• 头一置身事外得到长时间休息

    It was the first time I managed to get away and have such a long break.


  • 他们头一发现蒙古入侵船只如此外壳

    They said it was the first time such a large piece of hull had been recovered from the Mongol invasion fleets.


  • 一次来。上星期认识同一个学校教书。

    This is my first. I only met Jane last week. she and I teach at the same school.


  • 在后院里看星星。——……跟安吉尔开始谈恋爱以来,看星星。真幸福

    We stargazed in our backyard. – …for the first time since Angel and I first started dating. It was blissful.


  • 公主们确实标志着女儿主流文化涉足一次受到家庭以外广泛地影响。

    But they did mark my daughter's first foray into the mainstream culture, the first time the influences on her extended beyond the family.


  • 罗伯特·穆加贝鲁莽又无耻统治津巴布韦长达28年来头一可能要下台仅仅可能。

    FOR the first time in 28 years of increasingly reckless and vile rule, Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe looks as if he may go. But only may.


  • 然而平生头一面对有名气听众心里不由激起博取声名的愿望

    Nevertheless, as this was the first time I had had such a distinguished audience, my desire to win renown was strong within me.


  • 心理学家头一发现出言不逊具有镇痛的功效。

    For the first time, psychologists have found that swearing may serve an important function in relieving pain.


  • 地区雇用了176名教师修建2新的学校35年来一次

    The district has hired 176 new teachers and is building two new schools, the first for 35 years.


  • 因为一次外面工作而且又没有经验我不愿意谈多少薪水

    Since this will be my first job and I lack experience, I hesitate to suggest a salary.


  • 哥儿俩头一兴趣上发生分歧而且布伦特对于兄弟居然会看上认为毫不出色姑娘觉得很恼火。

    That was the first time the twins' interest had ever diverged, and Brent was resentful of his brother's attentions to a girl who seemed to him not at all remarkable.


  • 发问者:相当细微的问题,为什么金字塔不干脆一整大石建造完成要用许多块石构成

    Questioner: This is slightly trivial, but I was wondering why the pyramid was made of many blocks rather than creating the whole thing as one form created at once?


  • 这是自打成为切迷以来头一对于球队球迷如此难以置信的信心

    For the first time since I've been supporting, there's an incredible confidence about the squad and the fans.


  • 年来头一没有需要马上要接着投入的工作。

    This is the first time in eight years that I haven't had a job I'm immediately going into.


  • 有生以来头一体验蹦极。

    This is the first time that I have experienced bungee jumping.


  • 因为一次在外面工作而且又没有经验,我不愿意谈多少薪金

    Since this will be my first job and I lack experience, I hesitate to suggest a salary.


  • 多年来头一尽情痛哭如同决堤洪水一般,埋心底恐惧困惑忧伤一下子倾倒出来

    Then she began, for the first time in years, I suspect, to cry her heart out. It was like the bursting of a pent-up river. All the concealed fears, perplexities and grieves poured over its Banks.


  • 那家公司目前已经关闭了柬埔寨雇佣公司被取消营业执照

    That firm has since been closed - the first time a Cambodian labor company has been stripped of its operating license.


  • 55岁的临床心理学家10头一减肥

    It was the first time the 55-year-old clinical psychologist had lost weight in 10 years.


  • 人们一次找到免疫系统进化社会行为之间有关确切证据,将研制下一代抗生素提供线索

    The discovery is the first clear link between the evolution of immune systems and social behavior, and it dangles a new hope for bioprospectors on the trail of the next generation of antibiotics.


  • 一生第三头一次眼睛看不见的时候第二次我听说“”的时候,一次因为得知我一生还不算失败

    This is the third time in my life that I have cried: First, when I became blind. Second, when I heard about "night writing", and now because I know that my life has not been a failure.


  • 我们国内产油量超过世界其他国家进口的量——20年来头一

    More oil produced at home than we buy from the rest of the world - the first time that's happened in nearly 20 years… , " Obama said."


  • 十二全家头一能够一起春节

    This is the first time in latest 12 years that my family can gather together to enjoy the festival.


  • 邻居告诉偶们,着两半的儿子旅行父亲头一带着儿子单独出门

    A neighbor told us about a trip he took with his two-and-a-half -year-old son. It was the first time the father and the boy had been away by themselves.


  • 邻居告诉偶们,着两半的儿子旅行父亲头一带着儿子单独出门

    A neighbor told us about a trip he took with his two-and-a-half -year-old son. It was the first time the father and the boy had been away by themselves.


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