• 其中一些象龟拥有较高的物种保护价值,对此非常乐观

    I am optimistic that some of these animals will have high conservation value.


  • 幸运的是,这些可以长长的脖子伸出水面,并且仰面漂浮

    Luckily, tortoises can extend their necks above water and float on their backs.


  • 寿命超过150因此其中一些象龟或许乔治直系近亲

    Tortoises can live for more than 150 years, so some of them may well be George's immediate next of kin.


  • 科学家32拥有典型马鞍壳的带回克鲁斯繁育中心

    Scientists took 32 tortoises with the most spectacular saddles to a breeding center on Santa Cruz Island.


  • 可以船舱生存超过使它们成为最佳外卖”食物。

    Tortoises can live in a ship's hold for more than a year without food or water, making them the perfect takeaway meals.


  • 科学家认为,经过代繁殖人们可能得到携带95%已消失祖先基因象龟

    In just a few generations, it should be possible to obtain tortoises with 95 percent of their "lost" ancestral genes, the scientists said.


  • 2008年,科学家生活火山两侧1600作了标记提取血液样本

    In 2008, scientists tagged and collected blood samples from more than 1,600 tortoises living on the flanks of the volcano.


  • 宝宝的出生体重为87,要达到妈妈256千克的体重,还需成长30

    The hatchling weighed just 87 grams when it was born and will take 30 years to get to the same size as its mother, who is a massive 256 kilos.


  • 加拉巴哥象龟对于颜色鲜艳的可食花草水果情有独钟例如玫瑰花芙蓉葡萄西瓜等

    Our Galapagos tortoise are responsive to bright coloured, edible flowers and fruit, such as roses, hibiscus , grapes and watermelon.


  • 十九世纪鲸者、海盗其他航海家象龟栖息岛屿掠走,作为长途航行的压物和食物。

    In the 19th century, whalers, pirates and other seafarers plucked the animals from their native islands for use as ballast and food on long journeys.


  • 加拉帕戈斯象龟生活简单树叶仙人掌为食享受日光浴,每天小睡将近16小时

    Galapagos tortoises lead an uncomplicated life, grazing on grass, leaves, and cactus, basking in the sun, and napping nearly 16 hours per day.


  • 一些样本携带的基因显示它们父辈现存的纯种弗罗里安那表明这一物种或许根本没有灭绝

    Some had genes indicating their parents were living purebred Floreana tortoises, hinting that the species may not be extinct after all.


  • 世界只有为数不多几家动物园成功进行象龟繁殖,而现在我们的保温还有不少象龟正在孵化。

    There has only been a handful of zoos around the world that have had success with breeding this species and we currently have more eggs in the incubator.


  • 科考队正在寻找典型的鞍背前部马鞍一样隆起,确保伸出长长的脖子,高大仙人掌

    The teams were looking for tortoises with the most prominent saddlebacks: shells rising up in front, like saddles, to accommodate the animals' extremely long necks for grazing on tall cactuses.


  • 下一步分析DNA区分两个不同物种寻找血统纯正的象龟人工哺育计划可以随即开始

    The next step is to analyze each animal's DNA to separate the two species and find those with the least mixed ancestry. Then the breeding program can begin.


  • ,小家伙:只新生加拉巴哥象龟宝宝的出生体重为87,要达到妈妈256千克的体重,还需成长30

    Hello titch: This newborn Galapagos hatchling weighed just 87 grams when it was born and will take 30 years to get to the same size as its mother.


  • 安哥洛卡、蛛网陆、辐射陆和扁尾陆马达加斯加特有的。如果它们在这里消失只能动物园才能看到了。

    Mr Randriamanampisoa said there four species of tortoise "are endemic to Madagascar, so if they disappear here you will only be able to see them in zoos".


  • 他们计划捕捉几只,根据其携带平塔岛象龟罗里安象龟dna数量进行区分,遗传学接近原始物种象龟进行人工哺育。

    Their plan was to capture and separate tortoises with high levels of Pinta and Floreana DNA, and then breed animals that are genetically closest to the original species.


  • 洛特博士认为,经过悉心哺育,再加上一些运气,群体有望放还到平塔弗罗里安那岛,帮助重建那里已经消失生态系统

    With captive breeding and luck, new populations of tortoises could be released on Pinta and Floreana Islands in five to 10 years, helping to restore their lost ecosystems, Dr. Cayot said.


  • 2008年经过标记分析放归,其中雄性和一只雌性携带平塔岛dna,另外一只雄性和只雌性携带弗罗里安那岛象龟基因

    Seven of the animals tagged and analyzed in 2008 were retrieved - one male and one female with Pinta DNA, and one male and four females with Floreana genes.


  • 2008年经过标记分析放归,其中雄性和一只雌性携带平塔岛dna,另外一只雄性和只雌性携带弗罗里安那岛象龟基因

    Seven of the animals tagged and analyzed in 2008 were retrieved - one male and one female with Pinta DNA, and one male and four females with Floreana genes.


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