• 追求利润的同时,具有社会责任企业永远不会忘记社会做出积极的贡献

    When seeking profits, socially responsible corporations never forget to make positive contributions to our society.


  • 我们等到新的事实出现前富士康需要对工人健康认真责任并且对其巨额利润是工人血汗钱的怀疑理所应当的。

    While we wait to see what new facts emerge, for the time being Foxconn seems to be taking its responsibility to its workers' health seriously and deserves the benefit of the doubt.


  • 市场制造者客户没有信托责任保证他们责任看来确保客户能得到他们(为了获取利润而愿意承担)风险

    Marketmakers owe no fiduciary duty to clients, and offer no warranties; their responsibility, he argued, is to make sure those they serve are getting the risk exposures they seek.


  • 米尔顿·弗里德曼(Milton Friedman)认为企业唯一社会责任提高利润”,很多同意这个看法。

    Many people would agree with Milton Friedman's view that the "only social responsibility of business" is to "increase its profits".


  • S公司种美国税法独创非公司制有限责任组织形式,S公司利润在分配时作为股东收入交一税。

    An Scorporation's profits are taxed just once, as the income of its shareholders.


  • 尤其要提到的是,这项设计充分体现了设计者社会责任,这款产品销售利润中的一部分将会捐赠给一家动物保护组织

    This product, in particular, pursues a social responsibility as a design product. A portion of the profits from selling product will be donated to an animal preservation group.


  • 计划麦当劳专注于利润率最高业务使品牌公司加盟店之间责任界限更加明确

    It would also focus McDonald's on its highest-margin businesses and introduce a clearer division of responsibilities between the brand company and its franchisees.


  • 拥有“社会责任投资者资本家越来越关注商业利润而并非贫困线,逐渐的使得这一领域成为一个牟利区。

    So, increasingly, is the for-profit sector, including "socially responsible" investors and capitalists more interested in the bottom line than the poverty line.


  • 利润多人分享债务多人承担连带责任公司类型

    A type of company in which all profits and liabilities are shared by more than one person.


  • 优秀企业行为楷模随处可见:曾经被嘲笑有社会责任”、经营洁净商业的各种措施显著提高了企业利润

    Examples of good corporate behaviour are everywhere. Once derided as' socially responsible ', measures to run cleaner businesses are leading to improved profit margins.


  • 从私人公众拥有权转变同样责任合伙人制度转嫁到了危险不负责任公共董事会制度。在合伙人制度之下,没有利润就没有奖金花红而言。

    The shift to public ownership also replaced the accountability of partnerships-when there are no profits, there are no partner bonuses-with the dangerous fecklessness of public boards.


  • 有限合伙人可能不能分享同样利润但是他们商业活动较少责任

    Limited partners may not share as much in the profits, but they also have less responsibility for the business.


  • 公司股东追求利润最大化同时兼顾社会效益承担一定社会责任

    The company should also give consideration to the social benefit while pursue profits to maximize for the shareholder, bear certain community responsibility.


  • 对于主要责任短期销售关键账户经理销售量(可能利润贡献)现阶段按照典型测量

    For key account managers whose major responsibility is short-term sales, sales volume (or, possibly, profit contribution) in the current period is a typical metric.


  • 积极承担社会责任企业长久竞争力股东的长期利润最大化一致的

    To actively take social responsibility is consistent with an enterprise's goal to maintain long-term competitiveness and shareholder profit maximization.


  • 我们公司更进一步放弃对任何的类型作为结果发生的附带损害任何的责任包括失去利润

    Our Corporation further disclaims any liability for consequential or incidental damages of any kind, including lost profits.


  • 就是说,他们可能认为商界经理负责创造利润而没有责任维护诚信标准

    In other words, they may view business managers as responsible only for making profits, not for upholding standards of integrity.


  • 1972年调查中绝大多数的员工主张公司最高目标应该社会责任而不是利润

    In a 1972 survey, a clear majority suggested that social responsibility, instead of profitability, should be the supreme objective.


  • 美国法系中还有一种低利润有限责任公司的形式,此类公司社会筹资,其本身盈利甚微甚至盈利。

    Another option in America is the low-profit limited-liability company, which can raise money for socially beneficial purposes while making little or no profit.


  • 主要问题集中投资额变化引发争议房屋所有权归属、合作各方利润分配、第三人违约责任承担几个方面。

    The main problems are concentrated in the disputes over investment, the ownership of the building, the share of the profit and the responsibility of the investors.


  • 在这里一点对房地产的话,我没有调查你们个房地产商利润但是认为房地产商作为社会的一个成员,你们应该社会尽到应有的责任

    I want to tell real estate developers: I haven't investigated the profits of every one of you, but I think you real estate developers, as members of society, should do your own bits for society.


  • 有限合伙人是指向有限合伙出资分享利润参与有限合伙经营且仅以向有限合伙的出资限对有限合伙债务承担清偿责任的人。

    Limited partners invest and share profits, but do not participate in the operation of limited partnership, bear the limited liability for the limited funding for the debt of the partnership.


  • 历来商业世界里,一个商人首要责任便是赚取利润为股东创造更大的价值

    In the world of business, the Paramount responsibility of the businessman has historically been to make profit and increase the shareholder value.


  • [摘要]房地产企业特殊的的“企业公民”,追求合理利润承担社会责任高度一致的。

    Abstract: Real estate enterprise is specific corporate citizen, to pursue reasonable profits and assume social liability is consistent.


  • 我们希望企业担负正义的社会责任所有人创造美好的生活然而现实企业却大都只是贪婪法人追求利润或掠夺侵占资源

    We hope the enterprises take the responsibilities to make a better life for all, but in reality, most of them are only legal persons hungry for profit and resources.


  • 税收考虑对于税收,有限责任公司成员视为合伙人利润损失反映各自所得税申报表内。

    Tax Considerations. For U. s. tax purposes, members of the LLC are treated like partners; profits and losses are carried on their individual income tax returns.


  • 税收考虑对于税收,有限责任公司成员视为合伙人利润损失反映各自所得税申报表内。

    Tax Considerations. For U. s. tax purposes, members of the LLC are treated like partners; profits and losses are carried on their individual income tax returns.


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