• 知道想来这里度假我们火车到达德国克莱夫妻子就离开了我们

    I know you want to come here on vacation too one day! Clive and his wife left us once we got to Germany by train.


  • 起初斯特建议奥威尔这里度假

    Initially, Astor offered it to Orwell for a holiday.


  • 父母这里度假我们怎么办?。

    My parents are coming here for the holidays. Where should we go?


  • 他们这里度假我们他们参观一下丽江美丽风景

    They are here on holiday. We have to show them round the beautiful sceneries in Lijiang.


  • 几年以前这里度假那以后,他便一直居住在这个地方。

    He came here for a holiday several years ago and he's lived here ever since.


  • 游客们喜欢这里度假原因度假提供服务收费

    Tourists like to come here on vacation because the resorts offer all-inclusive service charges.


  • 如果正在这里度假旅行居住美国那么乐意听到您的。

    If you are traveling here for a vacation or live in the US, then I would love to hear from you.


  • 那些外国这里度假的人可能看到坐在滑板就跑过来认为在乞讨

    People from overseas, they come here for holidays or just maybe might see me on my skateboard, and run up and give me money, think that I'm begging.


  • 每天工作大约四个小时最后一天打工周六,届时巴马家庭其他成员将抵达这里度假

    She works for about four hours. Her last day is Saturday, when the rest of the Obama family arrives for vacation.


  • 大多数马耳他生活着的时不时会抱怨不好不好,是因为他们不是这里度假而是在这里生活。

    Most foreign people in Malta complain about almost everything there all the time, that is because they stay in this island to live not to travel or for a short holiday or something.


  • 翻译:飞越敌占区的时候,看着贝鲁特美丽天际线心想是不是环境我会上一辆旅游巴士来到这里度假

    Flying over enemy territory, I took in Beirut's beautiful skyline and wondered if under different circumstances I would have hopped on a bus and come here for my vacation.


  • 尔塔一边ElRodadero这一个类似坎昆地方,时尚餐厅露天集市高楼大厦沿海而建,逢周末大量的有钱人来到这里度假

    On the other side of Santa Marta lies el Rodadero, a cancun-like strip of stylish restaurants, open-air markets and high-rise hotels along beaches that fill with well-to-do locals on weekends.


  • 西班牙夜生活奥地利我们抵达酒店公寓时侯,已经晚上11点半了,但是大街上仍然热闹非凡(大部分是前来这里度假游人)。

    In Spain, the night life was much more longer than Austria. When we arrived the apartment, it was already 11:30pm, but still could find many people (most of them were the travelers) on the street.


  • 布莱顿第一重要海滨城镇很快这里成为了英国热门的度假胜地

    Brighton was the first major seaside town in England. It soon became Britain's most popular resort.


  • 西方游客犹豫不决,他们可不想这个时候类似摩洛哥这种国家度假这里白天买不到食物酒精类饮料销售禁止。

    Western tourists hesitate to spend their holidays at a time when food can be hard to find during the day and alcohol sales are suspended, as in Morocco.


  • 度假人们都会被这里恬静环境,完美的沙滩零星渔村景色所征服。

    The few that make it here find quiet walking, excellent beaches, and a handful of fishing villages.


  • 勘察娜”姐姐以及这里哥哥一起离开他们的村子Thampalagama度假这个村子恰好是猛虎组织在东部控制相对地区

    Kanchana and her sister had left their village in Thampalagama, an area in the east more loosely controlled by the LTTE, for a holiday with a brother living there.


  • 庞岸达兰印尼人喜欢海边度假胜地,这里家旅馆是2006年海啸摧毁后重建起来的。

    Pangandaran is a seaside resort popular with Indonesians. Its 10 hotels have been rebuilt since the tsunami destroyed much of the area in 2006.


  • 目标首先英国市场MikeClewer离开伦敦附近,来到这里担任度假的执行董事

    The British market was targeted first, says Mike Clewer, who left his home near London to become managing director of the resort.


  • 这里,既有维拉和卢甘维尔大型豪华度假,又有小型的,建筑在小岛的家庭式平房

    There is accommodation ranging from large luxury resorts in the major centres of Port Vila or Luganville through to small local family-owned bungalows on the outer islands.


  • 按照遗愿,安葬伐利亚州的文西德尔这里他家度假,他的父母也葬在这里

    As he requested in his will, he was buried in the small Bavarian town of Wunsiedel, where his family had a holiday home and where his parents were already interred.


  • 同里现在历史遗迹保护区,同时也是一个受到高度赞扬旅游度假越来越多旅游爱好者来到这里

    Tongli is now a highly praised historical site and tourist resort and enjoys increasing popularity with travel enthusiasts.


  • 这里自行车舒适旅馆迷人的天气适合全家人夏季度假胜地

    With bike trails, cozy inns, and fantastic weather, this is a summer vacation spot for the whole family.


  • 非常感谢岛上友好的工作人员,你们使得我们这次的旅行非同寻常,另外特别感谢帮助我们找到这里并且度假过程中指引着我们到到网。

    Thankss goes out to all the wonderful staff on the island that made our trip so special and extrathanks to all the help we found here on Trip Advisor that guided us on our vacation.


  • 这里年降雨量1690毫米这样个怡人气候特征使五指山市成为一个旅客游览观光度假消遣的神奇之境。

    The area's annual rainfall is 1,690 millimeters. This kind of agreeable climate makes Wuzhishan a unique place for tourists to visit for sightseeing or a holiday.


  • 这里年降雨量1690毫米这样个怡人气候特征使五指山市成为一个旅客游览观光度假消遣的神奇之境。

    The area's annual rainfall is 1, 690 millimeters. This kind of agreeable climate makes Wuzhishan a unique place for tourists to visit for sightseeing or a holiday.


  • 特蕾莎度假(TherasiaResort海角上,这块海角公元前183年冒出水面这里可以俯瞰所有其它岛屿

    The Therasia Resort was built on a headland that had only surfaced in 183 BC, and looks out over all the other islands. But the real trick is in the design.


  • 特蕾莎度假(TherasiaResort海角上,这块海角公元前183年冒出水面这里可以俯瞰所有其它岛屿

    The Therasia Resort was built on a headland that had only surfaced in 183 BC, and looks out over all the other islands. But the real trick is in the design.


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