• 增加内容甲方合同相关费用条款另行付费

    As for the new added contents, Party A shall further pay the charges according to the related charges terms of the former contract;


  • 并且未来个月内预计更大幅度减少额,因为它们实施了严格条款提高贷款费用

    What's more, they expect to make an even bigger reduction over the next three months, as they impose stricter terms and conditions and raise the cost of their loans.


  • 条款任何规定不得限制承运人提出支付预付费费用担保要求

    Nothing in this section shall limit the right of the carrier to require the prepayment or guarantee of the charges.


  • 签字要去确保已经了解健身协议所有条款假如你怕自己不能坚持健身承诺,那么不妨健身房要求按月方式支付费用

    Make sure you understand all the terms of your gym contract before you sign and if the commitment makes you nervous, ask for the facility's month-to-month payment options.


  • amazon向ami用户收费所以在执行之前仔细检查帐户费用条款

    Amazon charges for paid AMIs, so review the fees and terms of your account very carefully before proceeding.


  • 你们条款酒店客人责任支付这些强制性费用他们在Hot wire预订时却不能选择酒店。

    Your terms say that a hotel guest is responsible for these mandatory charges, yet they can't choose the hotel when they book through Hotwire.


  • 根据共同保险条款保险人通常必须全部费用百分之二十。

    According to co-insurance clauses, the insured person must pay usually 20 percent of the total expenses covered.


  • 于是开始研究起各种预付费SIM协议条款,并发现沃达丰预付费手机用户提供每天最多15兆流量数据服务,费用大约每天2美元(超过的流量每收费4美元)。

    So I started digging around the terms and conditions of voice prepaid cards. Vodafone, it turns out, offers prepaid cellphone users up to 15 megabytes of data traffic a day for about $2.


  • 尽管巴拉克·奥巴马曾经说过偿还并不意味着容忍未来错误”,国家股份银行似乎有可能各种行政费用支付条款的受制对象。

    Although Barack Obama has said repayment does not imply "permission for future misdeeds", Banks with government stakes seem likely to be subject to different rules on executive pay.


  • 但是警告道如果各家公司更换保险公司,条款保险费用做出巨大调整的话,现行计划一致“溯及既往祖父保护条款不再适用

    but it warned that the grandfathering protection accorded to existing plans will no longer apply if companies switch insurance providers or significantly change the terms or the cost of coverage.


  • 固定缺陷一些球员得不到最低费用释放条款

    Fixed bug where some players were not getting minimum fee release clauses.


  • 客户兹确认客户已经收到专项条款附的信贷费用保证金信息披露声明同意客户具有约束

    You hereby acknowledge that you have received and agree to be bound by our Credit Charge and Margin Information disclosure statement which is attached to these Special Terms.


  • 所有额外费用(补办丢失的卡)申请收到条款条件概要说明

    Any additional fees (such as for a replacement of a lost card) are completely outlined in the Terms and Conditions you will receive when you request the card.


  • 所以小心,很清楚条款费用按揭。

    So be careful and absolutely clear about the terms and costs of a refinanced mortgage.


  • 着重论述条款公路投标施工组织工程进度、工程质量、工程费用、合同管理各个阶段中的应用

    In this paper author introduces the application of this article in road bidding, construction management, engineering schedule, engineering quality, engineering cost and contract management.


  • 保险可以包括精神病治疗特别赔偿费,可是许多家保险公司精神病费用不同可扣减共同保险条款

    Special benefits for psychiatric care may be included in an insurance policy but many policies have different deductible or co-insurance clauses for psychiatric coverage .


  • 已经阅读承认遵守上述规章条款。我同样愿意支付所有校车费用

    I have read and will comply with the above conditions and regulations. I also take full responsibility for advance payment of the bus fees.


  • 买方应该仔细留意交易条款条件譬如是否承担额外运送费用

    Buyers should also pay close attention to the terms and conditions of sale, such as whether there are any hidden extras in the form of delivery costs.


  • 外包合同中的一项条款(经常服务供应商引入),规定任何功能性上变更缴纳额外费用的。

    A clause in an outsourcing contract (frequently introduced by the service provider) that stipulates that any changes in functionality are subject to excess fees.


  • 以下这些条款适用包括旅行费用娱乐费用以及商业礼品的记录。

    Here's how these rules apply to your record-keeping for travel expenses, entertainment expenses, and business gifts.


  • 既然形势发生变化我们就应期待更为公平费用赎回条款

    Now that the situation has changed, we should expect fairer fees and redemption terms.


  • 我方关联企业中介代理人其它第三共同分配佣金其它费用、或就双方签订合约条款收取酬金。

    We may share commissions and other charges with associates, Introducing Agents or other third parties or receive remuneration from them in respect of contracts entered into by us.


  • 辞职员工劳动合同专项协议规定条款,做好物品返还违约培训费赔偿金相关费用缴纳

    The resigned employee should return the items and pay breach fee, training fee, compensation money and related charge according to the clauses specified in labor contract and special agreement.


  • 但是保险公司保险单又规定了额、共同保险条款责任限额从而使存在不当行为董事自己承担一部分损失费用

    Insurers often stipulate deductible amount, coinsurance clause and limit of liability in their contracts, so as to the directors and officers carry one part of the losses and costs.


  • 但是保险公司保险单又规定了额、共同保险条款责任限额从而使存在不当行为董事自己承担一部分损失费用

    Insurers often stipulate deductible amount, coinsurance clause and limit of liability in their contracts, so as to the directors and officers carry one part of the losses and costs.


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