• 有关赌博法律最近变得更加严厉。

    Laws on gambling have tightened up recently.


  • 再不愿意拿钱供赌博了。

    She's not prepared to subsidize his gambling any longer.


  • 一些赌博宣布为非法

    In some states gambling was outlawed.


  • 自己所有糟蹋赌博上了。

    He squandered all his money on gambling.


  • 他们赌博的爱好使其受到了拉斯韦加斯赌场老板们的欢迎。

    Their taste for gambling has endeared them to Las Vegas casino owners.


  • 那些卖淫赌博贩毒有关的罪犯判罪驱逐出境。

    He said those responsible for offences connected with vice, gaming and drugs should be deported on conviction.


  • 无法抵挡赌博魅力,所以恶魔诱使痴迷赌博

    Nala couldn't resist the opportunity to gamble, so the evil demon seduced him into gambling aggressively.


  • 如今有些为了所谓“圈子”而酗酒赌博绝对愚蠢的。

    Nowadays, some people tend to drink and gamble for the sake of what they call the circles, which is definitely stupid.


  • 无聊感与一些行为关联,包括粗心驾驶零食不停、过度饮酒赌博成瘾

    Boredom has been linked to behavior issues including inattentive driving, mindless snacking, excessive drinking, and addictive gambling.


  • 例如社会学家已经发现了很多证据,证明社区规模不良行为有关包括赌博吸毒

    For instance, sociologists have found much evidence that the size of a community is associated with bad behavior including gambling, drugs, etc.


  • 第一互联网赌博网站1995年创建以来,赌徒的的网站竞争变得越来越激烈

    And since the first Internet gambling site was created in 1995, competition for gamblers' dollars has become intense.


  • 怀纳卡帕克就这里大堂招待宾客朝臣其他最爱的人赌博,同时,女王则打理花园,饲养鸽子

    Here Huayna Capac entertained guests in the great halls and gambled with courtiers and other favorites, while his queen gardened and tended doves.


  • 赌博永远美国人生活共同特征一段时间以来,广泛地认为是一种罪恶抑或是一种社会疾病

    Gambling has been a common feature of American life forever, but for a long time it was broadly considered a sin, or a social disease.


  • 由于一个顾客赌场他发了一张“乐趣”,可用以在赌场获得餐饮积分使赌场能够跟踪用户赌博活动

    The casino issued to him, as a good customer, a "Fun Card," which when used in the casino earns points for meals and drinks, and enables the casino to track the user's gambling activities.


  • 纽约时报》出版人阿瑟·苏兹伯格承认此举赌博:“从某种程度上我们所认为互联网的前进方向。”

    The New York Times's publisher, Arthur Sulzberger, acknowledged that the move is a gamble: "This is a bet , to a certain degree, in where we think the web is going."


  • 赌场发了一张价值20美元赌博优惠券之前从未赌博过。

    He had never gambled before the casino cent him a coupon for $20 worth of gambling.


  • 如果亚马逊能够砍掉实体书店直销公众手中,那为什么不能通过互联网人们互相下注赌博呢?

    If Amazon could cut out bookshops and sell books directly to the public, why shouldn't one use the internet to let people place bets with one another?


  • 44个彩票29个州有赌场,其中大多数州都不同程度地依赖于,可以说是沉迷赌博收入

    Forty-four states have lotteries, 29 have casinos, and most of these states are to varying degrees dependent onyou might say addicted to—revenues from wagering.


  • 然而威廉姆斯案件控诉这家赌场明知无法自拔地沉溺赌博”,仍有意诱使违背自己意愿参与赌博”。

    Nevertheless, Williams's suit charges that the casino, knowing he was "helplessly addicted to gambling", intentionally worked to "lure" him to "engage in conduct against his will".


  • 一般工人周五晚上工资,然后,人们普遍认为给了妻子家用”之后,就会出去剩下的钱花在啤酒赌博

    The typical working man would collect his wages on Friday evening and then, it was widely believed, having given his wife her "housekeeping”, would go out and squander the rest on beer and betting.


  • 乌云滚滚而来场悠闲高尔夫可能变成一场可怕死亡赌博——空旷户外,一个孤独的高尔夫球手可能闪电诱人目标

    As the clouds roll in, a leisurely round of golf can become a terrifying dice with death—out in the open, a lone golfer may be a lightning bolt's most inviting target.


  • 希斯·克里夫呼啸山庄新德里赌博哈里顿习惯

    Heathcliff has been staying at the Heights, gambling with Hindley and teaching Hareton bad habits.


  • 这些新的度假地无疑学习了拉斯维加斯赌客提供服务不止赌博

    The new resorts have certainly learned from Las Vegas to offer the punters far more than just gambling.


  • 玩家游戏可以战斗卡拉OK悬挂滑翔,模拟结婚赌博等等

    Players who booted up this torturous affair experienced a game featuring (among other things) fighting, karaoke, hang-gliding, getting married, finding a job and gambling.


  • 吸烟增加吸二手烟人群患癌症风险酗酒赌博暴力行为家庭破裂紧密相关

    Smoking increases the risk of cancer for those in the vicinity of the smoker; alcohol abuse and gambling are strongly associated with violence and family breakdown.


  • 近日,中国航天工业供销总公司总经理助理王大庆,因挪用公款赌博无期徒刑。

    Wang Daqing, former senior official of China Aerospace Supply and Marketing Company, has been sentenced to life imprisonment for illegal gambling and embezzling of public funds.


  • 如果赌博行为真的上瘾,那么没有理由有些不会视频游戏工作锻炼真的上瘾

    If behaviours like gambling can become a genuine addiction, there is no theoretical reason why some people might not become genuinely addicted to activities like video games, work or exercise.


  • 批评者认为,尽管他国赌场提供了就业机会经济效益赌博成瘾和地区贫困化概率增加

    Critics argue that although casinos elsewhere provide employment and a net economic benefit, they can also increase the incidence of compulsive gambling and local deprivation.


  • 批评者认为,尽管他国赌场提供了就业机会经济效益赌博成瘾和地区贫困化概率增加

    Critics argue that although casinos elsewhere provide employment and a net economic benefit, they can also increase the incidence of compulsive gambling and local deprivation.


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