢这一天各个会聚集市进行买卖热闹非凡。

    The habit of rural areas go to the market, 5 days time, every day, all the village people will gather to the market, trading activities, but crowded.


  • 比如澳大利亚外国人面对主要限制必须先获得当地外资检讨批准进行买卖

    For example, in Australia, the main constraints faced by foreigners is to obtain the approval of the local foreign investment review board before they can be traded.


  • 更有甚者几年采用了以下规定禁止通过纽约证交所进行买卖盘传递,因为该证交所不能正常运作

    What's more, following rules introduced a couple of years ago, they refrained from routing orders through the NYSE because it was not functioning as normal.


  • 第二经销代理人经纪人他们自己经营,但却主要他人进行买卖机构。他们对所销售的货物没有货权。

    The second, merchandise agents and brokers, are wholesaling establishments whose operators are in business for themselves and are primarily engaged in selling or buying goods for others.


  • 红绿灯软件严格风险控制系统,严格按照红绿灯进行买卖操作不会发生大额的亏损但是获利则可以无限放大

    There are strict traffic light software risk control systems, traffic lights in strict accordance with the trading operation will be no large losses, but profit can be enlarged indefinitely.


  • 种三位数字代码,印信用卡背面多数不是所有的电子零售商进行买卖交易是都要求提供这一代码。

    That's the three-digit code on the back of every credit card that most, but not all, e-retailers ask for when making a purchase.


  • 如果阁下透过某个电子交易系统进行买卖便须承受该系统带来风险,包括有关系统硬件软件可能会失灵的风险。

    If you undertake transactions on an electronic trading system, you will be exposed to risks associated with the system including the failure of hardware and software.


  • 初次发行债券是以5000美元为单位增量进行销售的,债券初次发行是以每次100美元为单位增量的报价进行买卖的。

    New issues of bonds are usually sold in $5000 increments while bonds bought and sold after the initial issues are quoted in increments of $100.


  • 电子交易透过某个电子交易系统进行买卖可能不仅不同公开喊价市场的交易,有所不同于在其他电子交易系统进行买卖

    Electronic trading trading on an electronic trading system may differ not only from trading in an open-outcry market but also from trading on other electronic trading systems.


  • 这些用户个人资料处于持续更新状态各种类似股市的交易所进行买卖,这些市场过去18个月中如雨后春笋般涌现出来

    These profiles of individuals, constantly refreshed, are bought and sold on stock-market-like exchanges that have sprung up in the past 18 months.


  • 今天只有公司可以把他们商品往不同的国家明天不同规模公司都可以通过在线服务第三方物流公司与地球任何一个角落进行买卖

    Today, only large companies can sell products in many countries. Tomorrow, businesses of any size can use online services and outsourced logistics to buy and sell in every corner of the globe.


  • 市场大部分软件属于分析软件需要投资者本身具备比较高超分析水平,通过自己的分析进而得出结论,然后进行买卖

    Most of the software market are software-based analysis, investors need to own a relatively high level of analysis, through their own analysis to conclude that, and then traded.


  • 提到自己所犯最大错误之一,就是授予了董事会两位投资者否决行使权,导致他们有时滥用职权而且妨碍了进行好的买卖

    He references one of his biggest mistakes as giving veto power to two investors on his board of directors, who abused that power and blocked him from doing good deals sometimes.


  • 提到自己所犯最大错误之一,就是授予了董事会两位投资者否决行使权,导致他们有时滥用职权而且妨碍了进行好的买卖

    He references one of his biggest mistakes as giving veto power to two investors on his board of directors, who abused that power and blocked him from doing good deals sometimes.


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