• 采煤工作生产过程需要进行回采

    A coal mining face would be required to have a face adjusted mining during the coal production process.


  • 的无酵抹油的无酵薄饼;这都要做成

    And from fine wheat flour, without yeast, make bread, and cakes mixed with oil, and wafers spread with oil.


  • 拍摄首饰用光必须一灯,对首饰切割光线也要做到

    Lighting jewelry is done one light at a time, and one facet or surface at a time. Some pieces can require up to a dozen lights and reflecting CARDS.


  • ’当安息日没有残疾一岁公羊羔,并用伊法十分之二为素,又将的奠祭献上。

    On the Sabbath day, make an offering of two lambs a year old without defect, together with its drink offering and a grain offering of two-tenths of an ephah of fine flour mixed with oil.


  • 只羊羔伊法十分之一作为馨香祭,是献给耶和华祭。

    And a several tenth deal of flour mingled with oil for a meat offering unto one lamb; for a burnt offering of a sweet savour, a sacrifice made by fire unto the LORD.


  • 物为素就要无酵

    If your grain offering is prepared on a griddle, it is to be made of fine flour mixed with oil, and without yeast.


  • 的素祭的细,为公牛要献伊法十分之三。为只公羊要献伊法十分之二。

    And their meat offering shall be of flour mingled with oil, three tenth deals to a bullock, and two tenth deals to one ram.


  • 其它最新变化都是RC2完成,诸如“请求伪造保护改进ActiveRecord连接代码优。

    Some last minute changes were done in RC2, namely the improvement of the request forgery protection and tuning of the ActiveRecord connection pooling code.


  • 素祭,为公牛伊法十分之三;为一只羊要献伊法十分之二;

    With the bull prepare a grain offering of three-tenths of an ephah of fine flour mixed with oil; with the ram, two-tenths;


  • 十三公牛只要献伊法十分之三;为那羊,每只要献伊法十分之二;

    With each of the thirteen bulls prepare a grain offering of three-tenths of an ephah of fine flour mixed with oil; with each of the two rams, two-tenths;


  • 只羊羔要伊法十分之一作为素馨香献给耶和华祭。

    And with each lamb, a grain offering of a tenth of an ephah of fine flour mixed with oil. This is for a burnt offering, a pleasing aroma, an offering made to the Lord by fire.


  • ,就是伊法十分之二,作为麝香的献给耶和华;同献的祭,要四分之一

    Together with its grain offering of two-tenths of an ephah of fine flour mixed with oil-an offering made to the Lord by fire, a pleasing aroma-and its drink offering of a quarter of a hin of wine.


  • 素祭公牛要献伊法十分之三。

    And their meat offering shall be of flour mingled with oil, three tenth deals for a bullock, and two tenth deals for a ram.


  • 同献。为十三只公牛只要献伊法十分之三。

    And their meat offering shall be of flour mingled with oil, three tenth deals unto every bullock of the thirteen bullocks, two tenth deals to each ram of the two RAMS.


  • 你的祭品烤盘素祭,该用油酵细做成

    If thy oblation be from the frying pan, of flour tempered with oil, and without leaven.


  • 准备好的一包糯米倒入一个较大里,倒入十分之七的温水,把这个均匀后放好。

    First prepared a pack of glutinous rice bowl. Pour into a large bowl or in a seven over ten of warm water, turn the face evenly.


  • 休市时60分钟技术掉头向下线技术呈现上攻乏力午后几率很大

    In closing, 60-minute technical side turns down, date line technical side is weak, which shows big chance to back bounce.


  • 求算了巷道恒定时岩体温度、岩体与空气稳态热交换系数围岩圈厚度

    The temperature of tunnel wall, coefficient of unsteady heat exchange and thickness of heat-adjusting layer at constant air temperature in a tunnel are calculated.


  • 通过综采工作斜回采总结分析,为综采工作减少搬家次数及转采提供了借鉴经验

    The slope adjustment mining are analyzed. The production experience of reducing frequency of fully mechanized mining coal work-face removing is provided.


  • 主要理念程序人员考察对接”在现实如何运行。

    This chapter mainly investigate the present situation of the "Docking litigation and conciliation" mechanism from the ways of principle, procedure, personnel.


  • 本文讨论了各种深度基准改正数在浙江沿海分布场,并了各改正数的分布图

    We have also discussed the scatter fields about correction of sounding data and have drawn their scatter diagrams along the Zhejiang coast.


  • 针对顶液压机温度控制存在精度、抗干扰性差等问题,设计一种功率控制的器。

    Due to the temperature control of current cubic hinge apparatus has low precision and poor anti-interference and other disadvantage, a power regulator with the constant power control was designed.


  • ,为公牛要献伊法十分之三。

    With each of the thirteen bulls prepare a grain offering of three-tenths of an ephah of fine flour mixed with oil;


  • 清水稀释剂,比例清水稀,搅均使用;

    Dilute painting with water in proportion of three parts of painting to one part of water;


  • 清水稀释剂,比例清水稀,搅均使用;

    Dilute painting with water in proportion of three parts of painting to one part of water;


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