• 同时内容更新通过软件升级以及基于控制台的更多在线服务作为卖点来帮助提高销售

    Content refreshes also have helped keep sales strong, with software improvements and more online services available through the console both serving as selling points.


  • 这个使用普通服务硬件许可证成本软件年代,伸缩性常常使我们能够有效应用程序扩展到更多机器不是像以前升级为更庞大的服务

    In a era of commodity server hardware and zero license-cost software, it can often be more effective to scale an application across many machines rather than on ever-larger servers.


  • 升级后的ER服务可以用于重新配置Informix 11.70服务软件集群,配置工作要使用Informix 11.70服务名为ifxclone”的实用工具

    The upgraded er server can be used to re-configure the cluster on Informix 11.70 server software, using a new utility called "ifxclone" implemented in Informix 11.70 server.


  • 例如在成功并购著名服务制造商太阳Sun)微系统公司后,以往一直软件生产闻名甲骨文惠普之间的正面交锋也开始迅速升级

    For example, while Oracle has been known mainly as a software company, its purchase of Sun Microsystems, a major server maker, has put it in more direct competition with H-P.


  • 管理服务某些软件需要连续维护比如安装安全补丁升级操作系统中间件用户账号管理等等

    Administration: servers, and in particular software, requires continuous upkeep such as installation of security patches, upgrade of the OS and middleware, user account management and so on.


  • HCL科技公司是一家软件公司,它帮助客户升级电脑系统,承诺如果服务无效,客户无需付款

    HCL Technologies, a software firm, helps clients improve their IT systems on the understanding that if they reap no benefits, they pay nothing.


  • 向上扩展包括升级硬件优化软件确保单个服务机组能够支持更多用户

    Scaling up involves upgrading the hardware or optimizing the software to ensure that a single server machine set can support more users.


  • 因此相同服务所有应用程序需要使用相同的先决软件也不需要同时进行升级

    Therefore, all applications on the same physical server do not need to use the same prerequisite software, nor do they need to be upgraded at the same time.


  • 软件维护包括升级指定计算机操作系统应用服务软件

    Software maintenance includes upgrades to both the operating system and the application server software on a given machine.


  • 如同早期受制于计算机厂家软件后来客户同样受制于软件商的应用程序升级服务

    Just as customers used to be locked into computer-makers' software, so too were they later beholden to certain applications and upgrades from software vendors.


  • 确保升级网站服务应用软件使用应用安全软件要求安全性高的密码等等

    Be sure to keep up with web server and application software updates, use applicable security software, require strong passwords, etc.


  • 但是订阅者初始花费很低,他们能够获得支持服务通常是24/7服务),而且不用担心软件服务安装升级以及维护等问题。

    However, subscribers benefit from low initial costs, have access to (usually 24/7) support services, and needn’t worry about hosting, installing, upgrading, or maintaining the software.


  • 低于11.70的Informix软件版本要求在从较低服务版本升级服务软件之前关闭集群

    Informix software versions earlier than 11.70 required that the cluster be shut down before upgrading the server software from lower server versions.


  • 升级软件如果一部分使用旧版活动部分会留下直到程序服务重新启动

    If a piece of software is in use when you update it, the old version remains active until the application or service is restarted.


  • 银行准备自己推广这项服务需要一个软件升级就可以使得现存ATM机处理卡取款。

    The bank gets to brand the service as its own, and with only a software upgrade it could enable existing ATMs to handle the cardless withdrawals.


  • 可以享受软件免费升级终身的技术服务

    We provide free software upgrades for two years and technical services for life. our technicists will happy to make friends with every client.


  • 软件自动升级方便一时间得到开发商提供最新服务

    Software automatically be upgraded to facilitate the first time you get developers to provide the latest services.


  • 互联网电话服务供货商通过安全加密连接软件设定进行远程升级

    Internet telephony service providers can also be encrypted through a secure connection for software upgrades and remote Settings.


  • 软件自动升级,方便一时间得到开发商提供最新服务

    Automated software upgrade for the first time you get developers to provide up-to-date services.


  • 安装同花顺2008客户端的同时,自动安装金山毒霸2008杀毒软件套装节省时间快捷方便更有免费升级服务

    In 2008, flush with the installation of the client, automatic installation of Kingsoft Anti-Virus 2008 software suite, to save time, fast and convenient, more free upgrade service!


  • 保修期内,本公司提供免费软件升级硬件更换性能优化调试其他相关服务

    Free software upgrading, hardware replacement, performance tune up, and other relevant services are provided during the warrantee period.


  • 今天服务软件升级到了最新BOINC版本。但一些字符集方面的问题,导致论坛里的一些字符无法正确显示

    The server revision was upgraded to the newest BOINC revision today. There are some errors concerning the charset still, so umlauts aren't displayed correctly in the forums.


  • 就要求系统能够容错能够中断服务情况下维护升级软件设计角度来看可靠性故障恢复主要内容。

    Which means a system must be tolerable of faults and can be maintained and upgraded without interrupt service. From the aspect of software, high availability revolves mainly around faults recovery.


  • 服务条款乙方免费提供年本软件升级软件维护服务

    Terms of service: B offers two free software upgrades and the software maintenance services.


  • 应用模型以此为基础一个检测算法自动升级更新新的恶意软件样品提交用户我们服务器上

    This model is used as a basis for a detection algorithm which is automatically enhanced and updated with new malware samples submitted by our users to our servers.


  • 公司客户提供技术支持获得软件补丁升级维护培训服务以及专业服务

    The company also provides maintenance and training services for customer technical support and access to software fixes and upgrades; and professional services.


  • 公司客户提供技术支持获得软件补丁升级维护培训服务以及专业服务

    The company also provides maintenance and training services for customer technical support and access to software fixes and upgrades; and professional services.


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