• 童年生活无忧无虑,让最大不幸将出来,随着年龄的增大,要逃避不幸却那么容易的心只有完全承受一天打击

    The lightness of infant life can skip aside from the greatest of calamities, but with age evasion is not so easy, and the shock of that day I had to take full on my breast.


  • 可以告诉另一个朝下,上往下四十五英尺水里去,理查兹大嫂但是这另一个可能根本就不想

    A person may tell a person to dive off a bridge head foremost into five-and-forty feet of water, Mrs Richards, but a person may be very far from diving.


  • 走廊无一他们在那里尽兴地了一波尔卡舞。劳里很好他教德国舞步这种舞步活泼轻快,乔十分喜欢

    The hall was empty, and they had a grand polka, for Laurie danced well, and taught her the German step, which delighted Jo, being full of swing and spring.


  • 所有下布鲁克林大桥时候,要让一个牢记妈妈警告,让不要

    You want someone to keep in mind his mother's admonition about not jumping off the Brooklyn Bridge just because all of his friends do.


  • 英格兰足球队的球星彼得·克劳奇创造了有名的“机器舞蹈但是睡觉同时这个舞吗?

    It was England footballer Peter Crouch who made 'the robot' dance famous - but can he do it in his sleep?


  • 保证,他们一定非常喜欢屋子里不过清楚当时没有有一我同样也会在成千上万面前又唱又

    I'm sure they enjoyed watching me sing and dance around the house, but I know it never occurred to any of us that one day I would be doing just that before hundreds of thousands of people.


  • 独自佛罗里达西南偏僻海滩上,突然,我了一近海水域传来了浪花飞溅的声音,还有一声长长的叹息

    Walking alone on a remote beach in southwest Florida, I was startled to hear splashes and a deep sigh coming from the water just offshore.


  • 如果完整段视频起码也要快进1:50的位置,你可以看到机器可以

    If you can't watch the whole video, at least fast-forward to 1:50 where the robot can be seen running and jumping.


  • 弗拉门戈视为西班牙传统文化中的一部分其实起源于西班牙南部自治区安达卢西亚,当时吉普赛舞蹈。

    Flamenco is a style of music and dance which is considered part of the culture of Spain, although it is actually native to only one region: Andalusia.


  • 再三保证,一些奇怪冲动蹦极或是穿高跟鞋植根于进化必要性之中。

    He offers reassurance that some of man's odder impulses, from high-stakes gambling to bungee-jumping or wearing stiletto heels, are rooted in evolutionary necessity.


  • 摩根·斯坦利戴佛格林洛认为如果没有达成协议,纳税1月份的时候看到他们薪水支票上被扣掉税收将会平均升12%。

    Without a deal, says Dave Greenlaw of Morgan Stanley, taxpayers will see the taxes withheld from their pay-cheques jump by an average of 12% in January.


  • 不像同龄那种女孩——就如书中所描述的——之前

    Unlike many of her compatriots, she is the kind of girl, as the book says, who leaps before she looks.


  • 有些认为改变地球轨道危险,其他一些担心由于这使地球轨道变所以改写公历

    Some believe it's risky to alter Earth's orbit, while others fear the jump will make the Gregorian calendar obsolete because of the length of Earth's new orbit.


  • 同时还是非常流行啦啦队动作的创始一动作也以他名字命名为“何其法”。

    Herkimer also was the inventor of a very popular cheerleading jump which was named "the herkie" after him.


  • 我们已经瑞士德国萨尔萨古巴的那样,”

    "We've got Swiss and Germans dancing salsa like Cubans," she says.


  • 骑士队将要与他们的第二对手波士顿凯尔特比赛的前一天也就是周五詹姆斯当天训练中仅仅进行中距离罚球联系。

    James shot midrange jumpers and free throws at Friday's practice, a day before the Cavaliers opened their second-round series against the Boston Celtics.


  • 计算显示大部分(78%)可以通过6.6条消息联系到彼此或者说6.6

    Calculations showed the majority of users, or 78 per cent, could be connected by just 6.6 messages or steps.


  • 20多岁阅读《勇士》这本书时,令惊叹现在对新书有些失望,对于我们会面,我很谨慎担心冷场尴尬但是亭亭真诚很显而易见,使放弃戒备,当她把自己和莎士比亚和简.奥斯丁比较时,着实吓了一

    Amazed by The Woman Warrior in my 20s, and disappointed by the new book, I was wary of our meeting, fearing silence and embarrassment. But Kingston's sincerity is apparent and disarming.


  • 相比之下,虽然巴西北部弗乐,在南部森巴,他们种族分布均匀,同说种语言,1.9亿生活在同一片广阔的大地

    By comparison, Brazilians may dance the forró in the north and the samba in the south, but theirs is a pretty homogeneous and monolingual country of 190m, all on one land mass.


  • 40瑞典厄休拉赫格琳说:“如果两个一起拉丁,会显得有力量他们舞池里表现出来的优雅一流的。”

    "If two men dance Latin together, it's very powerful," said Ursula Hegglin, 40, of Switzerland. "Their elegance across the floor is marvelous."


  • 致命事故不少发生,80年代早期280次发生11意外4死亡导致了Trollveggen禁止

    But fatal accidents are hardly uncommon. Jumping off Trollveggen was banned after 11 accidents and four deaths in the space of 280 jumps in the early 1980s.


  • 比如说你一个洗澡的时候,就不断有进浴室闹腾,久久之你也习以为常的妥协了,自己都被吓了一是个喜欢独处的,我很惊讶的发现,环绕,我是如此的开心

    I've shocked myself because I'm somebody that likes to be on my own. But I'm surprised how much I'm very happy to be surrounded by everybody in my family.


  • 历经25次尝试后认为用划雪橇方式崖确实有点冒险,精彩的YouTube视频展示有些山顶滑着雪撬而下,到了悬崖边来个漂亮的侧滚翻像直奔深渊而去。

    Now, after 25 efforts, she thinks ski-basing is a bit too risky. Gripping videos on YouTube show others sledging off mountain tops, cartwheeling over the edge and dancing their way into the abyss.


  • 警方发言:“幸好屋里没有所以受伤屋主回家后确实吓了一。”

    A police spokesman said: "Luckily no one was home at the time - so nobody was hurt, but the owner of the property did have a surprise when they arrived home".


  • 过多(超过多数同龄)。

    Runs about or climbs excessively (more than most others of his age).


  • 从来没有看到一个确切2008创造编队认为,象征着这种美容固体结构形状

    Never have I seen an exact number of 2008 people running, jumping, and creating formations that symbolized such beauty with solid structures and shapes.


  • 如果最终那么你相不相信自己信任一个也就无关紧要了。

    It matters little how much you believe you trust someone if you are unwilling finally to jump.


  • 如果最终那么你相不相信自己信任一个也就无关紧要了。

    It matters little how much you believe you trust someone if you are unwilling finally to jump.


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