• 贝尔指出,从进化方面来讲控制另一个动物攻击性很大价值

    In evolutionary terms, the ability to control aggression in another animal can have major value, Sobel pointed out.


  • 20世纪50年代贝尔•贝雷尔森指出通信领域变得过于脱节了

    At the end of the 1950's, Bernard Berelson remarked that the field of communication was becoming too disjointed.


  • 这份报告指出虽然博士八十年前就因发现“拉曼效应”获得贝尔,然而时至今日印度使用、根据“拉曼效应”原理制造的工具器械,大部分都是进口的。

    The report also pointed out that while C. V. Raman won the Nobel Prize eighty years ago for the Raman Effect, most of the instruments available in India today using this principle are imported.


  • 这份报告指出虽然博士八十年前就因发现“拉曼效应获得贝尔,然而时至今日印度使用、根据“拉曼效应”原理制造的工具器械大部分都是进口的。

    The report also pointed out that while C.V.Raman won the Nobel Prize eighty years ago for the Raman Effect, most of the instruments available in India today using this principle are imported.


  • 但是摩根大通的执行官指出更大问题如果贝尔史登董事会建议一个竞争出价这个担保会失效。

    But the bigger problem, according to a JPMorgan executive, was that the guarantee would fall away if Bear's board recommended a rival bid.


  • 质询贝尔指出移动档案中的文字段落伪造情报是不同的。

    At the inquiry, Mr Campbell drew a distinction between shifting lines and paragraphs in dossiers and actually fabricating intelligence.


  • 指出破产后市场可能遭受极大的震动,贝尔斯登的股东们不想为此负责任。

    He also pointed out the untold consequences a bankruptcy could have on world markets — a scenario Bear Stearns directors didn't want to be held responsible for.


  • 贝尔恩德。乌尔里希德国《时代》周刊(精英周刊)上指出西德人应当感恩一些理由

    Bernd Ulrich, in Die Zeit, a highbrow weekly newspaper, identified several reasons for western gratitude.


  • 这个问题的人喜剧演员史蒂芬贝尔指出的问题是实实在在的

    The interviewer was Stephen Colbert, a comic. But his point was serious.


  • 荧幕上影响胜如此,正如《陈述小姐制片人詹妮弗·西贝尔·纽森指出

    That impact goes far beyond the silver screen, as Jennifer Seibel Newsom, producer of Miss Representation points out.


  • 人士指出,“教宗本笃贝尔内枢机为执行严格制度...挤压协调费用允许它时(原文如此),就可以听到不同的声音

    The source notes that "Pope Benedict and Cardinal Bertone run a much tighter ship ... but at the expense of squashing coordination or allow (sic) dissenting voices to be heard."


  • 可是Saddleback学院一个学生演讲指出Mullis既不是生物学家不是医生仅仅只是个化学家时,这位贝尔奖获得者了句无可辩驳的话反驳,“也只不过是个小孩而已!”

    When a student at the Saddleback lecture pointed out that he was a not a biologist or a doctor but a chemist, the Nobel laureate rebutted him with the irrefutable argument, "And you're a little boy!"


  • 贝尔与其同事上周四三(25日)的《科学杂志上发表报告指出颗钻石行星质量木星稍大一些密度却是木星的20

    The measurements suggest the planet has slightly more mass than Jupiter but is 20 times as dense, Bailes and colleagues reported in the journal Science on Thursday.


  • 贝尔一路上都我们指出建筑上细节历史背景融入其中,过去时光生动地带到了当下,确实那些时代变得鲜活起来。

    All the time Bernard points out architectural details which he situates within an historical context, vividly bringing the past into our present, and really making the period come alive.


  • 此外微笑指出营销学设诺贝尔

    Besides, he points out with a smile, there is no Nobel Prize in marketing.


  • 贝尔经济学得主丹尼尔。卡尼曼及其合作者阿莫斯。特沃斯基展望理论指出决策行为会受到价值函数形式的影响

    Prospect Theory that was brought up by Nobel economics prize winner, D. Kahneman and his cooperator A. (Tversky, ) considers that value-function curve could affect such behavior like decision-making.


  • 巴拉克很快指出,对方贝尔巴托夫切尔西是威胁。

    Ballack was also quick to point out the danger Dimitar Berbatov will pose for Chelsea.


  • 贝尔指出移动档案中的文字段落伪造情报是不同的。

    Mr Campbell drew a distinction between shifting lines and paragraphs in dossiers and actually fabricating intelligence.


  • 报导指出弗格森之前中的热刺前锋贝尔巴托夫看样子即将热刺签下新的合约。

    The Manchester Evening News reports that Ferguson is keen on Spurs frontman Dimitar Berbatov, but the Bulgarian now looks set to stay at White Hart Lane.


  • 贝尔坦承对于没有找到冰层感到失望,指出,这项结果并非暗示著月球不是冰冻的。

    Campbell admits that he was disappointed not to find thick ice deposits, but he points out that his team's results in no way imply that the moon is ice-free.


  • 贝尔坦承对于没有找到冰层感到失望,指出,这项结果并非暗示著月球不是冰冻的。

    Campbell admits that he was disappointed not to find thick ice deposits, but he points out that his team's results in no way imply that the moon is ice-free.


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