• 财务管理基础第十二e提供财务APLIA领先功课教育今天出版解决方案工具

    FUNDAMENTALS of FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT, 12e also offers APLIA FOR FINANCE, the leading homework solution tool in educational publishing today.


  • 支票管理财务管理基础,是保证企业资金安全正常周转关键

    Serving as the foundation of financial management, cheque management is crucial in ensuring safety and normal turnover of corporate funds.


  • 现金企业经营中不可或缺重要资源,是财务管理第一要素,更是价值创造价值衡量基础

    One of the vital resources essential to business operation, cash is the utmost element in financial management, which forms the basics to the value creation and quantification.


  • 本文分析当前农业院校财会队伍存在问题基础上,针对性提出改进措施提高农业院校财务管理水平。

    Based on the analysis of existing problems financial staff now are facing, the paper poses measures accordingly to enhance financial management in agricultural colleges.


  • 财务管理活动贯穿现代企业资金活动全过程财务管理现代企业管理基础

    Finance management runs through the whole process of finance activities in modern enterprises and finance management is the basis of modern enterprise management.


  • 通过本文研究绿色供应链财务管理模式建构问题深入探讨奠定一定理论基础同时也企业进行相关实践活动提供了理论指导

    The study provides the theory basis for the problem of the construction of GSC financial management pattern, and for the guidance in the relative practice in enterprises.


  • 文章认为财务管理工作基本建设单位各项管理基础必须予以高度重视。

    The paper considers that financial management is the basis of all management in infrastructure companies, which should be paid more attention to.


  • 经济效益最大化作为企业财务管理基础目标所有财务管理人员始终关心的问题。

    Economic benefit maximization, as the basic target of the enterprises' financial management, is the most important concern of the financial management professionals.


  • 本文研究ERP对企业财务管理影响基础研究建立适合我国企业集团集中式财务管理模式。

    Based on the study of the impact of erp on financial management, this article researches the establishment of enterprise groups in China for a centralized financial management.


  • 农村财务管理工作农村经营管理工作基本职能基础工作,也是维护集体农民利益重要保障

    The rural financial management job is the fundamental and basic job of the rural management job, as well as, is the important guarantee of safeguarding collection and peasant's interest.


  • 本文分析我国目前关于财务管理目标观点的基础论述企业价值最大化财务管理目标合理选择

    Based on the analysis of China's current financial management objectives, it discussed that maximizing the value of enterprises is a reasonable choice of financial management objectives.


  • 近年来,我国理论界基础上,提出各种关于我国企业财务管理目标理论,占主流所有者财富最大化“企业价值最大化”。

    In recent years, all kinds of theories on enterprise's financial management objective is put forward. Maximum of owner's wealth and of enterprise's value are the mainstream.


  • 基础上,德州学院分析高校财务管理存在问题

    Take Dezhou University as an example, this thesis analyzes the problems existing in the financial management of colleges and universities.


  • 分析该校财务管理工作存在主要问题基础探索了存在问题的主要原因

    On the basis of the analysis of the main problems existing in the financial management, this paper explores its main reasons.


  • 基础指出了我国高校二级单位财务管理存在问题分析了产生根源最后提出加强高校二级单位财务管理对策

    On this basis, pointed out the problems existed in secondary units, analyzed its essential reasons and concluded with measures in strengthening financial management of the secondary units.


  • 财务管理目标全部财务活动实现最终目标是企业开展一切财务活动的基础归宿

    Financial management objective is the achievement of all financial activities of the ultimate goal, it is to carry out all financial activities of the foundation and the end result.


  • 摘要本文研究ERP企业财务管理影响基础研究建立适合我国企业集团集中式财务管理模式。

    Abstract: Based on the study of the impact of erp on financial management, this article researches the establishment of enterprise groups in China for a centralized financial management.


  • 摘要本文研究ERP企业财务管理影响基础研究建立适合我国企业集团集中式财务管理模式。

    Abstract: Based on the study of the impact of erp on financial management, this article researches the establishment of enterprise groups in China for a centralized financial management.


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