• 姑且认为当回去时候没有大主教手里。

    Assuming the High Septon had not put her to death by the time he got back to the city.


  • 洛·安切洛蒂昨晚挑衅反击坚称切尔西本赛季没有

    Defiant Carlo Ancelotti came out fighting last night and insisted Chelsea's season is far from dead.


  • 康尼上校:没有知道这是为什麽吗?因为没有

    Major K?nig: He isn't dead, and do you know why? Because I haven't killed him yet.


  • 然而查拉图斯特站着没动身体身后落下,人伤厉害变了形,没有

    Zarathustra, however, remained standing, and just beside him fell the body, badly injured and disfigured, but not yet dead.


  • 金丝雀没有不断地喘息其他的所有版权行业都焦虑地在她的身后,急切地想知道下一个轮到

    It's not dead yet, but it's gasping for breath, while all copyright business follows nervously in its wake, wondering who's going to be the next to keel over.


  • 同时,这种病最好能通过空气传播,肺结核是个不错的选择,但是也可能会让别人以后为什么没有之类的问题。

    Also, keep it airborne. Tuberculosis is good, but it could lead to awkward conversations about why you're not dead.


  • 纯粹出乎意料,因此还没有他的替代人定出计划

    His death was totally unexpected and, in consequence, no plans had been made for his replacement.


  • 根据诉状,尽管有一些男性角色中途干掉,但迄今为止没有一个女性角色被

    The lawsuit notes that although some of the male characters were killed off the show, "none of the female characters had ever before been killed off or written out of the show."


  • 但是确实如此,尤其是舞台上的没有卸妆刚刚结束了一个消散生命演员

    But that was just, and especially in one who died onstage and finished under the actor's make-up a life entirely devoted to dispersion.


  • 一家每日晨报拳击版编辑查记录,然后才能告诉斯达本纳,,至今还没有帕特的记载。

    The fight editor of a morning daily looked up the re- cords and was able to state that his death had not been noted.


  • 但是纵观现在电视节目,至少的那些节目,没有那个参与者真的

    As far as the reality shows are concerned, at least the ones I've been watching, it wouldn't be that bad if some of those people could actually die.


  • 不过没有考虑对应这个过程梯度范围体积

    However, I have not considered how the gradient range and dwell volume fit into the process.


  • FDA表示到目前为止没有找到名少年能量饮料之间任何直接联系

    The FDA says it hasn't found any direct link so far between this teen's death and the energy drink.


  • 机器人还没有完工离开了,因为担心牛子。我希望

    I left before the robot finished because I was worried about Buff. I didn't want him to die.


  • 他们没有在逃脱徒时使用那些未成年魔法召开听证会吗?

    And they still haven't called a hearing about all the underage magic I used escaping the Death Eaters?


  • 再次打电话给“而必投资部因为打电话询问时候雇员没有收到申请原件

    I phone called CIBC InvestorsEdge again because one of its employees told me that my investment account was restricted because it had not received the physical copy of the application.


  • 此外丈夫亲人们没有达到因为创造了一个癌症问题希望看到为了继承财富,因为我们没有孩子

    Moreover, my husband relatives are not close to me since I develop a Cancer problem and it had been their wish to see me dead in order to inherit his wealth since we have no Child.


  • 不要还没有登记洞房呢。

    Do not you die, I have not registered with you and your bridal chamber into it.


  • 你们要记得,看到蜈蚣不应该即使已经也不要跟它玩,因为有时候只是而已,没有真的

    Remember! Don't play with a centipede even if it looks dead. Sometimes it just fakes death; it's not really dead.


  • 2011年610星期五打电话到“而必”的投资部电话男人说,他们没有收到申请表原件

    On Friday, June 10, 2011, I phone called CIBC InvestorsEdge; the man who answered the phone told me that my original application forms had not been received yet.


  • 2011年610星期五打电话到“而必”的投资部电话男人说,他们没有收到申请表原件

    On Friday, June 10, 2011, I phone called CIBC InvestorsEdge; the man who answered the phone told me that my original application forms had not been received yet.


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