• 美国人谙熟道已有段时间欧洲人学得很快

    Americans have known all this for a while, but Europeans are learning it fast.


  • 美国谙熟已有段时间欧洲人学得也很快

    If they fail to perform, they are replaced. Americans have known all this for a while, but Europeans are learning it fast.


  • 公司优势在于业务人员谙熟西班牙语英语可以准确的与外商沟通;

    The advantage of our company is that the operational staff are good at Spanish and English .


  • 还是不要警报系统?阿林吉号船长巴特船员已经谙熟船的性能。

    Alarms or no, Mr. Butterworth, Alinghi's skipper, said the crew had become accustomed to what it could and could not do.


  • 但是最近政客们似乎已经谙熟管理艺术核心因素——有意义的妥协

    But lately, politicians seem to have lost the most essential element of the art of governing-meaningful compromise.


  • OSxiOS人们对于滚动缩放以及无数其他动作都谙熟于心。

    From OS X to iOS, people know the motions for scrolling, for zooming and a myriad of other actions.


  • 可是呢,必要性辩护乐趣还有陪审团乐趣,才是我们更加谙熟于心的东西。

    The joy of the necessity defence, however, and the joy of a jury, is that we know better.


  • 再者,即使谙熟俄国东欧事务,那对诸如中东中国拉美等问题又如何呢?

    And even if she is an expert on Russia and Eastern Europe, what about the Middle East, China and Latin America?


  • 谙熟系统测试团队对于书中所讨论方法感到很亲切,有些方法他们也使用过。

    Test teams serious about system testing will recognize and would have experienced most of the practices discussed.


  • 网络推广手段也是众多每个网络推广人都有自己悉的一些有效的推广方法

    Network promotion means is numerous, each network promotion have some effective promotion methods they understand familiar.


  • 对于女人忠诚,人们心照不宣地将标准放得较低,她们附属品,谙熟奴役者的阴谋。

    A woman'sstandard of truthfulness was tacitly held to belower: she was the subject creature, and versed in thearts of the enslaved.


  • 未有独创性学问、未养成思考习惯、未谙熟作文的技巧,因而下定了决心——本书

    Unprovided with original learning, unformed in the habits of thinking, unskilled in the arts of composition, I resolvedto write a book.


  • 高度分布系统中,一个谙熟情况的信息高速公路劫匪为人所知访问机密信息易如反掌。

    In a highly distributed system it would be all too easy for an informed superhighwayman to access confidential information without being seen.


  • 他们前辈相比新生代工人受到了更好教育他们世俗谙熟网络,对生活更多期许

    Compared with their predecessors, the new generation of workers are better educated; they are more worldly, savvy with the Internet, and have higher expectations from life.


  • 结语总结全文客观评价延伸论文主题,论文结论指向铁凝叙事策略谙熟驾轻就熟选择运用上。

    Conclusion and summary text of an objective evaluation, extension thesis, dissertation findings point to Tie the familiar narrative strategies and the use of the home in the choice.


  • 这些谙熟技术志愿机构,紧急开发应用程序提供通信技术以及收集现场信息等方面,再次提供重要支持

    This community of technology-savvy volunteers will again provide its crucial support in emergency applications development, communications, and information gathering on the ground.


  • 另外,我公司谙熟国外药品中国的审批、注册程序成功地协助国外制药企业中国取得药品进口注册证

    Chinese registration procedures for foreign drugs and has successfully assisted many overseas pharmaceutical laboratories to get the Import Drug Licenses in China.


  • 有时这位经验丰富、谙熟这条通往大海运河船长不仅仅参考天气预报根据自己直觉决定是否继续航行

    Sometimes, the experienced captain familiar with the canal extending to the sea will not just refer to the weather forecast but follow his instinct to resolve whether to go on a voyage.


  • 根据多年生活经验只能作这样的总结如果情人谙熟浪漫,一个主妇精通家政,那么,两者的结合值得探讨的。

    From my mountain peak of years of experience, I can only conclude that if a mistress knows more of romance and a wife more of practicalities, there is some wholeness there worth exploring.


  • 喧哗过后舞台独自响起笛音,空灵忧伤只有舞台上那位谙熟乐曲老乐手一知道笛音为而响起。

    Old, is the 10000 alone on the stage after a string noise sounded bang Diyin Emptiness and sadness, who is only familiar with the stage musical of old musicians a person knows that Diyin whom sounded.


  • “讲故事要诀就是故事和患者之间要建立相同性”休斯顿医生,“营销人员早就谙熟道,因此才会在广告看到那么故事。”

    The magic of stories lies in the relatedness they foster,” Dr.Houston said.“Marketers have known this for a long time, which is why you see so many stories in advertisements.


  • “讲故事要诀就是故事和患者之间要建立相同性”休斯顿医生,“营销人员早就谙熟道,因此才会在广告里看到那么故事。”

    The magic of stories lies in the relatedness they foster,” Dr. Houston said. “Marketers have known this for a long time, which is why you see so many stories in advertisements.


  • “讲故事要诀就是故事和患者之间要建立相同性”休斯顿医生,“营销人员早就谙熟道,因此才会在广告里看到那么故事。”

    The magic of stories lies in the relatedness they foster,” Dr. Houston said. “Marketers have known this for a long time, which is why you see so many stories in advertisements.


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