• 宾夕法尼亚州免费覆盖那些收入官方贫困标准两倍以下的家庭

    Pennsylvania offers free coverage to families who earn up to twice the official poverty rate.


  • 方法不仅适合制定全国贫困标准,也适合制定各地区贫困标准

    This approach applies to the formulation of both national and regional poverty standards.


  • 就是按照中国人均收入1300元的贫困标准线,中国还有4000万没有脱贫

    If we calculate by the Chinese poverty line standard that is about a half USD income per day, there are 40 million Chinese people are still under that poverty line.


  • 农村贫困人口根据修订的农村贫困标准统计的,历史数据不完全可比

    Statistics on poverty population in rural areas are based on the newly revised rural poverty line, which is incomparable with historical data.


  • 2008年农村贫困标准1196测算,年末农村贫困人口为4007万人。

    According to the 2008 rural poverty line with annual per capita net income below 1,196 yuan, the population in poverty in rural areas numbered 40.07 million at the end of the year.


  • 菲律宾的调研评估低于贫困标准可能性以及人们食物质量仍然发现小额贷款对此没有影响

    The study in the Philippines also measured the probability of being under the poverty line and the quality of food that people ate, and again found no effects.


  • 就像沙滩上划线,绝对贫困标准显示经济潮流是进退,线沙滩哪里没有大的关系

    Like a line in the sand, an absolute poverty standard shows whether the economic tide is moving in or out. It does not matter too much where on the beach it is drawn.


  • 官方公布$22113年收入相比,新的计算方法将2010年美国四口之家贫困标准线提高$24242,意味着又有300万美国人口加入贫困人口行列。

    The poverty threshold for a family of four in 2010 was $24, 242 in the new measure vs. $22, 113 in the official measure, a change that added about 3 million people to those considered poor.


  • 哈佛大学哥伦比亚大学学者们进行的“黄金标准研究发现即便是极度贫困学校教师也始终会产生巨大的,积极消极影响

    The gold standard study by Harvard and Columbia University scholars found that even in high-poverty schools, teachers consistently had a huge positive or negative impact.


  • 一方面,贫困绝对标准实在让人不敢恭维,因为它们是以专家定义的均衡营养食谱为依据。

    On the other hand, absolute standards of poverty are creepy, reliant as they are on expert definitions of a nutritionally balanced diet.


  • 理论上讲,贫困人数应该计算多少无法得到适当标准生活水平

    In theory a poverty count is supposed to calculate how many people fail to meet a certain standard of living.


  • 现阶段美国贫困人口官方划分标准4口年收入低于22025美元,个人收入低于10991美元。

    The official poverty level in the US now is $22025 for a family of 4 and $10991 for unrelated individuals.


  • 通过视频大力宣传这些标准展示这些标准即使对于贫困家庭也是可以实现的,强调学校保健站可能大大改善教育和健康状况

    Hard-hitting videos popularize the standards, show the standards are feasible to attain even for poor families, and highlight the potential for schools and health posts to greatly improve outcomes.


  • 传统奥山斯基贫困线标准假定一个家庭只需相应数量金钱就能满足基本物质需求

    The traditional Orshansky poverty line assumes that families need a set amount of money to meet their material needs.


  • 项目执行标准被救助人的贫困程度,与种族无关。

    The project is based on poverty, rather than ethnicity.


  • 尽管每天1美金衡量标准诸多优点--尤其简单明了--但是一些认为看重收入会使贫困争论变得狭隘

    Despite the many merits of the $1-a-day measure—not least its simplicitysome argue that looking only at income risks impoverishing the debate about poverty.


  • 根据修订人口普查标准,2009年贫困人口占15.7%,或者4780万

    Under a new revised census formula, overall poverty in 2009 stood at 15.7 percent, or 47.8 million people.


  • 个人相对其同村的人是否贫穷,或者亚当·斯密标准是否羞愧公共场合露面贫困标准也有影响。

    It begins to matter whether a person is poor relative to his countrymen; whether he can appear in public without shame, as Adam Smith put it.


  • 根据新的衡量标准儿童黑人未婚情侣纳入贫困范畴可能性最低。

    Children, blacks and unmarried couples were less likely to be considered poor under the new measure.


  • 区域即使柬埔寨标准来看,也算是贫困区,超过三分之一人口每天生活开支少于60美分

    The area is as poor as it gets even in Cambodia, where more than one-third of the population lives on less than 60 cents a day.


  • 实践中,相对于世界银行标准,政策制定者关心本国贫困线。

    For practical purposes, policymakers will always care more about their own national poverty lines than the bank's global standard.


  • 一旦摆脱物质贫困绝对生活标准并不总是有效。人们的超凡适应能力可以解释这一点。

    Our extraordinary powers of adaptation appear to help explain why absolute living standards simply may not matter much once we escape the physical deprivations of abject poverty.


  • 最低生活保障线可以视为一种贫困线公平效率公众参与评价优劣重要标准

    The line is one measure of poverty, and equity, efficiency and citizen participation should be applied to evaluate its effect.


  • 只要全职工作父母,其家庭生活就应该陷入贫困因此现在时候国会跟上各州的脚步,赶上最后班车,提高美国工资标准

    And because no parent who works full-time should have to raise a family in poverty, it's time for Congress to follow the lead of state after state, get on the bandwagon, and give America a raise.


  • 金钱标准衡量贫困严重地低估了收入因为他们忽略了实物转移例如食品医疗房屋援助

    Money measures of poverty seriously understate income, because they omit in-kind transfers such as food stamps and medical and housing assistance.


  • 推行统一学费标准同时中国教育管理部门制定帮助贫困大学生措施

    Chinese education authorities have mapped out measures to help poor university and college students while promoting a unified tuition fee policy.


  • 推行统一学费标准同时中国教育管理部门制定帮助贫困大学生措施

    Chinese education authorities have mapped out measures to help poor university and college students while promoting a unified tuition fee policy.


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