• 接下来我们也只能等待,除了机修工想方设法达修好,因为我们下面要走的是可怕——西澳大利亚沙漠

    Which was all we could do for the next four days, except watch a mechanic struggle to get Matilda back on the road for the most fearsome stretch yet: the Great Sandy Desert of Western Australia.


  • 进口一个大大的后面则是一道屏障一张手写的海报上红色字体声明:“禁止非法侵入。”

    There is a large "stop" sign at the entrance to the road, backed up by a metal barrier and a hand-written poster in red paint proclaiming: "No Trespassing."


  • 如果我们坚固上,祂必先我们穿上或铜鞋;决不会先替我们预备好了,就差我们出外去走崎岖的

    Each of us may be sure that if God sends us on stony paths He will provide us with strong shoes, and He will not send us out on any journey for which He does not equip us well. -maclaren.


  • 我们希望通过运送这些货物

    We 'd like to deliver these goods by railway.


  • 亲身体验告诉杀进决赛有多么艰难因为利物浦时曾过这样的经历,可惜我们输掉了决赛”,这位26岁的腰如是说。

    "I know from personal experience how hard it is to get to the Champions League final, because Idid it and lost with Liverpool," said the 26-year-old.


  • 于是每天早晨穆特欧都来到拐弯处站好自己位置,开始指挥来往车辆拂晓黄昏一周又一周。

    And so every morning , week in , week out , from dawn to dusk, Timoteo takes up his place on the bend and directs the traffic .


  • 如果不能告诉之间差异也许小型高尔夫球场

    If you can't tell the difference between a wedge and an iron, maybe miniature golf is the way to go.


  • 首先用场紧密耦合方法分析电机的分布热源包括涡流损耗损。

    The distributed heat source is first calculated by a tight coupled field-circuit method, including eddy current loss, iron loss and copper loss.


  • 他那二百五十个哥儿们都泉水交叉双臂,望着天上火柱

    The mender of roads, and two hundred and fifty particular friends, stood with folded arms at the fountain, looking at the pillar of fire in the sky.


  • 模型拼合地理建模(公)线设计领域应用十分广泛,研究如何快速高效地获得拼合模型的算法很有必要

    Models merging is widely used in many domains such as geography modeling, 3d design of highway and railway route and so on, so it is essential to design an efficient models merging algorithm.


  • 一系列的城市地下工程、深管道工程跨度()隧道的修建,大大促进了隧道施工技术的进步。

    Construction of various urban underground engineering, deep-buried tube work, large span highway (railway) tunnel are greatly improving tunnel construction technology.


  • 离开了高雄妈妈姐姐一起台北一个月后,我姐回高雄玩3天。在高站看到时,像是发疯了…

    MiRu has already left us to live with her mama(my elder sister) in Taipei. After a month, my sister took MiRu back to Kaohsiung for vacation. When MiRu saw me at railway station, she went crazy


  • 离开了高雄妈妈姐姐一起台北一个月后,我姐回高雄玩3天。在高站看到时,像是发疯了…

    MiRu has already left us to live with her mama(my elder sister) in Taipei. After a month, my sister took MiRu back to Kaohsiung for vacation. When MiRu saw me at railway station, she went crazy


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