• ——,想起来了,吩咐过军预备滚木没有?

    Oh, I almost forget it, have you enjoined the officers to prepare rolling timbers and stones for defence?


  • ,也尝试其他职业,但最终决定投身艺术。他从山东师范大学一直中央美术学院。

    He joined the army and held various jobs before deciding to devote himself full - time to art, studying at Shandong Normal University and Central Academy of Fine Arts.


  • 美国犯罪实验室系统担任法医药物化学家法医血清学家

    He served two years in the U.S. Army crime laboratory system as a forensic drug chemist and a forensic serologist.


  • 我们处于前所未有工业化阶段但是更好方法可以处理这个问题。”说到机构表达对于现在环境保护法律的不满。

    "We're at a stage of unprecedented industrialization, but there have to be better ways to handle the problem," said Mr. Ma, whose organization has a registry of environmental scofflaws.


  • 以赛亚先前,若不是我们存留馀种,我们早已所多玛,摩拉的样子了。

    And as Esaias said before, Except the Lord of Sabaoth had left us a seed, we had been as Sodoma, and been made like unto Gomorrha.


  • 曾于上一年的3支持伊拉克,那时,伊拉克马赫迪出了巴士拉,当时伊拉克求得城市相对安全才采取这次行动的。

    They supported the Iraqi army last March as it drove the Mahdi army out of Basra in an operation that ushered in relative safety to the city.


  • 宣言记录2002年4月伦敦举行秘密会议旨在重建一个十字时代代勋爵士团——圣殿骑士。

    The document also describes a secret meeting in London in April 2002 to reconstitute the Knights Templar, a Crusader military order.


  • 影片中,覃培扮演了位经历煤窑塌方幸存者拼命抓住每一个可能他在镜头前露脸的机会,即使只是作为背景

    In the film, Qin Peijun, a survivor from a coal mine collapse, goes all out to seize every possibility to get his face in the lens of the camera, even if only as an extra.


  • 虽然1999实施高校扩招政策许多人铺设通向理想的坦途,就业之路却成了千万马独木桥

    The increased enrolment policy that took effect in 1999 opened the path of dreams for many, but the bridge to employment led to a narrower path for more.


  • 固然1999践诺高校扩招政策许多人铺设通向愿望自觉的坦途,但就业却成了千万马阳关道

    The increottomd enrolment policy that took effect in 1999 opened the path of drewoulms for many and ingl which involves the bummoci to employment led to a narrower path for more.


  • 虽然1999实施高校扩招政策许多人铺设通向理想的坦途,就业成了万马独木桥

    The increased policy that took effect in 1999 opened the path of dreams for many, but the bridge to employment led to a narrower path for more.


  • 从未经历这样灾难

    The Iraqi soldiers had never experienced such disasters.


  • 理由满文一个发自内心做慈善的艺人,承诺一定会做到,而不有些艺人做公益只是作秀。”

    The reason is that, Man Wenjun is a kind person heartedly; he can realize what he promised, rather than just showing of other stars.


  • 太平北方战场出现食人现象,这种现象分为两种情况:一是饥饿求生性食人;

    In the northern battlefield of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom appeared cannibalism due to two circumstances, namely, famine and evil nature.


  • 新近整修装甲集团支持XY正在埋伏,准备迎接正在到来的进攻

    XY supported by a newly refitted Panzer group are laying in wait for the incoming attack.


  • 爬雪山,草坪。(动词后面跟宾语)

    The red army crossed the snow mountains and the marshy grasslands.


  • 之耶和华如此不多时再一次震动天地沧海旱地

    This is what the LORD Almighty says: 'In a little while I will once more shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry land.


  • 此前的利剑演中基于周边事态法》实施日本自卫队对美进行“后方支援演习

    In previous "Keen Sword" joint military exercises, Japan and the U. S. once conducted drills on JSDF's "rear support" to the U. S. army based on the Perimeter Situation Law.


  • 反应出对拖延事情形适应,而且其中45%受调查者承认对长期家人朋友分离感到很不满

    The same sense of overstretch is reflected across all three Forces, and 45 per cent of those questioned admitted they were not happy with the level of separation from family and friends.


  • “不懈的北爱尔兰共和”(该组织间断地活跃15,挑起克雷加文区的骚乱)则对卡罗尔警官的死负责。

    The Continuity IRA said it had murdered Mr Carroll: intermittently active for 15 years, the group is known for having organised the odd riot in Craigavon.


  • 虽然1999实施高校扩招政策许多人铺设通向理想坦途,就业之路却成了千万马独木桥

    The increased enrolment policy that took effect in 1999 opened the path of dreams for many but the bridge to employment led to a narrower path for more.


  • 向来迷追捧的,如果遇上服役品,等于说是收藏到了历史

    The military version of the military has always been sought after military fans, if ever encountered has served the military version of a military, to say that is the collection to a piece of history.


  • 后来鲁庄曹刿,为甚么以后,曹刿命令鲁擂鼓。

    Afterwards, Lord Juang asked Tsau Guei why he had waited until the enemy had struck their drum three times before ordering the Lu army to strike their once.


  • 后来鲁庄曹刿,为甚么以后,曹刿命令鲁擂鼓。

    Afterwards, Lord Juang asked Tsau Guei why he had waited until the enemy had struck their drum three times before ordering the Lu army to strike their once.


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