• 牧师阿尔·夏普顿威胁抗议纽约城陷入停顿,声称2006年枪杀肖恩·贝尔宣告无罪警察应该受到起诉。

    The Rev. Al Sharpton is promising to shut down New York City with protests. He says the officers acquitted in the 2006 shooting death of Sean Bell should be required to face a jury.


  • 贝尔图乔一把额头上冒出的冷汗还是服从了,但是,继续向左斜着走。

    Bertuccio wiped the perspiration from his brow, but obeyed; however, he continued to take the left hand.


  • 称为卢卡斯批判理论虽然的提出者带来了声望以及贝尔奖章,极大挫伤了模型构造者的锐气

    The "Lucas critique", as it was called, brought its author fame and a Nobel prize. But it dealt a big blow to the confidence of model-makers.


  • 第一个测出电子电量物理学罗伯特·米尔肯就曾舍弃了与之预期值不符的结果赢得贝尔奖——因为他的研究结果无可挑。

    Robert Millikan, the physicist who first measured the charge on the electron, discarded results that did not match his expectations, yet he won a Nobel prize-because he was right.


  • 数学作为化学物理的必要基础并未引起贝尔特别关注

    But other than as a necessary foundation for chemistry and physics, mathematics was not a particular interest of Nobel's.


  • 尽管一次贝尔奖最多只能授予基础物理学常常团队研究完成

    Although a Nobel prize is awarded to no more than three individuals, fundamental physics is often done as teamwork.


  • 贝尔担忧现代消费主义刺激推动著人们追求当下满足非理性自我表达

    But modern consumerism was stimulating the appetite for instant gratification and irrational self-expression, Mr Bell worried.


  • 尽管曼联只前锋阵型,但是贝尔巴托夫不能比赛中胜任弗格森的定位仅仅是替补而已。

    Yet in sticking with a single striker, a formation in which Berbatov has no role, Ferguson has given himself an instant replacement.


  • 贝尔认为,尽管新的科技农业实践使我们获得了作物的全面增产但是增产的步伐难以抵消气候变暖带来的负面影响。

    Although new technology and better farming practices have led to an overall increase in productivity, Lobell says, this increase isn't keeping pace with warming.


  • 蒙蒂爵士写过一篇很受欢迎赞美伦布兰特的文章,而身为艺术史学家霍华德·贝尔西,虽然艺术品位自视高,公开谴责这篇文章立场倒退。

    Sir Monty has written a popular appreciation of Rembrandt which Howard Belsey, himself an art historian, though of a more highbrow bent, has denounced for its retrogressive stance.


  • 然而最近位并未获得诺贝尔的颇年轻生物学进行了此领域的研究。

    Recently, however, two youngish biologists without Nobel prizes have had a go.


  • 但是收到本有作者签名,第一版名叫安娜·李薇尔·普罗·莱贝尔,它是詹姆斯·乔伊斯(James Joyce)早期费尼根复活”一系列书的一部

    But he did receive as a gift a signed, first-edition copy of a book called "Anna Livia Plurabelle" - an early serialization of part of James Joyce's "Finnegan's Wake."


  • 之后的英格兰队仍然在奋力斗争,索尔·贝尔打进一头球之后,整个国家(包括他自己都认为他们就要胜出了,但是裁判无情的吹犯规在先,进球无效。

    England fought hard and Sol Campbell headed what the nation (and he) thought was the winner, only to be chalked off for a foul.


  • 美国电报电话公司的贝尔实验室施乐帕洛阿尔托研究中心(Xerox PARC)的辉煌历史已经过去了,但是不知怎的IBM的研究文化幸存下来

    AT&T’s Bell Labs and Xerox PARC have left their glorious histories behind them, yet somehow IBM’s research culture has survived.


  • 伊莎贝尔冷漠固执目光展望未来的时候,看到自己的处境不利。

    Isabel, scanning the future with dry, fixed eyes, saw that he would have the better of her there.


  • 原文英文:奥巴马世界和平出力早早拿到贝尔,你觉得匪夷所思吗?

    Obama, you do not contribute to world peace, but earlier get the Nobel peace prize, do not you feel ridiculous?


  • 但是就在上周,贝尔文学奖永久地联系在一起。

    But, last week, these three figures became forever bonded by the Nobel Prize for Literature.


  • 然而贝尔大力提倡有机整体生命观提出生物环境概念

    Bernard, however, advocated organic, holistic outlook on life, and put forward the idea of inner environment of organism.


  • 但是贝尔格莱德塞尔维亚领导人认为结果耻辱”,表示彻底法庭失去信任

    But in Belgrade Serbian leaders are calling decision "scandalous" and a total loss of credibility for the court.


  • 共和国可怕威胁拯救出来,议会授予了帕尔帕紧急处置权虽然并非贝尔的主意,但袖手旁观眼睁睁看着提案通过

    Though it was not his recommendation, he stood by and watched as Palpatine was granted emergency powers to save the Republic from this dire threat.


  • 有代表性玻璃制品有为贝尔宴会制作陶瓷器的罗谢特·兰德朴素大方时髦格·奈斯的盘子咖啡具

    Representative of glass products for the Nobel banquet making ceramics shetland rand, plain but fashionable hargreaves bernays plates and coffee.


  • 但是合同迟迟未能签下来,因为温格法国电视台TF 1转播评说世界杯去了,另外,枪手的老板们都一直宣称他们想要贝尔留下来

    But the deal stalled as Wenger was at the World Cup working for French TV station TF1 and yet the Gunners chief has made it clear he wants Campbell to stay.


  • 第一个测出电子电量物理学家罗伯特·密立根就曾舍弃与之预期不符的结果赢得贝尔奖——因为他的研究结果正确的。

    Robert Millikan17, the physicist who first measured the charge on the electron, discarded results that did not match his expectations, yet he won a Nobel prize-because he was right.


  • 固然输掉游戏懊丧不已,然而促使他专一于博弈数学研究,他也终极由此取得诺贝尔奖。

    Frustration at losing that game inspired the real Nash to pursue the mathematics of game theory, research for which he eventually was awarded a Nobel Prize.


  • 病毒电池搭档似乎并不常见对于工程师安吉拉·贝尔来说并不陌生。 安吉拉·贝尔最早产生这一想法

    Viruses and batteries may seem like an unusual pair, but they're not so strange for engineer Angela Belcher, who first came up with5 the idea.


  • 病毒电池搭档似乎并不常见对于工程师安吉拉·贝尔来说并不陌生。 安吉拉·贝尔最早产生这一想法

    Viruses and batteries may seem like an unusual pair, but they're not so strange for engineer Angela Belcher, who first came up with5 the idea.


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