• 符号文件对应文本部分起始地址

    The value of the symbol is the start address of the portion of the text section corresponding to that file.


  • 否则假定提供的地址有效堆栈起始地址设法进行回溯。

    Otherwise, it assumes the provided address as a valid stack frame start address and attempts to traceback.


  • 默认情况下,实例共享内存起始地址固定0x10000000

    By default, the starting address of the instance Shared memory is fixed at 0x10000000.


  • 最后系统修改进程可执行代码提供dll函数起始地址

    Finally, the system modifies the executable code of the process to provide starting addresses for the DLL functions.


  • 依次下去,即可录制所有语音同时得到各段的起始地址

    Followed it, you can record voice above all at the same time be the starting address of the paragraphs.


  • 如果赋值起始地址处移开了,那么您可以使用操作轻松跳到位置处

    If you have moved away from the start address of the rendering, you can use this action to easily jump to that location.


  • 如果指令对齐时候出现错误,可以汇编的时候指定起始地址

    If there alignment error occurs, you can disassemble part of binary file by assigning the begin address.


  • SFE操作起始地址大小相加。这个操作连接发生

    The operator evaluates to the segment start address plus the segment size. This evaluation takes place at linking time.


  • 因为实例共享内存结束地址固定,所以数据库共享内存起始地址也是不固定的。

    Since the end address of the instance Shared memory is not fixed, the starting address for the database Shared memory is not fixed either.


  • 将会导致输出结果包含每个方法已编译代码起始地址结束地址

    This will result in output containing both the starting and ending addresses of the compiled code for each method.


  • 只要找到内存然后代码一个重定位地址加上起始地址即可。

    It can now just find a block of memory and then add the starting space to each of the relocatable addresses inside the code.


  • SIET用于可执行文件ELF符号表中抽取全局变量起始地址大小信息

    SIET extracts the size and starting address information of program global variables from the symbol section of ELF executable file.


  • 放音利用保存EEPROM语音起始地址即可任意顺序组合各个语音段。

    Use it when playing and stored in the EEPROM in the initial paragraph of the speech address in any order combination of voice above all.


  • dbspace区段列表提供信息包括、区段起始地址结束地址以及它们相关联大小

    The dbspace extent listing includes the name of the table, the start and end addresses of the extent, and the sizes associated with them.


  • 课程例子我们使用内存起始地址140,加载我们已编译连接后程序内存中执行

    For the course pack examples, we'll use a starting address of 140 in memory and load our compiled and linked program into memory to be executed.


  • 轧制线上位置及其数据数据区的起始地址完全轧件所在区段跟踪指示器内容所确定

    The mill bar's position on the mill line and the initial address of it's data in the data area are completely determined by the contents of the tracking pointer.


  • 如果应用程序将要支持所有体系结构上保持通用起始地址那么确定那个地址之前必须考虑所有的体系结构。

    You have to consider all architectures before deciding on the addresses if you want to keep the starting addresses common for all the architectures that are going to be supported by the application.


  • 然而代码假定起始地址按照16字节对齐并且末尾足够填充位,因此内存中下一个数据元素也是16字节对齐的。

    However, this new code now assumes that the starting address is 16-byte aligned, and also that it has enough padding on the end that the next data element in memory is also 16-byte aligned.


  • 因此可以利用时间长度作为一个地址通过单片机定时器计时平行地映射信息地址从而得到段录音起始地址

    Therefore the length of time can be used as a segment address, through the time-parallel single-chip timer to the address above mapping information in order to get the start address of each recording.


  • 因此,可以相对记录加上文件起始地址方法算出任意个记录的物理位置。(记住:文件的起始地址当文件被打开时,从磁盘索引中得到了)。

    The Number property indicates the physical slot number, which can be used as an index into a system slot table, whether or not that slot is physically occupied.


  • 第二条消息说明编译过程已经完成了十六进地址表示每次调用这个方法执行的机器代码起始偏移量

    The second message indicates that compilation has completed, and the hexadecimal address represents the starting offset of the machine code that will be executed each time the method is invoked.


  • 程序属性中,获得子程序对应低位地址高位地址,它们分别表示与子程序的起始部分和结束部分对应的地址

    From the attributes of the subprogram, get the low address and high address corresponding to this subprogram. This represents the addresses corresponding to the start and end of that subprogram.


  • address十六进格式相对于进程虚拟地址空间起始位置偏移量。

    Address: In hexadecimal format, relative to the start of the process's virtual address space.


  • Server2完成请求后应答返还返回地址(,然后负载均衡器将应答重定向到起始的客户

    When Server 2 has completed the request, it will return the response to the return address ( Load Balancer will then redirect the response to the original client.


  • 该表纬度经度以及文章提供原始地址(例如Fremont,CA)。

    The table has six columns, starting with the latitude and longitude values and the original address provided for the article (for example, Fremont, CA).


  • desc字段包含,而value包含源代码行的起始部分代码地址

    The desc field contains the line number and the value contains the code address for the start of that source line.


  • 数组用作参数时,传递给函数数组起始元素位置地址——它并不复制数组元素本身。

    When the name of an array is used as an argument, the value passed to the function is the location or address of the beginning of the array - there is no copying of array elements.


  • 计算幸福安全的,可爱的,上面显示起始虚拟地址几乎一道工序台机器上完全一样

    When computing was happy and safe and cuddly, the starting virtual addresses for the segments shown above were exactly the same for nearly every process in a machine.


  • 起始所有属性一致区域大小单位是字节。

    The size of the region beginning at the base address in which all pages have identical attributes, in bytes.


  • 起始所有属性一致区域大小单位是字节。

    The size of the region beginning at the base address in which all pages have identical attributes, in bytes.


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