• 主要自己协助贫穷地门生他们本书啃意义他们本身钱。

    The most important is I want to use the money to help the poor students, this will let them have a book to read their own money in meaningful.


  • 轻松沿街书店时,他看到一个贫穷德国家庭爸爸妈妈三个孩子寒风走着

    As he ran down the street with a light heart to the bookshop, he saw a poor German family, the father, mother and three children walking in the cold wind.


  • 那些贫穷需要帮助少年兴奋发现拐角处一家商店,他们可以价格低廉自行车

    Those poor and needy teenagers were excited to find a shop at the corner where they could buy affordably priced bikes.


  • 深深关心着我的每一个学生,我不希望他们永远贫穷

    I care deeply about each of my students and I don't want them to be poor forever.


  • 二天早上,我吃早餐时无精打采看着报纸,看到了这段话:1863年,于瓦卡瓦克,34人控告州长候选人马克吐温先生作伪证。他打算掠夺一个贫穷女人的土,她丈夫死后,这块是她唯一的容身之所和支撑。

    The next morning, as I was looking listlessly over the papers at breakfast, I came across this paragraph: PERJURY—Mr. Mark Twain, a candidate for Governor, was convicted of perjury by thirty-four people, in Wakawak, in 1863. He intended to rob a poor woman of her land, her only stay and support after her husband died.


  • 所有这些外国人了,”不无痛苦,“人民依旧贫穷。”

    "It's the foreigners who make all the money," he said bitterly. "the people are poor."


  • 遥远未来显现好处相反,受益的大多相对贫穷国家

    Conversely, the benefits that will emerge in the distant future will be felt mostly in poorer countries.


  • 但是人们贫穷导致打劫事件的发生他们侮辱他们工作努力却绝望看着自己仅有“财产”化成灰烬。

    But it is an insult to poor people - to those who work hard and watch in despair as what little they own burns to the ground - to tell them that poverty leads to looting.


  • 然而杰拉尔德已经懂得什么叫贫穷因此永远不会惬意而体面

    But Gerald had known poverty, and he could never learn to lose money with good humor or good grace.


  • 只要奴役贫穷阴魂不散缠绕着阿富汗人们,这个国家和平就如同镜花水月,更别说任何繁荣憧憬

    So long as Afghan women are kept in terrified servitude and poverty, peace for that country is likely to remain a pipe dream, let alone any hope of prosperity.


  • 诸如华雷斯这样的边境大城市,很多生活拥挤生活在贫穷社区,流感病毒很快传播蔓延。

    In large border cities like Juarez, where people live crammed together in poor neighborhoods, the flu could take hold quickly.


  • 重建恢复仅仅使这个半球贫穷国家和1·12之前情况一样而已。

    "Rebuilding" and "recovery" would merely take Haiti, this hemisphere's poorest country, back to where it stood before the Jan. 12 earthquake.


  • 同样严重同一财富巨大差异即使繁荣”的东部沿海区,也有着极端贫穷情况

    Least remarked upon, but equally serious, are huge differences in wealth within the same locality, along with dire cases of poverty, even on theprosperouseastern seaboard.


  • 马拉维是非一个内陆小国,也是非洲大陆贫穷国家之一,为了有效帮助农民提高粮食产量,他们新道路,引进新的农业技术

    Malawi, a small landlocked country in Africa and one of the continent's poorest nations, has helped its farmers become more productive by building roads and introducing new farming techniques.


  • 这一影响清楚反映热带国家贫穷国家的生命力指数中——1970年以来,热带国家和贫穷国家的生命力指数下降了60%。

    As indicated by LPIs (Living Planet Index) in tropical or poor countries, the LPIs since 1970s have fallen by 60%.


  • 规则常常发生变化,但总是对男性有益就这样,一致遵循状况在经济上并不成立规则却完美存在从上到下,一层层的力量滥用女性儿童尤其是贫穷的,就这样处于底层,即使一无所有的男人有人被他凌虐,常常妇女或者儿童我再也受不了少数人操纵多数人通过性别,收入,种族和阶级的手段。

    Women and children, especially the poor, are at the bottom. Even the most destitute of men have someone they can abuse -- a woman or a child.


  • 我们如何能最有效优化企业角色缓解贫穷世界的困境?

    And how do we best optimize the role of corporations in alleviating world poverty?


  • 尤努斯相信如果有机会贫穷借款人精明使用这笔将偿还贷款即使没有抵押的风险。

    Yunus believed that if given the opportunity, poor borrowers would use the money wisely and would repay loans, even without collateral at risk.


  • 如果真的就会得出一些怪异结论富裕美国并不贫穷巴西幸福那么那些生活富裕国家的为了变得富有而更加努力工作还有什么意义呢?

    If this is true then some heretical conclusions follow: rich America is no happier than poorer Brazil, so what is the point in people who live in rich countries working harder to get ever richer?


  • 个人相对其同村的人是否贫穷,或者亚当·斯密的标准是否羞愧公共场合露面对贫困的标准也有影响。

    It begins to matter whether a person is poor relative to his countrymen; whether he can appear in public without shame, as Adam Smith put it.


  • 不要认为富人之所以富是因为生活偶然给了他们财富他们并没有选择捐赠贫穷这样思考陷阱里。

    Don't fall into the trap of thinking that the rich are rich because life haphazardly bestowed wealth upon them but chose not to endow it upon the impoverished.


  • 贫穷不是相对的,贫穷的标准可能只是客观专家们去决定

    Poverty is not relative, and it cannot be objectively determined by an expert.


  • 麦迪森估算解释了贫穷殖民为何致富富有的殖民为何

    Maddison's estimates also appear in their work explaining why poor colonies became rich, and rich colonies became poor.


  • 最新事例遍布贫穷国家各个药厂为了保护人民急切着手生产他们自己廉价的(猪流感特效药)达菲他们严厉告之不能这么做。

    Here's the latest example: factories across the poor world are desperate to start producing their own cheaper Tamiflu to protect their populationsbut they are being sternly told not to.


  • 富有外国人发疯似四处寻觅肾脏眼角膜肝脏贫穷居民拼命赚钱谋生,正是在两者的共同作用之下,才印度乃至巴西催生非法的贩卖器官行业

    The intersection of rich foreigner frantic for a kidney, cornea or liver and poor local desperate to make money has spawned an illicit organ-trafficking industry, from India to Brazil.


  • 富有外国人发疯似四处寻觅肾脏眼角膜肝脏贫穷居民拼命赚钱谋生,正是在两者的共同作用之下,才印度乃至巴西催生非法的贩卖器官行业

    The intersection of rich foreigner frantic for a kidney, cornea or liver and poor local desperate to make money has spawned an illicit organ-trafficking industry, from India to Brazil.


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