• 如果它们幸运的话,能维持50

    We are talking about 50 years, with luck.


  • 大学毕业一部分幸运毕业生开始新的工作生活而另外一部分则是提着行李回家而且欠着助学贷款

    While some lucky college graduates will start new jobs and new lives after this graduation season, others will move back home with their suitcases and school loans.


  • 现在回想起来,女儿女婿感到幸运的是,以他们所处的环境得出那样选择

    Looking back now, his daughter and son-in-law say they feel lucky their circumstances allowed them to make the choices they did.


  • 是否感到幸运开心地解释说他感到以前幸运了。

    I asked him whether he still felt lucky and he cheerfully explained that he felt luckier than before.


  • 幸运是,我们争取到了一些赞助者他们帮助我们解决会议费用问题。

    We are also fortunate to have a number of great sponsors who are helping us to cover the costs of the conference.


  • 我们遇到了许多其它工作机会但是我们感到幸运现在的同事们一起工作

    There are always going to be more job opportunities, but we’ve been really fortunate with the people we have had the opportunity to work with.


  • 这么优秀的同事感到非常幸运并且拥有这么适用工具

    How lucky I am to have such great colleaguesand to have exactly the right tools for the job already at hand.


  • 父亲知道发生的整个事情之后对她说:“我幸运活着。”

    She said her father, after learning of all that had transpired, said to her, "I'm so lucky that you're alive.


  • 现实生活中,比较幸运只有饶舌歌手阿姆了,如厕想到的另一名字“SlimShady比较为人们所接受。

    In real life, rapper Eminem had better luck with his alter ego "Slim Shady," which he said came to him while he was on the toilet.


  • 幸运是,我们测试集合已经完成95%,并且我们稍稍的比计划的时间提前了一点,因此我们能够有一些额外精力来关注系统测试确保质量的第一阶段的系统交付

    Fortunately, our test suites were 95% complete, and the software was slightly ahead of schedule, so we could focus extra effort on system testing to ensure a top-notch Phase 1 deliverable.


  • 长得好看的男人女人似乎常常拥有幸运人生如今研究显示他们大多数聪明

    Handsome men and women often appear to be blessed with lucky lives. Now research has shown they are cleverer than most people as well.


  • 美国人停留类似阿雷克西•托克维尔19世纪发现他们的那样:”这么幸运,在丰盛的物质中躁动不安”。

    Americans too have remained much as Alexis de Tocqueville found them in the 19th century: “So many lucky men, restless in the midst of abundance.”


  • 非常幸运的是Sr31增加了小麦产量(并不仅仅是因为植物不受锈病的影响)。

    By wonderful good fortune, Sr31 also boosted yields (and not only because plants were impervious to rust).


  • 幸运预算允许我随性一回:如果可以玫瑰足球赛,干嘛跑去湖人队?

    Fortunately my budget and my interests aligned: why would you go see the Lakers when you could see a football game at the Rose Bowl?


  • 而且即使有幸成为其中一个幸运,我不知道今天庆祝70岁生日的我是否健康如故,就我经常的那样,我依然青春如故。

    And, if I had been one of those lucky enough to be born, I doubt that I would today be celebrating my 70th birthday, in good health and, as I like to think, not yet senile.


  • 老是东西上——幸运地是在梦中撞到不会受伤

    I was always crashing into stuff - fortunately crashing into a dream tree doesn't hurt.


  • 演员安吉丽娜·朱莉考虑到自己过去,现在活着幸运

    Angelina Jolie, the actress, has said she's lucky to be alive given her wild past.


  • 向来精明瑞典人可能逃避指令一些粗暴的做法,只是因为幸运他们当下处于欧盟管辖

    The ever-sensible Swedes may smooth off some of the directive’s rougher edges, but it is just luck that they are in charge of the EU at the moment.


  • 可能年轻人们会收看知道到底关于什么,甚至克里斯托成为幸运贝蒂特斯特勒,尽管有点不可能。

    There's always the possibility that younger people tune in to see what the fuss is about, or even make Crystal a kind of mascot, Betty White-style, though that seems unlikely.


  • 我们真的出了一点名堂,虽然里面包含遗传信息非常有限,但我们是感到很幸运的。”

    'we were very lucky to get a reading, despite the limited amount of genetic information,' she said.


  • 20岁查尔顿空难中抛出飞机时座位上。幸运的是,幸存下来的查尔顿身体上没有受伤,这样环境失去了如此同龄队友,精神上的伤痕却无法磨灭。

    Charlton, just 20, was thrown from the plane still strapped to his seat but survived unscathed, though the mental scars from having lost so many contemporaries in such circumstances were evident.


  • 米兰非常幸运,他拥有四个世界上优秀后卫拥有优秀守门员

    Milan was lucky to have four of the very best defenders in the world with a very good goalie.


  • 人潮不断涌入,不管是仅仅为了看一眼无尾熊也好或者如果幸运的话,有些动物园准许游客着无尾熊拍照

    And the people keep coming, whether merely to catch a glimpse of one or, if really lucky at zoos which permit it, to hold and be photographed with one.


  • 担心是否幸运拥有我确实喜欢工作此外,我挂虑父母健康

    I worry if I will be lucky enough to have a job I really like. Besides, I'm concerned with the health of my parents?


  • 所以幸运余下这些遇到这样一个导游,而且免费。

    So you're lucky to get such a good tour guide for nothing in the remaining days.


  • 但随即告诉自己幸运的——能够幸运下来,幸运食物、有工具幸运自己年轻力壮。

    Then I told myself that I was lucky-lucky to be alive, lucky to have food and tools, lucky to be young and strong.


  • 但随即告诉自己幸运的——能够幸运下来,幸运食物、有工具幸运自己年轻力壮。

    Then I told myself that I was lucky-lucky to be alive, lucky to have food and tools, lucky to be young and strong.


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