• 觉得未来借款人资金很快包含赔偿计划吗?

    Do you think there may come a time soon when lenders money is covered by compensation scheme?


  • 新的赔偿计划再保险作为赔偿基金的二层资金来源

    The new compensation scheme will also include reinsurance as its second tier financing source for compensation.


  • 越南赔偿计划正在帮助禽流感影响的农民恢复家禽种群

    Compensation schemes in Vietnam are helping bird flu-affected poultry farm ers restock.


  • 赔偿计划包括了建筑工程奖学金以及二战期间意大利服务利比亚士兵退休金

    The compensation package involves construction projects, student grants, and pensions for Libyan soldiers who served with the Italians during the Second World War.


  • 该公司更多员工赔偿计划恢复对本季度一财(从六月份开始)收入会有一定的影响。

    FedEx said reinstatement of more employee compensation programs will hit earnings in that period as well as in the next fiscal year, which begins in June.


  • 是因为劳资关系不仅包括洽谈合同制定赔偿计划包括调解雇员管理者之间不同利益

    That's because labor relations involves negotiating contracts, setting compensation packages, and otherwise trying to reconcile the disparate interests of workers and managers.


  • 世纪被迫剥夺土地受害者作出补偿,在单独土地赔偿计划,250公顷土地归还给了这些剥夺土地的黑人

    Under a separate land-restitution programme to compensate victims of forced removals over the past century, a further 2.5m hectares have been returned to their dispossessed black owners.


  • 肯尼大致讲述了赔偿计划他表示建立国家纪念碑纪念爱尔兰历史上黑暗时期。NPR新闻,菲利普·里夫斯伦敦报道

    Kenny outlined plans for compensation, and said a national monument will be built as a reminder of this dark episode in Ireland history. Philip Reeves NPR News, London.


  • 1911年,这个国家通过了第一部《国家工人赔偿》,这一计划很快就扩展全国

    The first state workers' compensation law in this country passed in 1911, and the program soon spread throughout the nation.


  • 认为赔偿带来风险其它方式譬如奖赏他们对野生动物的良好保护行为,”为狮子保护计划提供资金一个大型猫科动物保护小组执行主任卢克·亨特

    "I think compensation has much higher risks than, for example, rewarding good behavior," says Luke Hunter, executive director of Panthera, a wild-cat conservation group that funds Living with Lions.


  • 6月14日日本内阁批准这一计划帮助东京电力公司赔偿居民由于持续核能危机带来的灾难

    Japan's Cabinet on June 14 approved a plan to help TEPCO compensate residents for the trouble caused during the ongoing nuclear crisis.


  • 如果这个个案只是尝试性的话,希尔顿可能会强迫对方损失支付赔偿许晓denizen的品牌发布,而D计划2010年开幕

    If the case goes to trial, Hilton could be forced not only to pay damages but also to cancel the launch of Denizen, whose first hotel is expected to open in 2010.


  • 而这项草拟中的关于修改司法程序计划同样使手下的一家公司免于支付高额罚金。这家公司在早先桩诉讼中,被一家地方法院裁决负有赔偿责任。

    Proposed changes in civil proceedings could also allow one of his companies to avoid paying substantial damages previously awarded by a lower court.


  • 但是,很少有人得到赔偿人们怀疑这项计划巨额预算并非专款专用

    But compensation is rarely paid and there are doubts about how honestly its vast budget is spent.


  • 就算Facebook镇定表示50亿用户进行赔偿计划招揽更多访问者,但似乎并不能这场灾难落幕。

    This is unlikely to stop the meteoric rise of Facebook, which is poised to claim half a billion members and which draws even more visitors as a whole to its site (see chart).


  • 令人兴奋独特的每个人都”的计划赔偿支付超过100 %的委员会-处理每一个时间,再加上两位数快速启动资金

    An exciting, unique "everyone wins" plan, the compensation paid out more than 100% of the commission - to deal with every time, coupled with double-digit Quick Start money.


  • 思科公司宣布全球裁员计划数千微软中国区的员工正在努力协商更好裁员赔偿方案

    Cisco Systems has announced a plan for global job cuts, while thousands of Microsoft employees in China are trying to negotiate a deal for better compensation following layoffs.


  • 同意赔偿洛克比爆炸案受害者家属,还宣布利比亚停止生产大规模杀伤性武器计划

    He agreed to pay the final amount of money owed to families of the Lockerbie bombing victims. And he announced that Libya was ending its programs to make weapons of mass destruction.


  • 法官判决的赔偿要远远少于他们要求;而且法官质问凯恩为什么我们要求的石油泄漏责任计划书公布于众。

    The judge awarded them far less than they asked for and even questioned why Cairn didn't publish its oil spill response plan as we asked.


  • 国际计划中,由于恶劣天气关系而引致旅程延误最少多少小时赔偿HK$300?

    How many hours of delay caused by inclement weather should AIU pay for Travel Delay (JourneySafe International)?


  • 国际计划中,由于恶劣天气关系而引致旅程延误最少多少小时赔偿HK$300?

    How many hours of delay caused by inclement weather should AIU pay for Travel Delay (JourneySafe International)?


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