• 介绍种单电流型整流器运用特定谐波消除技术消除5次7谐波

    This paper introduces a single-bridge current source rectifier, which eliminates 5th and 7th harmonics adopting the technology of Selective Harmonic Elimination(SHE).


  • 针对数字控制技术特点,分析选择性谐波消除理论计算结果实际开关角数字控制结果出现偏差时,对逆变输出电压谐波含量的影响

    This paper analyzes the influence of the error between the calculated results by selective harmonic elimination and the digit_controlled results on the output of inverter.


  • 利用组合扫描压制谐波干扰基本思想就是合理地设计各个子扫描达到消除谐波干扰目的。

    The basic idea using array sweeping to suppress harmonic interference is to reasonably design each sub-sweeping frequency band that can reach the goal of elimination of harmonic interference.


  • 消除转矩脉动可以通过对定子电流加入谐波的方式完成。

    A pulsating torque component can be compensated by inject a selected harmonic component to the phase current.


  • 文中分析了电力系统谐波来源及其产生的影响危害总结了相应消除对策抑制的方法措施等。

    The paper analyzes the sources and impact and hazard of power system's harmonic and summarizes the corresponding eliminating solutions and restraining measures.


  • 谐波研究电能质量领域一个重要课题研究领域包括谐波分析检测技术以及消除策略

    The study of harmonics is a very important topic for electric power quality. Research topics include harmonic source analysis and efforts, measurement technology and elimination strategy.


  • APF消除谐波补偿少量负载不平衡或由于TBC二进制条件不能消除功率因数

    The APF eliminates the harmonics and compensates the small amounts of load unbalances of power factor that the TBC cannot eliminate due to its binary condition.


  • 另一个重要因素消除谐波回声更高频率导致更多细节仍然是平滑自然声音

    Another vital element is the removal of harmonic echoes in the higher frequencies, which result in a lot more detail and still a smoother and more natural sound.


  • 对于SPWM逆变,采用数字电路实现SPWM触发脉冲生成,在消除谐波提高开关频率简化电路结构,提高集成度和可靠性等方面,取得了很好的效果。

    The digital circuits are introduced in the SPWM inversion, which have brought the elimination of harmonics, high switching frequency, simplified circuits and high reliability.


  • 研究随动系统中SCR调速装置在电流消除谐波并使供电装置负载能力提高方法

    We have studied the method of eliminating the harmonic wave of SCR regulating-speed device a servosystem and increasing its power supply unit' s loading ability when its current is large.


  • 这个缓冲吸收器可以明显地消除半导体开关导通截止切换时输出波形中的谐波成分

    This snubber could obviously snub the harmonics in the output waveform which would appear when the switching devices are shifted from on to off.


  • 通过选择合适控制增益,即可系统其它部分仍存在振荡的情况下,可以消除谐波干扰,使系统的输出趋于收敛,达到稳定。

    By properly choosing the control gains, the output tends to a standstill while the other parts of the system oscillate in such a way as to counteract the harmonic disturbance.


  • 设计实验系统用来消除谐波负载产生的谐波影响。

    A combined power filter test system is designed, which is used to clean up harmonics of harmonic load.


  • 设计电流模脉冲宽度调制直流转换器时,人们广泛采用斜坡补偿电路来消除谐波振荡

    In the design of current-mode PWM DC-DC converters, the slope compensation method is widely used to prevent sub-harmonic oscillation.


  • 理论上算法可以消除任意衰减时间常数直流分量所求各次谐波分量的影响

    In theory, the influence of the exponential DC component on the fundamental wave component with random decay time constant can be completely eliminated with the algorithm.


  • 采用有源滤波器就地吸收谐波产生谐波电流消除或限制电力系统谐波污染有效的措施。

    The active power Filter, which can compensate simultaneously the harmonics and reactive power of non-linear loads, is good method to eliminate the harmonic pollution in power system.


  • 仿真实验研究证明这种电力有源滤波器能够消除谐波电流型负载产生的无功电流和谐波电流。

    The simulation and experimental results demonstrate that the proposed system can compensate harmonic current and reactive current generated by harmonic current source loads.


  • KIWA综合节电装置独特结构形式通过调整相电流电压平衡消除电网谐波

    KIWA synthetic power saver with his unique structure form eliminates higher harmonic of the electrical network by way of the balance in adjusting three-phase current and voltage.


  • 实验结果来看,有源滤波器系统能够有效消除非线性负载产生谐波大大降低谐波电网造成危害

    From the experimental results, the active filter system can effectively eliminates the harmonics generated by the nonlinear load, greatly reduces the harm caused by harmonics on the grid.


  • 传统多级方案相比多级电压注入的优点在于使用相对较少开关元件达到消除谐波的目的。

    The multi-level voltage reinjection concept makes it possible for a converter to provide acceptable harmonic reduction with fewer switching components than the conventional multi-level schemes.


  • IGBT逆变作用提供基波电压补偿功率,MOSFET逆变器则实现消除谐波电流功能。

    The function of the IGBT inverter is to support utility fundamental voltage and to compensate the reactive power. The MOSFET inverter fulfills the function of harmonic current compensation.


  • FFT值检测法相比方法消除fft算法频谱泄露提高谐波检测精度,且适用含有非整数次谐波的信号。

    Comparing with the FFT and the amplitude measure arithmetic, the novel method can avoid the spectrum leakage and fence effect in ideal extent and improve the precision of harmonics measurement.


  • 2008年签订5年研究项目目的消除谐波失真

    The year 2008 concluded a 5-year research project with the aim of neutralizing higher order harmonic distortion.


  • 为了消除单相电压型PWM整流器输出二次谐波影响,经常接入电感电容组成的二次吸收回路,本文对于二次吸收回路的参数选取和运用效果进行了研究。

    In order to eliminate the second-harmonics in the output side of single-phase PWM rectifier, the filter circuit consisting of an inductor and a capacitor is often used.


  • 为了消除单相电压型PWM整流器输出二次谐波影响,经常接入电感电容组成的二次吸收回路,本文对于二次吸收回路的参数选取和运用效果进行了研究。

    In order to eliminate the second-harmonics in the output side of single-phase PWM rectifier, the filter circuit consisting of an inductor and a capacitor is often used.


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