• 地表地震频率可能高达100次,每年平均值变化不大。

    Near the surface earthquakes may run as high as 100 in a month, but the yearly average does not vary much.


  • 地震位于太平洋大不列颠哥伦比亚省华盛顿州俄勒冈州北加州沿海北美板块700英里

    Nearly 700 miles long, the earthquake zone is located by the North American Plate off the coast of Pacific British Columbia, Washington, Oregon and Northern California.


  • 意大利30年中遇难人数最多破坏性最强一次地震震中市区仅几公里远。

    The epicentre of the most lethal and destructive earthquake in Italy for almost 30 years lay a few kilometres outside the city.


  • 周四意大利呼吁国际社会提供援助协助他们修复在这场意大利三十年来严重地震受损教堂纪念碑等历史古迹。

    On Thursday, Italy appealed for international aid to help rebuild the historic churches and monuments damaged by the country's worst earthquake in three decades.


  • 星期四地震一个灾难不受欢迎提醒

    Thursdays's powerful quake was an unwelcome reminder of the disasters nearly one month ago.


  • 距离地大地震发生星期尽管国际伸出巨大援手,成千上万灾民需要救助

    Nearly a week after the Haiti earthquake struck, tens of thousands of victims are still waiting for aid, despite huge international efforts.


  • 当时地震蹂躏了当时被成为世界第六大集装箱码头——神户许多设施及其40%工业产品原材料。

    The quake ravaged many of the facilities of what was then the world’s sixth-largest container port and the source of nearly 40% of Kobe’s industrial output.


  • 5月12日四川地震中国三十年来遭受的严重自然灾害,它增加了这个世界第四大经济体今年所面临不确定性

    The May 12 Sichuan earthquake, China's worst natural disaster in three decades, has added to the uncertainties facing the world's fourth-largest economy this year.


  • 灾难救援总部统计数字显示,本周一发生中国西南部四川省地震所造成的死亡人数已经攀升万人。

    The death toll from Monday's earthquake in southwest China's Sichuan Province has climbed to nearly 10, 000, according to the headquarters for disaster relief.


  • 背景材料:地震易发区3英里长的钻入6英里长的隧道

    Background: a nearly 3-mile-long bridge dips into this6-mile-long tunnel in a region prone to earthquakes.


  • 中国30多年来最严重地震之后200名幸存者排队领取救济粮

    SOME 200 survivors of China's deadliest earthquake in more than 30 years line up for a handout of food.


  • 地震瓦砾堆下竟救出奄奄一息

    Nearly a month later, an emaciated man was pulled alive from beneath the rubble.


  • 地震地球质量移动赤道,地球转速快。

    The closer the mass shift during an earthquake is to the equator, the more it will speed up the spinning earth.


  • 美国地质勘探局(USGS国家地震信息中心(NEIC凯瑞恩·贝德威尔(CarrieannBedwell,“地震深度非常就是说其释放能量地面非常。”

    "The depth of this earthquake in Haiti was very shallow meaning that the energy that was released is very close to the surface," said Carrieann Bedwell of the USGS and NEIC.


  • 言归正传随着日经指数(Nikkei)地震直线下跌——尽管上周有一个交易日反弹6%,眼下精明投资者入市买入时机吗?

    To the point: with the Nikkei in free fall after the devastating earthquake -- notwithstanding the one-day bounce of nearly 6% this week -- is it time for savvy investors to step in and buy?


  • 海地200最诡异最强的一地震

    Read "Haiti Earthquake 'Strange, ' Strongest in 200 Years."


  • 在州能源会议召开前几天俄克拉何马州发生了次里氏5.6地震,为60年内州所遭遇的最强一次地震

    Several days before the governor’s conference Oklahoma experienced a 5.6-magnitude earthquakeits strongest in nearly 60 years.


  • 百年来全球发生里氏7以上地震40余起,其中中国就发生9起,死亡60万人,占全球地震死亡人数53%。

    In the past century, there were about 40 earthquakes measuring 7 or above on the Richter scale, among which 9 took place in China and cost nearly 600, 000 lives, 53% of the world's total.


  • 科学人士周二那场灾难性地震(有 400此次地震丧生失踪市中心废墟一片)克赖斯特彻奇如此,震源如此之,造成重大损失在所难免。

    Tuesday's cataclysmic tremor, which left nearly 400 people dead or missing and the city center in ruins, was so close to the city of 390,000 and so shallow that major damage was inevitable, they said.


  • 2008年5月中国西南部的四川地震造成90,000死亡失踪

    A massive earthquake in May 2008 in Sichuan, in southwestern China, however, left nearly 90, 000 people dead or missing.


  • 地震发生不到24小时死亡人数已经上升到万,国有媒体报道某县80%建筑物已经夷为平地

    Less than 24 hours after the quake hit, the death toll had climbed close to 10, 000 and state media reported that in one county 80 percent of the buildings had been leveled.


  • 研究人员对今年二月摇晃智利地震(500死亡)影响进行了研究。他们发现这次地震使沿海地区上升了2.5米,并使海岸线外移。

    A group of researchers studied the effects of the massive earthquake that jolted the nation in February, killing almost 500 people.


  • 地震一周后,救援人员19日10时25分四川德阳煤矿家属区发现一名幸存者。 她叫王发珍,约50岁。

    Rescuers found Wang Fazhen, 50, from the rubble of a residential building of a coal mine in Deyang at around 10:25 am Monday.


  • 地震发生华盛顿州,那里有一沉睡125火山

    It happened 30 years ago today under a fire mountain in the state of Washington, which had lain in a volcanic slumber for almost 125 years.


  • 专家表示如此储存带来方便之余,也可能有触发地震危险

    Such close-in vaults would be convenient, but could pose an earthquake risk, experts say.


  • 专家表示如此储存带来方便之余,也可能有触发地震危险

    Such close-in vaults would be convenient, but could pose an earthquake risk, experts say.


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