• 结论显示我国出口依赖于“政策扭曲过度进入—出口扩张这一演化路径

    The conclusion confirms that China's export is dependent on the path of "policy distortion excessive entry export expansion".


  • 产业过度进入我国经济转型期特殊现象,产业进入壁垒失效是导致一现象主要原因

    Over-entry is a typical economic phenomenon during the transition period in China. The main cause of over-entry is the invalidation of industrial entry barriers.


  • 企业行为分析我们则主要合理竞争行为轨迹、企业不规范行为以及过度进入行为方面展开。

    And then, we analyze the enterprise conduct from the three aspects: the rational competition conduct, the uneven competition conduct and the excessive entrance.


  • 本文进入壁垒的角度分析了我国产业过度进入结构性策略性因素提出了解决问题的思路。

    The author analyses the structural and strategic factors that affect industrial over-entry, and presents some proposals for policy-makers.


  • 复原力过度劳累精力衰竭恰恰相反进入职场我们年轻养成习惯会不断放大

    Overwork and exhaustion are the opposite of resilience and the bad habits we acquire when we're young only magnify when we hit the workforce.


  • 期望所有事情时刻正常运转,这会让你进入一而再再而三过度解释甚至过度控制处境

    You want everything to be in working order all the time and that can lead to an excessive amount of over explaining and even controlling situations.


  • 是个敏感被误解未被赏识,情绪过度时,你很容易进入受害者模式

    You're a sensitive person; and when you feel overwhelmed, misunderstood or unappreciated, you easily fall into victim mode. Wa, wa, wa.


  • 很多早晨起床可能要花费力气,那些患有多动症晚上很难快速平定下来他们的大脑过度兴奋,无法进入睡眠

    "Getting up in the morning requires a tremendous effort," she says. "a lot of people with ADHD have trouble shutting down at night-their brains are so overactive they can't sleep."


  • 岛上有巨大法国式城堡同样让人印象深刻栅栏,栅栏是用于防止过度热情粉丝进入的。

    It features a giant French-style chateau and an equally impressive fence to keep out the overeager fans.


  • 原始相片中由于过多的阳光进入镜头,导致曝光过度

    The original picture was over-exposed, that is that too much light was captured by the camera as it was taking the photo.


  • 过度乐观无视风险鲁莽一种近亲关系,它们促使美国进入自大萧条以来最为严重的经济恐慌,因而受到人们广泛指责

    Excessive optimism and its close relation - a reckless disregard of risk - are widely blamed for helping carry the United States into the worst financial panic since the Great Depression.


  • 进入政界之前,布塔利斯是个生意人,现在仍然拥有该国顶尖酿酒厂之一(不过,他过去纵酒过度,现在正在戒酒,不能享用自己的陈年佳酿了)。

    Boutaris was a businessman before he got into politics, and he still owns one of the country's leading wineries (although, as a recovering alcoholic, he can no longer drink his own vintages).


  • 通常童年时形成的,眼球逐渐被拉长变得越发像蛋形非球形;或者是因为晶状体过度弯曲进入眼睛光线无法正确聚焦

    It often develops in childhood, with the eyeball starting to elongate, becoming more egg-shaped than spherical, or the lens becoming too curved, so the light entering the eye is not focused correctly.


  • 造成过度填充这个结果,是因为压迫塑料进入内。过度填充导致得到一个比较产品需要一个大的注塑压力

    Overpacking results from forcing too much material into the mold. The consequences of over packing are heavier parts and molded-in stress.


  • 如果能够理性进入退出,就消除过度竞争进而走出微利经济

    If the imdividual firm enters to, and exits from an industry with a rational, the excessive competition may be ruled out and hence economy will be beyond the small-profit one.


  • 本文认为过度竞争企业进入退出有关

    We argue in the paper that the excessive competition is closely related to the entry and exit of firms.


  • 假如工作时产生噪音往往太低油液粘度太高,油液中进入空气联轴节过度磨损原因引起

    If the pump noise at work, this is often due to low oil temperature, oil viscosity is too high, the oil into the air, or pump coupling loss causes such as excessive wear and tear.


  • 马上进入第一个弯道后轮抓地力感到不满意,我重新调整机器停止过度

    Immediately as I entered the first corner, the grip from the rear tires felt unsatisfactory and I adjusted my machine to stop the oversteer.


  • 如果人们进入车内窗户关闭的话不可避免要被吸入,而且速度很快,吸入过度含量

    People who get into the car, keeping Windows closed will inevitably inhale, in quick succession, excessive amounts of the toxin.


  • 过度文本实验不仅阻隔了读者进入小说世界就连许多专业评论家难以参透她的文本创作

    Her experiment not only blocks readers go into her fictional world, even many professional critics can hardly understand the text of her writing.


  • 如果灾难来临-太阳黑子无音讯配偶、或过度疲劳的-你可以进入时间机器恢复模式

    If disaster strikes - sunspots, clueless spouse, overtired self - you enter Time Machine's recovery mode.


  • 但是由于金融业资金过度进入房地产业,造成房价上涨过快就存在着潜在金融风险

    However, because financial funds come into the real estate market excessively, the housing price rises too fast, which exists potential financial risk.


  • 吉尔贝巴作为俱乐部唯一进入合同没有续约球员也不需要被过度解读。

    Gill also said nothing sinister was to be drawn from the fact Berbatov was the only player at the club in the final year of his contract not yet to be offered an extension.


  • 经过前期十几过度进入最近十几年,中国现代陶艺逐渐形成了相对明晰审美特质

    With decade transition, Chinese Contemporary ceramic art has formed relatively transparent aesthetic idiosyncrasy in the past 10 years.


  • 生活过度看重个人安全感一个副作用就是进入反应型生活模式

    But a side effect of overemphasizing the importance of personal security in your life is that it can cause you to live reactively.


  • 生活过度看重个人安全感一个副作用就是进入反应型生活模式

    But a side effect of overemphasizing the importance of personal security in your life is that it can cause you to live reactively.


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