• 联盟最棒的4号维茨基,原因就是他这次季后赛中的疯狂表演

    Marlon Elliott, via Facebook: The best 4 in the league is Dirk Nowitzki for reasons all on display during the playoffs.


  • 普瓦捷大学古灵长目动物古人类研究所主任帕特里克.维格诺德告诉BBC新闻这些猫科动物和现在的狮子差不多大小

    Patrick Vignaud, director of Poitier University's Institute of Palaeo-primatology and Human Palaeontology, told BBC News the cats were about the same size as modern lions.


  • 克·维斯基带领着达拉斯小牛夺得球队第一个NBA冠军因为突出表现获得MVP称号

    Dirk Nowitzki was named MVP of the NBA Finals for his huge role in leading the Dallas Mavericks to their first championship.


  • 这样将会给我们的揭幕战增添一些别样的趣味的,尤其是维斯基勒布朗等人面前领取自己的总冠军戒指

    Such a rematch would add a little extra spice to opening night, especially if Dirk received his ring right in front of LeBron before tipoff.


  • 布莱恩特达拉斯小牛队的大前锋克·维茨基NBA球员当中仅有他们的合同拥有交易否决权的球员。

    Bryant and Dallas Mavericks forward Dirk Nowitzki are the only NBA players with no-trade clauses in their contracts.


  • 维斯不会再次体现自己的真男人,真性情呢,或者科比好友卡龙巴特勒如果继续签约小牛的话,证明如果自己健康的,那么小牛湖人更强大?

    Will Dirk Nowitzki send a "I'm the man now, dog" message, or will Kobe's friend Caron Butler, if re-signed, demonstrate that when he's healthy, the Mavericks are still better than the Lakers?


  • 基恩 布努 波党克 圣-萨尔维印度洋法国海军指挥官说道飞机科摩罗海岸线以北15公里8海里)处坠落。

    Gen Bruno de Bourdoncle de Saint-Salvy, French naval commander in the indian Ocean, said the plane had come down about 15km (eight nautical miles) north of the Comoran coast.


  • 克·萨斯人第四最后6钟时发现自己落后15分,而此时克•维茨基正鼓舞着球队来惊天大反击。

    The Texans found themselves 15 points down with just over six minutes left on the clock in the fourth quarter, when Dirk Nowitski inspired a stunning fightback.


  • 维茨基一次成为英雄,他全场得到29带领小牛队以112-103第五战中击败热火,以总比分3-2在这场7局4胜制系列赛中取得领先。

    Dirk Nowitzki was again the hero, notching 29 points as the Mavs ran out 112-103 winners in Game 5 to take a 3-2 lead in the seven-game series.


  • 小牛队通过特里猛烈得分明星前锋维茨基掀起的高昂的气势赢得比赛

    The Mavs used furious scoring barrages by Terry and weathered an uneven game by star forward Dirk Nowitzki to win the game.


  • 认为既然阿纳金身份出现某个角度来说,卢克说真话

    Since, Kenobi reasoned, Anakin ceased to be upon the emergence of Vader, what he told Luke was true, from a certain point of view.


  • 这场决斗甚至打到了斯塔法燃烧地表熔岩漂浮自动平台顶部进行光剑对决。

    The duel spilled over onto Mustafar's fiery surface, with Kenobi and Vader clashing atop automated platforms floating on the molten rivers of lava.


  • 击败留下这位黑暗尊主斯塔法的熔岩河岸上等死

    Kenobi bested Vader, leaving the Dark Lord to die on the Mustafar river Banks.


  • 斯塔法星球欧比万·克决斗时身受重创,如今只能依靠这套服装内的各种装置维持生命,可说是“三分人类,七分机器”。

    Critically injured in a lightsaber battle with Obi-Wan Kenobi on Mustafar, Vader became "more machine than man, " kept alive only by the devices built into his suit.


  • 在前往塔图因星球寻找比—万·克比将军的途中,莱娅飞船遭到帝国袭击,她自己大人俘虏

    En route to the planet Tatooine to find General Obi-Wan Kenobi, Leia's ship was attacked by Imperial forces, and she was taken prisoner by Lord Darth Vader.


  • 为了牵制其他人逃脱牺牲了自己

    As a diversionary tactic to help the others escape, Kenobi sacrificed himself to Vader.


  • 其他三名小牛前锋克-维茨基爵士后卫·威廉姆斯马刺队的前锋蒂姆·邓肯。

    Joining them were Dallas forward Dirk Nowitzki, Utah guard Deron Williams and San Antonio forward Tim Duncan.


  • 克-维茨基这家伙简直是台机器只要没有比赛投篮训练,每天都会力量

    Dirk Nowitkzi-The guy is just a machine, he goes to the gym every night if he does not have a game and practices shooting.


  • 投篮受到了不小影响单人防守下126而在对手包夹协防维斯基6次出手命中球。

    This allows shooting by Dirk no small influence in the single defense, Dirk shot in 6 of 12, while opponents have double-team or defense in when Nowitzki hit just one of the 6 shots.


  • 忽略本赛季MVP领先者欧洲顶尖篮球运动员,没有降低则广告的号召力(如果克参与其中的话,)这则广告可能会提高维茨基在赛场内外的影响力。

    The omission of the MVP front-runner and Europe's top basketball export doesn't diminish the spot's appeal. But it probably could have helped Nowitzki's.


  • 忽略本赛季MVP领先者欧洲顶尖篮球运动员,没有降低则广告的号召力(如果克参与其中的话,)这则广告可能会提高维茨基在赛场内外的影响力。

    The omission of the MVP front-runner and Europe's top basketball export doesn't diminish the spot's appeal. But it probably could have helped Nowitzki's.


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