• 碰撞假说一个问题这种方式形成卫星如何月球现在近乎圆形轨道运行的。

    One problem with the collision hypothesis is the question of how a satellite formed in this way could have settled into the nearly circular orbit that the Moon has today.


  • 他们仅限于在轨道运行发射卫星运送宇航员国际空间站这样毫无任何浪漫色彩工作

    They were confined to low-earth orbit, where they did the unglamorous job of launching satellites or ferrying astronauts to the International Space Station.


  • 卫星三个中等地球轨道并排赤道56倾斜角度运行并且可以覆盖全球

    The satellites will be strung along three medium-Earth orbits at 56 degrees inclination to the equator and will provide global coverage.


  • 卫星成功实施分离运行在预定轨道,并且已经位于肯尼亚马林迪的一个地面小组发射了通讯信号

    The satellite is currently in orbit after a successful separation and has sent communication signals which have been received by a ground team in Malindi, Kenya.


  • 因为卫星头衔而且沿椭圆形轨道环绕地球运行月亮似乎每天平均51分钟返回天空同一地点

    Due to the moon's titled and elliptical orbit around Earth, the moon seems to return to the same place in the sky 51 minutes later each day, on average.


  • 从美国航天局获悉,20颗美国卫星运行轨道以后可能靠近碎片运行轨道

    About 20 NASA satellites are in orbits that would take them close to the debris cloud, according to the space agency.


  • 天文学家曾经假设它们总是其它银河系引力束缚下更小卫星星系的星云一样,它们目前近似地距离围绕银河系的轨道运行

    Astronomers once assumed they had always orbited the Milky way at approximately their current distances, like the other, lesser satellite galaxies in the Milky way's gravitational thrall.


  • 汽车轨道运行卫星发出的无线电信号调谐传感器随时精确确定你汽车的方位,告知交通阻塞情况

    Sensors in your car tuned to radio signals from orbiting satellites can locate your car precisely at any moment and warn of traffic jams.


  • 那些近距离围绕主要星系轨道运行卫星最终它们星际云失给更大星系

    Satellites that orbit close to major galaxies eventually forfeit their interstellar gas to the greater galaxy.


  • 轨道运行卫星总是要飞地球,而结果总是地心引力回来

    The satellite traveling in the orbit is always escaping from the earth only to be pulled back by gravity.


  • 卫星所有命令诺格公司雷声公司的运行支撑人员做出,他们运行轨道NPP

    All commanding of the satellite was done by Northrop-Raytheon operations and support personnel, who will operate NPP on orbit.


  • 星期一早上印度宇航局火箭安得拉邦斯里赫里戈达航天发射场发射升空,几分钟之内搭载的卫星送入地球运行轨道

    A rocket belonging to India's space agency lifted off from the Sriharikota space station in Andhra Pradesh early Monday, putting a cluster of ten satellites into earth orbit within minutes.


  • 他们希望GIOVE - B卫星可以GIOVE - A卫星的基础完善并且提供更多的数据GIOVE - A卫星欧洲第一颗在中地球轨道高度运行卫星

    It is hoped that GIOVE-B will provide data to complement and expand upon results from GIOVE-A, which was the first European satellite to operate in MEO.


  • 去年甚至还发生了卫星相撞的事件,碰撞所产生碎片散布在整个轨道,更增加了其他航天器运行风险

    Last year, two satellites even collided, showering their orbit with tiny fragments that now pose additional risk to operational spacecraft.


  • 该装置由运行在距地表700km轨道Terra卫星搭载,MODIS有一套综合性工具能够观察和记录地球上陆地海洋大气特征

    Flying over 700 km above the Earth onboard the Terra satellite, MODIS provides an integrated tool for observing a variety of terrestrial, oceanic, and atmospheric features of the Earth.


  • 上升卫星另外7轨道运行卫星一起形成全球定位导航服务系统

    The rising star will join seven other satellites already in orbit to form a network which will eventually provide navigation and positioning services around the globe.


  • 探测太空天气情况的欧洲卫星终于进入地球运行轨道4年前第一次发射因运载火箭爆炸失败

    Two European satellites that will study the weather in space are finally orbiting the Earth four years after a first launch attempt ended in disaster when a carrier rocket blew up.


  • 目前日本信息采集卫星轨道运行最新卫星替代其中已经过期的一颗。

    Japan currently has three information-gathering satellites in orbit and the latest satellite will replace one of them which has passed its use-by date.


  • 第一人造卫星苏联制的“史普尼克一号”地球发射开始轨道运行,为地球的太空世纪开启曙光

    First artificial satellite launched fr Earth. Sputnik I is orbited by the Soviet Union, arking the dawn of Earth's Space Age.


  • 我们把卫星送入不同高度轨道地球运行测出地球上空不同高度空气的含量。

    By sending satellites round the earth at different heights, we can find out how much air there is at each height.


  • 星期六早晨中国成功地颗导航卫星位于西南地区四川省的西昌发射中心发射并将其送入运行轨道

    China successfully put a navigation satellite into orbit early Saturday from the Xichang satellite Launch Center in southwest China's Sichuan Province.


  • 卫星轨道运行需要只是运载火箭速度

    All the satellite needs in order to move in its orbit is the initial speed given it by carrier rocket.


  • 一层太低不适合卫星运行因为空气的摩擦力破坏卫星轨道

    It is too low to fly satellites in since the friction from the small amount of air would destroy their orbits.


  • 一层太低不适合卫星运行因为空气的摩擦力破坏卫星轨道

    It is too low to fly satellites in since the friction from the small amount of air would destroy their orbits.


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