• 疲劳一种劳累厌烦感觉器官由于过度活动刺激应答降低

    Fatigue is a feeling of tiredness or weariness, the decrease in response of an organ to stimulation due to over activity.


  • 一项芬兰研究显示好的睡眠可以简单降低孩子们过度活动不好行为

    Simply getting a good night's sleep could reduce levels of hyperactivity and bad behaviour among children, a Finnish study reports.


  • 我们又一次永远知道如果没有人类过度活动珊瑚礁是不是还会这样惊人的死亡率

    Death rates may not have been so dire if the reefs were not overstressed by other things humans are doingagain, we'll never know.


  • 原癌基因突变导致过度刺激细胞周期突变的肿瘤抑制基因导致这一功能控制过度活动

    Oncogenes are mutations that cause an excessive stimulation of the cell cycle, while mutations in tumor suppressor genes can result in a loss in function in controlling this excessive activity.


  • 国家层面,对英语数学科学过度关注艺术学科带来了威胁与此同时学校预算减少意味着课外活动的减少。

    In the state sector, the excessive focus on English, maths and science threatens to crush arts subjects; meanwhile, reduced school budgets mean diminishing extracurricular activities.


  • 由于只有少数几个潜水员进行捕捞而且他们注意造成过度捕捞的现象,所以潜水员的持续活动显然不会公主鱼种群造成严重危害

    Since the divers limit their catch to a few individuals and take care not to overfish, the divers' continuing activities will clearly not result in serious harm to populations of princessfish.


  • 我们越是由于过度工作而变得失衡,那些能让我们调整平衡状态活动价值

    The more imbalanced we become due to overworking, the more value there is in activities that allow us to return to a state of balance.


  • 不管他们管理得多好,重大抗议活动都会加深人们对冷漠精英阶层辩论压制异见过度反应、不公正和不负责任权力印象

    However well they are policed, major protests reinforce the impression of indifferent elites, repression of debate, overreaction to dissent, injustice and unaccountable power.


  • 项目可促进沿海地区居民过度开发的海洋渔业转向渔业养殖,通过畜牧园艺活动补充收入

    The project allows coastal dwellers to switch to culture fisheries from the over-exploited offshore fishing industry and to supplement their earnings with livestock and horticultural activities.


  • 一些高管提出,近期经济放缓可能是因为企业新的不确定性反应过度一旦信心有所恢复,经济活动随之回暖

    Some executives argue that the recent slowdown could be because companies are over-reacting to new uncertainties, which could lead activity to swing back once some form of confidence returns.


  • 重要信息来源有助于安排户外活动采取预防过度暴露于阳光紫外线的方式

    This important resource helps you plan your outdoor activities in ways that prevent overexposure to the sun's rays.


  • 报告结论说,过度捕捞海区的威胁大于污染其它任何一种人类活动的威胁。

    The report concludes that overfishing is a greater threat to the area than pollution or any other human activity.


  • 沃姆博士及其同事发现海洋物种数越多,对于人类过度捕捞活动恢复能力更强。

    Dr Wormand his colleagues discovered that the more species an ocean regionhas, the more robustly it seems to cope with overexploitation.


  • 价值在于活动自身,那么两人一起追求这件事时,活动始终保留自身的价值,除非由于过度使用而丧失了自身的价值。

    When the value lies in the activity itself, it will always remain valuable to pursue it together-unless it loses its value due to overuse.


  • 日本世界上自杀最高国家之一甚至还出现了一个形容过度工作而致死的词汇——“过死”,类似道的减压活动受欢迎

    The nation, which has one of the highest suicide rates in the world, even has a term for death by overwork -- karoshi -- making stress-relieving activities such as ikebana all the more popular.


  • 为了保持充足供应凤凰城批准了项极具争议的回收水的活动以此补充地下地下水试图劝阻过度消费。

    To keep up a sufficient water supply, Phoenix is adopting an aggressive campaign to recycle water, replenish groundwater and try to dissuade over-consumption.


  • 过度详细计划实际上可能导致项目失败因为令项目经理生产管理活动中分散注意

    Overly detailed planning can actually contribute to project failure because it distracts the project manager from productive management activities.


  • 粗略判断(可能不准确),认为主义者往往明确的意识他们的资源更好的运用其他活动不是物质利益过度追求

    To make a (potentially inaccurate) sweeping judgement, I think minimalists tend to be more aware, that their resources are better spent on other activities rather than the pursuit of material gain.


  • 商业活动中“协力优势”一个危险过度使用了的词语有时能一语中的

    Synergy is a dangerously overused word in business, but sometimes it fits.


  • 补充这项研究目的在于清楚是否能够重置一类特殊活动过度细胞

    He added that the research aimed to work out whether it was possible to reset a specific group of overactive cells.


  • 我们一直认为环境因素比如工作过度缺少室外活动导致近视原因,但此前我们一直知道人们的眼睛是怎么近视的。

    While ewe believe that environmental risk factors such as a lot of close work and lack of outdoor activity are implicated, we have not previously understood how people become short-sighted.


  • 父母他们孩子服用蜂蜜以后较服用止咳糖浆相比活动过度会稍微更多一些

    The parents reported slightly more hyperactivity when their kids took honey, compared with when they took cough syrup.


  • 阻止不可持续农业活动未加控制的毁林活动破坏性捕捞活动过度捕捞

    discourage unsustainable agricultural practices, uncontrolled deforestation, destructive fishing practices and overfishing;


  • 中国自己领土上自己家里,进行一些正常建设活动没有必要过度解读

    There is no need to over-interpret China's normal constructions on its own territory and in its own house.


  • 锻炼/做一些体力活动,保持良好的心态避免兴奋过度忧虑小心不要摔倒倒

    Take more exercises. /Do some light work, have a happy outlook, avoid excitement and too much worry. Be careful not to stumble.


  • 锻炼/做一些体力活动,保持良好的心态避免兴奋过度忧虑小心不要摔倒倒

    Take more exercises. /Do some light work, have a happy outlook, avoid excitement and too much worry. Be careful not to stumble.


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