• 这些做法听起来很无稽达林先生没有说明如何评估执行不同资本要求

    This all sounds plausible. But Mr Darling failed to explain how those varying capital requirements will be assessed and applied.


  • 每个人都必须自己所有技能市场需求及可转移作出评估,”霍兰先生,“人力资本正好完全金融业为依托。”

    "Everyone has to make the assessment of how marketable their skill set is or how transferable," Mr. Horan said. "My human capital is squarely tied to the financial industry."


  • 许多潜在来源需要我们去调查包括资本需求评估杠杆作用银行补偿方案和准备金制度

    A number of potential sources need to be investigated, including capital requirements, valuation and leverage, Banks' compensation schemes and provisioning regimes.


  • 美国金融系统正在经历一次根本性评估,以便为资本杠杆以及利率确定可接受水平

    America's financial system is undergoing a radical reassessment of what are acceptable levels of capital, leverage and interest rates.


  • 银行本次出售不是上周分析师评估银行提高资本吸收亏损做出的反应。

    The bank said the sale was not a reaction to analyst estimates over the last week that it would need to raise capital to absorb those losses.


  • 成本评估应当所有受影响领域中围绕着初始成本运行成本来进行,包括资本项目开支项目。

    Cost estimates should encompass initial and ongoing costs within all affected areas, including both capital and expense items.


  • 强项尤其是提升银行资本方面同样也反映出能够解决美国自身危机初期问题的官方评估

    His priorities, notably boosting bank capital, also reflect official assessments of what worked in America in the earlier phases of its own crisis.


  • 金融危机期间,随着大多数投资者诉诸更多基本会计信息评估银行偿付能力,银行资本标准信心全面流失了。

    During the crisis there was a total loss of confidence in Banks' capital standards, with most investors resorting to more basic accounting information to measure solvency.


  • 银行资本充足率进行评估已经变得搞清这些银行暴露不良信贷下的风险一样困难。

    ASSESSING Banks' capital adequacy has become almost as tortured as trying to work out their exposures to toxic credit.


  • 公司根据系统开发成本以及追加资本成本评估风险作出了一个有信息支持决策

    The company assessed the risk in terms of system development cost versus additional capital costs, and made an informed decision.


  • 自己作为企业家,企业家讲师以及资本投机家的经历告诉稀缺最有价值的东西头脑发热时冷静评估自我诚实的精神,就像炎炎夏日时的冷水淋浴一样。

    My experience as entrepreneur, entrepreneur educator, and venture capitalist tells me that the more scarce and valuable commodity is cold-shower-self-honesty.


  • 探讨人力资本产权特性对人力资本评估影响未来人力资本评估工作进行展望。

    This article explores the influence of property right on human capital valuation, and forecasts how to valuate human capital in the future.


  • 我们运用多种多样评估技术包括有收益资产价值现金流以及资本成本计量

    A variety of valuation techniques are used, including earnings, asset value, cashflow and cost of capital measurements.


  • 随后实物期权广泛运用资本预算价值评估领域相比传统资本预算模型DCF)具有无比优越性

    Subsequently, real option is widely exercised in capital budgeting and value evaluating and shows tremendous superiority compared to the traditional capital budget model(DCF).


  • 评估生命价值常用两种方法人力资本支付意愿法。

    The most commonly used methods to evaluate the value of a statistical life (VSL) are human capital (HK) approach and willingness to pay (WTP) approach.


  • 借入数目最大额度进行固定资本评估之后来定

    Borrows after the number biggest specified amount must carry on its fixed capital the appraisal, decides.


  • 不仅银行资本充足状况进行监督,还要对银行风险内控制度建立完善以及风险的评估体系进行持续的监管

    Not only the condition of capital sufficiency but also the establishment, perfection of the banks' interior risk control system and the risk assessment system are under continuous supervision.


  • 如何科学分析评估核心员工能力素质利用稳定管理模式充分发挥人力资本价值成为饭店经营管理者共同关注问题

    How to analyze and evaluate the core ability of stable quality and employee management mode, give full play to the value of human capital, hotel management problems of common concern.


  • 巴塞尔资本协议信用风险评估使用数据明确规定我国银行业目前所积累数据还不能达到协议的要求

    The needs of the data for credit assessment has been specified in New Basel Capital Accord, but the data used in Chinese banks cannot meet these needs.


  • 研究继续评估PR作用特定社交网站,在培育社会资本利益相关者过程发挥作用。

    The study will then go on to assess the role PR, and in particular SNSs, have in cultivating social capital and the role stakeholders play in this process.


  • 应用人力资本(HCA)评估华北典型高产粮区地下水资源硝酸盐污染价值损失

    The human capital approach (HCA) was applied to valuate the loses of groundwater source pollution by nitrate in the typical high-yielding farming region North China.


  • 当我评估公司时,总是自己一个问题假如足够资本熟练技巧人员,我如何之竞争

    One question I always ask myself in appraising a business is how I would like, assuming I had ample capital and skilled personnel, to compete with it.


  • 第三部分比较分析西方商业银行经济资本配置绩效评估

    The third part of this paper compares the economic capital allocation and performance evaluation of the western commercial Banks.


  • 绩效评估高校衡量人力资本投入产出比率价值尺度公平竞争管理准则

    Performance assessment is a value for measuring input and output of human resources, and a management rule for fair competition.


  • 资本基础现代商业银行绩效评估体系有效促进了商业银行经营理念增长方式转变

    Taking capital as the foundation of performance appraisal system in modern commercial bank can effectively promote the transformation of bank's management idea and growth way.


  • 生命价值定义为基础给出人力资本计算方法及其优缺点;认为支付意愿方法为生命价值评估主流方法。

    The calculation of human capital approach and its advantages and disadvantages are presented based on the concept of the value of a statistical life (VSL).


  • 资本溢价、股本溢价、接受捐赠资产评估增值外币折算差额原因形成的。

    It is formed due to several reasons capital stock premium, present acceptance assets assessment appreciation and foreign currency converting difference, and so on.


  • 确定评估组织提供资金主要来源了解组织资本结构主要决定因素风险这些姿势的组织。

    Identify and evaluate the main sources of funds available to an organization and understand the key determinants of an organization's capital structure and the risks these pose to the organization.


  • 确定评估组织提供资金主要来源了解组织资本结构主要决定因素风险这些姿势的组织。

    Identify and evaluate the main sources of funds available to an organization and understand the key determinants of an organization's capital structure and the risks these pose to the organization.


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