• 这些瞬间串联一起我们称之为事件

    These events are strung together in a series we call events.


  • 生活一系列瞬间以及我们这些瞬间所做的选择组成的。

    Life is just a series of present moments, and the choices we make in those moments.


  • 自助分布进行加权均值计算提取这些瞬间特征构成自助融合序列

    Extracting these instantaneous features via calculation of the weighting mean using bootstrap distribution, bootstrap fusion series are formed.


  • 雷扎总努力想要解读这些瞬间,因为最终再也无法掩饰对萨科奇的崇拜和喜爱之情。

    Ms Reza, who in the end cannot conceal her admiration and affection, struggles to interpret these moments.


  • 这些瞬间可以衡量我们事件应对能力,从中明白什么真正的力量。

    These moments are meant to measure our reactions to the event, and that's where you'll see how strength is truly defined.


  • 这些瞬间,生者想像会涵盖所有经验领域,甚至漫溢出个人生死边界

    During these instants the living imagination covers the entire field of experience and overruns the contours of the individual life or death.


  • 有时候捕获具表现力瞬间是一非常事情,这些瞬间仅仅只持续几十毫秒。

    Sometime the task of catching the most expressive instant, which can last for only hundredths of a second, becomes very difficult.


  • 这些瞬间却是考验我们这些事件反应正是从这些地方能够发现坚强真实定义

    These moments are meant to measure our reactions to the event, and that's where you'll see how strength is truly defined.


  • 然后这些瞬间剪辑段短视频——‘生命中的一天’,借此求职者推销自己公司文化

    This can be edited down to a short 'day in the life' video you could use to market your company and its culture to job candidates.


  • 射线附近黑暗中闪耀所有这些瞬间湮没在时间的洪流里,就像中的泪水死亡的时刻到了。

    I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time. like tears in rain. Time to die.


  • 并且Ar cadeFire可以这些瞬间认识中做出这么有力量的艺术,这也使我们存在感到值得记录的意义。

    And that Arcade Fire can make such powerful art out of recognizing these moments makes our own existences feel worthy of documentation.


  • 特拉顿向我们解释是如何捕捉到这些画面的:“拍摄外景生活仅仅围绕着这些瞬间。”你地球上的各个元素相连接

    Stratton explained how he captured the shots: 'When you go on location your life is only about those moments. You connect with the earth's elements.


  • 这些瞬间细节图像化,可以看作次自残式梦游,愉悦当下的感官刺激后,种梦境的惊骇引发观者自身存在的恐惧绝望

    Show these details in the form of pictures just like suicide-sleepwalking. After a joviality experience of sense stimulate, one would feel fear and despair about his self-existent.


  • 英国经典喜剧电影《继续克里奥!》中的耻辱啊耻辱,他们统统了”获第七名,而《银翼杀手》中的“所有这些瞬间消失时间中……一如雨之泪”位居第八。

    Carry On Cleo's: 'infamy, infamy, they've all got it in for me' came in seventh, beating Blade Runner's 'all those moments will be lost in time... like tears in rain'.


  • 即使回到爆炸开始瞬间那时这些区域紧密地联在一起仍然可以认为没有充分时间可以使光线(其他别的东西)个地方传送一个地方。

    Even back in the early moments of the big bang, when these areas were much closer together, there wasn't enough time for light - or anything else - to travel from one to another.


  • 有些美好时刻不经意间溜走,有些平庸的瞬间保留住了,仿佛这些照片本人好看

    Some gorgeous moments go by undocumented and some mediocre moments get captured and look like they were more beautiful than they were.


  • 有时候这些时刻很明显事物比如说是烟花表演;或是那些微笑平凡瞬间好比五颜六色糖果

    Sometimes those moments are obvious things, like fireworks displays, or more mundane moments that made you smile, like a colorful array of candy.


  • 那个瞬间还想起自己拼命这些警官,正是那些话改变一生

    In that instant, she remembered trying to scratch the face from the officer who had uttered the words that had changed her life forever.


  • 捕捉这些可爱的生物独特永恒瞬间少数人掌握的一门艺术

    Capturing unique moments with these loveable creatures forever is an art for few.


  • 这些停顿导致应用程序瞬间响应减少应用程序可用工作时间

    These pauses can cause a momentary lack of application responsiveness and reduce the time available to the application to do work.


  • 因为我们周围世界迷人,而这些迷人不能自动产生迷人的瞬间

    Just because the world around us is gorgeous doesn't automatically make for gorgeous moments.


  • 生活中如此简单幸福一天都会带来新的奇迹我们在记忆里珍藏这些宝贵的瞬间,以便日后不那么重要的日子里想起。

    Life holds so many simple blessings, each day bringing its own individual wonder, our memories storing the treasure of such moments to be drawn upon in lesser days.


  • YouTube可以这些传播卓越瞬间记录下来,这些信息建立模式—一个信息阴影—而这个阴影可以帮加强自己决定应该什么”时的能力

    YouTube could record those moments of salience, could use them to build a model, a data shadow, which could reinforce your own ability to make decisions about who should see what.


  • 正如显微摄影爱好者EdwinK .Lee所说这些作品的目的抓住科学艺术完美结合瞬间

    These are images whose purpose is, in the words of another serious hobbyist, Edwin K. Lee, "to capture the combined essence of science and art."


  • 只要图标地址任务并将跳转列表顶部。现在瞬间可以访问这些网站无论Firefox当时开启与否

    Just drag the icon from the address bar down to the taskbar icon to pin it to the top of the Jump list-now you can get to those websites in a flash, whether Firefox is open at the moment or not.


  • 这些变化导致早期宇宙温度瞬间不同这些我们宇宙微波背景上看出来

    These variations caused minute differences in the temperature of the early universe, which we can see in the cosmic microwave background.


  • 这些变化导致早期宇宙温度瞬间不同这些我们宇宙微波背景上看出来

    These variations caused minute differences in the temperature of the early universe, which we can see in the cosmic microwave background.


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