• 嘉莉茫然看着豪华地毯的

    Carrie looked vacantly at the richly carpeted floor.


  • 一张豪华的长沙发上开始全神贯注研习礼节

    He lay down upon a sumptuous divan, and proceeded to instruct himself with honest zeal.


  • 令人惊叹名为镜面魔方”的豪华间,外面反射材料使很好融入附近森林环境

    The most striking is a luxury room called the Mirror cube, which is coated in a reflective material that causes it to blend into the surrounding forest.


  • 年后,这些瓷器进入伯利庄园收藏从此这所位于林肯郡的豪华宅邸便成为它们的所在

    A few years later they entered the collections of Burghley House, a stately home in Lincolnshire where they have been ever since.


  • 第二豪华马车驶进苏格兰农民稀疏的庄稼衣着考究贵族从马车中出来,向农民介绍自己,称自己是他的男孩父亲

    The next day, a fancy carriage pulled up to the Scotsman's sparse surroundings. An elegantly dressed nobleman stepped out and introduced himself as the father of the boy Farmer Fleming had saved.


  • 很快意识到并不需要每月都请家政人员每周都要去豪华晚宴或者频繁购物

    You'll quickly realize you don't have to have your monthly housekeeper, weekly fancy dinners or too frequent shopping trips.


  • 着某种报复的心理,缓缓他们边上希望他们注意豪华轿车中的

    With a heart in getting back at them, he drove slowly beside the couple, wanting them to spot him in his luxury sedan.


  • 我们要拥有最新昂贵技术产品,奢侈享受某个夜晚或者贷款购买无法负担豪华轿车。

    We all want to buy that new piece of technology, treat ourselves to an expensive night on the town, or take out a loan for the flashy car we can't afford.


  • 赫特福德郡韦林花园,一家每日住宿费为1519英镑豪华猫咪旅店猫咪主人更好享受假期成为可能

    In Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire, a luxurious feline hotel, which costs between 15 pounds and 19 pounds a night, make it possible that cats could have a better holiday than owners.


  • 由奥房车公司马奇移动制造的这辆豪华房车,名为“元素”,车身40英尺配有215平方英尺的伸展式屋顶露台设施以及间酒吧

    Austrian company Marchi Mobile is behind the 40ft long palace on wheels, called the eleMMent palazzo, which comes complete with a pop-up roof terrace measuring 215 sq ft, underfloor heating and a bar.


  • 今年洛杉矶车展将是豪华高档发布

    This year, la also came on strongly as the place to reveal luxury and premium vehicles.


  • 值得一提不得不冒昧离开东道主包厢(除了,包厢里每个人似乎不是奥兰多,就是拥有豪华古宅),另一间包厢和见面

    It is worth mentioning that I had to venture out of my host's box (in which everyone but me seemed either to be called Orlando or to have a stately home) and drop into another one to meet him.


  • 爱德华摩根福斯特著作已经莫钱特•艾弗里豪华电影制片技术广泛联系起来了,就像海伦娜•伯纳姆•卡特和其紧身胸衣般紧密。

    THE works of Edward Morgan Forster have become popularly associated with the lush cinematography of Merchant Ivory—and Helena Bonham Carter in a corset.


  • 如果已经博士毕业,回顾读博士学位那段经历,你可能会自我解嘲说,那个时候,我办公室永远我的豪华,而且随时都飘荡着我所最爱方便面味道

    You know you are a graduate student,goes one quip, when your office is better decorated than your home and you havea favourite flavour of instant noodle.


  • 就是豪华汽车始终更多采用直排六引擎或者V - 8s引擎,以及多数引擎系类汽车的排量很少超过原因

    That is why luxury cars have invariably used much smoother inline-six engines or v-8s-and why most of the new breed of four-cylinder motors rarely exceed two litres.


  • 豪华套房拥有包罗万有的景观,你在浴缸舒适享受时悉尼中心商业环形码头WalshBay都可尽入眼帘。

    The two Royal Suites have a sweeping view of Sydney's Central Business District, Circular Quay and Walsh Bay to be enjoyed from the comfort of the bathtub.


  • 乌节(orchard road)上的大型商场总是熙熙攘攘,钱袋鼓鼓的观光客不断刷新着豪华酒店入住率

    The shopping malls along Orchard Road are bustling. Fancy hotels are full of wealthy tourists despite cranking up their room rates.


  • 一名科罗拉多男子生财之道很特别,因为将灵车改造宠物的豪华轿车,宠物主只要支付英里1美元就能用这车时髦载着他们宠物亚斯

    A Colorado man has taken an unusual step to drive in new business: he has turned a hearse into a limo for pets-for a dollar per mile owners can send their dogs to the Land of Ah's kennel in style.


  • 一个网站大胆进军豪华旅游领域或者说是豪华旅游信息行业,它就是Globalista . co . uk。

    A new site has bravely launched into the luxury travel sector, or rather luxury travel information sector.


  • 然而应该明白去旅游并不代表住五星级豪华酒店,奢侈度假

    Yet you should understand that not all traveling experience has to be a five star, luxurious vacation.


  • 相反那些生活牛排馆豪华酒店的人则成为嘲笑怨恨对象

    Conversely, people who jet about the "easy" places with steak houses and fancy hotels become an object of sneering or resentment.


  • 应用编辑医疗设备美容家具航空豪华客车领域到了广泛应用!

    Application of this section of the medical equipment, beauty chairs, furniture, aviation, luxury cars and other fields until the extensive application!


  • 天花派对奢靡豪华住处五彩绚丽的衣衫只是为了心中挚爱黛茜

    Wine party smallpox, extravagant luxury residence, colorful gorgeous clothes, just for the sake of his heart love Daisy.


  • 只要有钱那个国家豪华旅馆里的服务员能把你当帝王一般侍候

    If you have the money, the luxury hotels in that country are fit for a king. They wait on you hand and foot.


  • 餐馆的独特建筑灵感来源于传统锥形帽的形象紧密越南女人美丽联系起来,简单不失豪华

    Unique architecture of the restaurant is inspired by an image of traditional conical hat closely connected to the beauty of Vietnamese women, simple but no less luxurious.


  • 现代经典墨西哥蒙特雷一个五星级住宿美食难忘的豪华酒店墨西哥事件目的婚礼空间

    Modern yet classic, Quinta Real Monterrey is an unforgettable luxury hotel with five-star accommodations, fine dining, and ample space for events and destination weddings in Mexico.


  • 设计流程无缝集成天然峡谷作为背景迷人度假结合豪华设施客人渴望亚利桑那景观

    Designed to flow seamlessly into the natural canyon that serves as its backdrop, Enchantment Resort effortlessly combines the Arizona landscape with the luxuriously appointed amenities guests crave.


  • 殖民式的墨西哥楼市像是私人产业,而不是一个豪华酒店所有人创造独特的度假体验

    This colonial-style Mexico property feels more like a private estate than a luxury hotel, creating a unique vacation experience for all.


  • 长年不变的生活行程是:自行车离家,穿过边界倒上三次班车步行老板住处,然后豪华汽车里懒散度过一天

    His long daily commute involves: traveling on his bike, crossing the border, taking three different trains and walking to his employer's flat, to spend his day sitting, idly, in a fancy car.


  • 基于阿卡普尔科南部山坡上专属阿卡普尔科度假村豪华别墅式目的距阿卡普尔科国际机场只需15分钟

    Resting on the Southern hillside of the Acapulco Bay sits the exclusive Las Brisas Acapulco resort, a lavish villa-style destination located just 15 minutes from Acapulco International Airport.


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