• 图书出版占用资金资本回收市场寿命风险

    The occupation of funds for book publishing is large, while the capital recovery is difficult; the market life circle is short and with big market risk.


  • 通过减少废弃物产生量,降低能源消耗减少事故不仅可以减少环境污染而且节省资金远比治理措施投入资金

    By reducing the amount of waste, reduce energy consumption and reduce the accident, not only can reduce the environmental pollution, but also save money than measures of investment funds more.


  • 如果希腊开始没有借入这么资金不会面临债券收益率上升问题

    Greece would not have such a problem with higher bond yields if it had not borrowed so much money in the first place.


  • 然而就算这么资金2015年美国的马路上见到一百万辆电动车,仍然可能只是白日做梦

    But even with all this funding, a million EVs on the road by 2015 May still be just a pipe dream.


  • 只要更丰厚资金储备杠杆限制以及调整监管,华尔街仍然可以保持不变

    As long as there weregreater capital reserves, leverage limits, and more regulatory oversight, WallStreet could remain intact.


  • 这个银行实际上是从市场借贷短期资金,需要支付两倍那些经过偿还费用(第二年0.04%,之后0.07%)。

    It is effectively a tax on bank borrowings from the market, with short-term funds carrying twice the charge (0.04% next year, 0.07% thereafter) of those that are repayable after more than one year.


  • 唯一问题恰好那么资金实现带来活力的想法

    The only question is who has the funds to kind of carry out the ideas that the animal spirits come up with?


  • 赖利先生还说:“最近几周份报告显示欧宝于2013年面临资金短缺。”

    Mr Reilly adds: "There had also been reports in recent weeks that Opel was going to run out of money in 2013."


  • 一个“经济合作与发展组织”发现尽管美国任何“经济合作与发展组织”的国家每个儿童教育的钱都,但是在学前教育资金落后于其他国家

    An OECD report found that although the United States spends more, per child, on education than any other OECD country, it lags behind in funding the early years.


  • 公司没有那么资金没有如此耐心,也没有和巴马一样达到目的远见

    Most companies don't have the money, don't have the patience and don't have the vision to achieve what Mr. Obama did.


  • 所以第一件事儿尽可能少资金必须商业策划不要消耗那么资金

    So the first thing is ask for as least amount of money as possible, which means you have to have a business plan that doesn't consume that amount of capital.


  • 巴黎报纸论坛报》(LaTribune)称,德拉维耶伊谢上周一直在试图挽回部分夫诈骗资金

    The Paris newspaper la Tribune said that Mr Magon DE la Villehuchet had spent the last week trying to recover some of the funds lost to Mr Madoff.


  • 买来产品(花费大量资金)可以尽可能尽可能快地向前推进开发项目

    The just-out-of-shrink-wrap program that you're using (and spent a lot of money on) to propel your development efforts forward as much as possible, as quickly as possible.


  • 虚构资产重组资金注入的消息挽救了这家公司。

    Imaginative shuffling of assets and a capital injection saved the group just over a year ago.


  • 看着以上表格中的数字时问下自己我们实际直接营销中有花费这么资金吗?

    As you look at the Numbers in the charts above, ask yourself this: Do we spend this much on actual direct marketing?


  • 这种方案一般自筹资金业绩改进费用支付奖金要

    Such schemes are generally self-funding; the improvement in performance more than pays for the rewards.


  • 如果最终需要计划,那那些资金充足的赞助人或团体合作

    Work with angels who, with their partners, have enough cash to invest if you do end up needing more money than planned.


  • 随着房屋现在变得又可以买得起了,下一代工人们为了拥有房屋不必那么钱了,资金可以帮助国家实现重新工业化

    With housing much more affordable now, the next generation of workers won't need to borrow as much to own a home and more capital will be available for reindustrialization.


  • 因此虽然硬件还有可能人员配备方面节省了相当资金,但是应用程序测试周期将会更长

    As a result, while substantial money will be saved on hardware and possibly staffing, application test cycles will be longer.


  • 如果投资者们追求更高回报同时能够了解其中存在风险他们可以对损失准备——也许他们不会房地产市场投入如此资金

    If investors had known the risks they were taking in the pursuit of greater returns, they would have been more prepared for failure-and would presumably have put less money into the housing market.


  • 十年之前新兴经济体公司通常会出口额或是报进口额以便资金转移出国,转移中国

    A decade ago firms in emerging economies often reported exports at less than their value or imports at more, to shift money out of a country like China.


  • 朋友可能有跟银行一样金融资金你提供贷款你应对紧急情况。

    Your friends likely do not have the same financial holdings as a bank that can offer loans to cover emergency contingencies.


  • 国际空间站2015年退役战神1号至少要2017年才能正式投入使用。这使人不禁怀疑投入这么资金建造新型火箭到底值不值得

    With the space station set to be decommissioned in 2015, and Ares I not likely to ready until around 2017, some wonder whether building the rocket is worth the expense.


  • 廉价资金年代危机国家工资价格上升欧洲其他国家

    During the years of easy money, wages and prices in the crisis countries rose much faster than in the rest of Europe.


  • 赠款资金来源于一个捐赠机构信托基金。 该基金加大研究支持力度,帮助各国建立劳动力市场政策制定能力,对可能有效方法进行试点

    The grants are funded by a multi-donor trust fund that will scale up research, help countries build capacity to develop labor market policy, and pilot promising approaches.


  • 近年来,中国蓬勃发展经济人民币升值预期意味着现在出口商愿意出口额,以便资金转移中国

    In recent years, however, China’s booming economy and the expected appreciation of the yuan mean that exporters now have more incentive to overinvoice exports in order to bring money into the country.


  • 但是为了获得中信的股份,在一段长的时期内贝尔斯登付出同样资金

    But it would spend the same amount over a longer period for a complementary stake in Citic.


  • 国家科学基金会学习科学研究计划授权华盛顿大学生命中心机构研究计划)为这项研究提供资金支持

    The National Science Foundation Science of Learning Program grant to the UW's LIFE Center, a multi-institutional program, funded the study.


  • 国家科学基金会学习科学研究计划授权华盛顿大学生命中心机构研究计划)为这项研究提供资金支持

    The National Science Foundation Science of Learning Program grant to the UW's LIFE Center, a multi-institutional program, funded the study.


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