• 研究轨道不平顺对于车辆线路设计以及轨道状态科学评定都具有重要意义。

    Study on track irregularity is valuable for designing of vehicle and the track and scientific evaluation of the track status.


  • 设计扩展卡尔曼滤波器进行卫星编队轨道状态估计数学仿真结果验证这种导航方案算法有效性

    The orbit states estimation is achieved through the extended Kalman filters design. The simulation results verify the validity of this navigation method, and show preferable navigation accuracy.


  • 管理角色使团队了解关于团队计划项目状态轨道以及问题识别解决及时准确信息

    The role of management is to enable teams through timely and accurate information on team initiatives, project status and trajectory, and issue identification and resolution.


  • 至今没有任何美国宇航员体验缓慢缺氧状态或者宇宙飞船迷失地球轨道极度冰冻

    But no US astronaut has ever suffered the slow oxygen starvation and freeze that would doom a spacecraft lost beyond the Earth's orbit.


  • 轨道有一个状态。,We’ve,got,one,in,thes,orbital。,如果我们遵循规则,我们用向上向下箭头吧?

    s If we apply the Hund rule, we've got up arrow, down arrow, right?


  • 根据美国宇航局的要求为了保护这些石英玻璃窗轨道碎片击碎它们大部分时间应该处于关闭状态

    For now, NASA wants to keep them shuttered most of the time to protect the fused silica glass from orbital debris.


  • 适合居住地带恒星周围轨道空间不会因离恒星而导致行星表面处于沸腾状态

    The habitable zone refers to the orbital space around the star that's not so close to the star that the planets surface would boil.


  • 轨道几何状态检查关系铁路行车安全和旅客乘车舒适性重要技术保障工作

    Inspecting the Geometry state of the track is an important work for the safety and comfort to the passengers.


  • 电子模块取代原有继电器直接实现道岔、信号机、减速器控制轨道电路状态识别

    Electronic modules, instead of traditional relays, perform directly the control of switches, signals and retarders and identification of the status of the track circuits.


  • 最后采用轨道根数作为状态变量航天器发动机产生的推力加速度作为控制变量建立空间拦截模型。

    Finally, the orbital elements are introduced as state variables and the accelerations are produced by equation as control variables, the space interception model is established.


  • 本文将一种有效的自适应滤波方案成功地应用地球同步卫星轨道交会状态估计参数估计之中。

    An efficient adaptive filtering scheme is successfully used in the state and parameter estimation for the orbital rendezvous of earth synchronous satellites.


  • 针对(近圆)轨道航天器相对运动的固定时间状态转移问题,提出一种基于导航点的多脉冲优化轨迹生成策略

    An optimal trajectory generation strategy based on way-points is presented to solve the fixed-time state transition for spacecraft relative motion in a circular orbit.


  • 解析轨道理论基础给出平均轨道要素偏差瞬时轨道要素偏差的状态转移矩阵

    On the basis of analytical orbit theory, the state transition matrix from mean to transient orbit errors was put forward.


  • 并以此功能要求提出了概率理论基础轨道极限状态设计方法

    With these as functional requisitions, the limit-state design method for tracks is proposed on the basis of probability theory.


  • 早期涡轮探伤证实轨道表现处于良好状态只有很小程度RCF,因此可以通过HSG解决问题

    Previous eddy current inspections had verified that the surface of the rail was still in a good condition with only very small levels of RCF - which could be removed by HSG.


  • 我们寻求控制摄动非线性状态调节器问题相应轨道

    We shall seek the optimal control and corresponding trajectories of the singularly perturbed nonlinear state regulator problem.


  • 运用收费形式,未能将其纳入法制化预算管理正常轨道,以致收费出现过多过的无序化状态

    Second, when the form of collecting fees is being used, it is not kept within the bounds of legal system and budget control, and thus the disorderly condition of overcharging occurs.


  • 方法有效控制铁磁谐振过电压混沌状态转移期望周期轨道实现系统状态混沌有序之间转换

    The proposed method can effectively control the ferroresonance over voltage from the chaos to period orbit and implement the transformation of system status between chaotic and ordered situation.


  • 城市轨道交通中钢轨质量工作状态整个线路质量以及行车安全有着直接的影响

    The quantity and working status of the rail have the far-reaching impact on the whole line quality and operation safety.


  • 本文介绍了轨道电路调整状态分流状态调整电阻计算方法

    Method of calculating the adjusting resistance of frequency shift track circuit for normal state and shunting state is introduced.


  • 对于轨道拦截问题给出了一种基于速度增益制导状态转移矩阵精确制导方法

    In this paper, the precise initial guidance law based on velocity gain guidance and the state transition matrix for orbit interception were proposed.


  • 第二控制方案可以驱动BZ - CSTR混沌动力学到达一系列规则动力学状态,这些动力学状态可能并不是混沌轨道内嵌本征轨道

    The second control method can drive the BZ-CSTR chaotic dynamics to a new status of dynamics which may not be the original embedded intrinsic orbits of the chaos.


  • 高速道岔是高速铁路轨道结构关键结构与状态列车运行安全和运行品质具有重大影响。

    Highspeed turnout serves as a vital part of track structure for highspeed railway, and its structure and condition play an important role in train running safety and quality.


  • 重点解决没有轨道观测数据情况下,如何利用再飞行中的测量数据进行状态参数估值。数据包括体轴角速率和过载,由固连飞行体的速率陀螺和加速计给出。

    The emphasis is put on estimating the states and parameters only on the basis of the re-entry on-board measurement data in the absence of trajectory observation data.


  • 定期在线检测电气化铁道轨道电路参数,可确保信号设备工作最佳状态避免行车事故

    The electric parameters of rail circuit must be measured periodically to check if the signal system is in good condition and to avoid accident.


  • 定期在线检测电气化铁道轨道电路参数,可确保信号设备工作最佳状态避免行车事故

    The electric parameters of rail circuit must be measured periodically to check if the signal system is in good condition and to avoid accident.


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