• 除非缓存大量数据关键去掉随机操作好处双重的提高软件模块性释放服务器CPU时间

    Unless caching huge amounts is critical, the benefits of offloading randomization are twofold: improved software modularity and freed CPU time on the server.


  • 避免更改多个软件模块需求,从而提供多个业务流程一致简化维护工作

    It also provides consistency across multiple business processes and simplifies maintenance by avoiding the need to change equivalent code in multiple software modules.


  • J2ME技术一个完整应用程序运行时模型中定义这种模块性可伸缩该模型中的四个软件构建设备主机操作系统上。

    This modularity and scalability is defined by J2ME technology in a complete application runtime model, with four layers of software built upon the host operating system of the device.


  • 为了保护用户免受恶意软件的骚扰同时保证可移植我们有效模块定义严格规则

    To help protect users from malware and to maintain portability, we have defined strict rules for valid modules.


  • 系统采用了通用软件设计环境简单的硬件组合好的健壮易于加入新的功能模块

    The generality of the software developing environment, the simplicity of the hardware system components, create a robust system and make it easy to add new function modules.


  • 另外一个行为分析模块提供了安全揭开新的破坏行为损害软件基础上。

    An additional behavior analysis module provides even more safety: it uncovers new damaging software on the basis of its destructive behavior alone.


  • 软件设计采用自顶向下设计思想所有程序采用分层次模块设计,提高软件可移植

    The software design, using in the top-down design ideas, all the procedures used hierarchical modular design, improving the portability of the software.


  • 系统软件模块进行了介绍并且通过试验验证了算法准确,从而汽车操纵稳定能评价提供设备方法

    The modules of the system were introduced, and the algorithm accuracy was verified by real vehicle tests, providing new devices and methods for the evaluation of vehicle steering stability.


  • 方法摒弃了传统基于流程图设计思路,将软件时序逻辑分离模块好,结构清晰,软件的开发、维护方便。

    Compared to conventional software design based on flow chart, the protection software is developed based on relay function module, which leads to the separation of time sequence and logic.


  • 软件复杂度为了预测软件开发费用、开发周期可靠模块程序逻辑复杂度量方法

    The complexity of software is a measure for program logic complexity in models, which could be used to predict its corresponding developing expense, its developing period and its reliability.


  • 介绍数据完备检查模块一个具体实现,开发实际应用前景残缺数据检查软件

    This paper discuss the realization of the software module checking the completeness of data, that is to exploit the check software, which has real application prospect.


  • 文章基于构件领域软件开发入手以在水信息领域中最普遍、最有代表的信息查询中的多表查询模块构件接口进行分析设计

    The article proceeds with software development of domain based on component, taking the inquiry module as the example, analyses and designs to its component interface.


  • 这里介绍一种采用多个软件模块自动生成技术进行可靠设计系统

    This paper presents a automatic generation system which supplies to multiple-language version programming.


  • 本文主要阐述列车完整监测系统硬件设计相关模块软件设计

    This paper presents a process of a "Train Integrality monitoring system", include hardware design and software development of each module.


  • 软件包括数据库系统易损评估系统可视化模块三大子系统。

    The software includes three subsystems: database system, aircraft target vulnerability model system and graphics visualization module.


  • 首先介绍了AT89C52单片机然后远程网络称重监控系统软件设计功能模块进行了详细说明,实践证明了该系统的可行

    Then it sets forth the software design of the long-distance network weighing monitor system based on AT89C52 microcomputer and its each function module in detail.


  • 同时由于某些化工生产过程复杂具体模拟软件现有功能模块可能模拟所有实际过程。

    Simultaneous, because of the complexity and concrete of certain chemical production processes, the function modules of simulative software are impossible to simulate all actual processes.


  • 提出了按直接计算进行舰船自由液面对曲线修正的实时计算方法,并编写软件模块

    The direct calculation method of real-time free surface correction for stability curves of warship is put forward and the software module is realized.


  • 电子模块硬件软件设计上都遵循了“故障—安全”的原则体现了可靠安全

    This electronic module complied with the principle of "fail-safe" either in the hardware or in the software, and embodied reliability and safety.


  • 系统作为快速预报应用软件中的一个功能模块

    This system can also be used as a modul software in any comprehensive powering performance prediction method.


  • 传统基于模块汇编语言软件设计方法相比方法提高程序可读维护使保护软件具有更大灵活

    Compared with traditional design methods based on the modular assembly language, this method has improved the readability and maintainability of the code, thus making the relay software more flexible.


  • 至于用户程序系统配套工具软件,及有关模块具体算法其他专题文章中分别予以介绍。

    The accessory instrumental softwares and the specific algorithm of the modular form of users' programming will be dealt with in separate articles.


  • 提高系统可靠设计电源控制保护器功能模块的自检测(BIT电路采取了有效的硬件软件抗干扰措施。

    To improve the system reliability, the build-in-test( BIT) circuits are also designed, and the effective hardware and software anti-disturbance methods are adopted.


  • 通过分析这些问题结合软件模块设计思想,有针对提出了个机构运动方案模块化设计平台

    Through the analysis of these problems and combined with the idea of module, a design platform of mechanical movement plan module is put forward.


  • 简要论述知识库系统应用于医疗领域软件开发构架,及其组成模块的功能描述,并分析系统实施可行

    The summary of knowledge management for hospital, and make a describe of every module. At last, analyze the feasibility of the system.


  • 通过软件设计硬件电路结合实现了数据采集电路模块设计提高系统精度可靠

    By combining software design and hardware circuit, the modularization of designing data acquisition circuits is fulfilled, and the accuracy and reliability of the system are enhanced.


  • 采用C语言完成灰度转换、图像差分、中值滤波、光流估计、形心确定、高速球控制等软件模块程序设计,调试出程序执行时间并做了实时分析;

    Most software module programs are compiled with the language C, and the execution time of the program is debugged and the real-time performance compared as well.


  • 电控系统软件采用实时模块编程,具有编程灵活移植扩展好的特点。

    The software was designed on the basis of real-time and modular principle characterizing good flexibility, transplant convenience and extending possibility.


  • 系统软件采用模块C语言汇编语言混合编程显著提高了异步电机故障诊断实时准确

    Modular mixture programming of C language arid assemble language is adopted in the system software, which greatly improves real-time properties and accuracy of fault diagnosis of asynchronous motor.


  • 系统硬件平台标准PC硬件平台,控制软件采用模块设计具有良好开放可扩展

    Based on standard PC hardware platform and designed with modularized structure of system software, the control system is open and extensible.


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